Muslims murder Christians

Nigerian government retaliates. Obama administration’s response?
U.S. Urges Nigeria Show ‘Restraint’ in Striking Back Against Islamic Militants
On May 18, Nigerian war planes “struck militant camps in the northeast” in an attempt to stem the growing tide of Islamic terrorists in the area. The U.S. quickly warned that Nigeria needs to be sure “to respect human rights and not harm civilians.”…’
Funny, I don’t recall the U.S. warning Nigeria that Christian citizens should be protected against islamist murderers…..

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10 Responses to Muslims murder Christians

  1. mawm says:

    Wow! That is a big surprise. :roll:

    It is really funny how the non-muslim president is so quick to jump to the defence of islamists, and how Christianity is put in its place time and time again.

    • Dallas says:

      Everything Obama does and says is as an Islamist, and the American foreign policy would be a comedy if it didn’t have such tragic consequence. Better that Obama say nothing to the Nigerian government.

  2. Brown says:

    Nigeria should fight this on non religious grounds – its about law and order first and without that you don’t have a civilisation at all.

    As a Christian this gives comfort. Persecution was a promise from a long time ago and it reinforces for some Christians that Christianity has something the secular hate (absolutes about right and wrong) and the opposition can’t stand because Christianity has a better package than them. If it was all bollocks why would they bother?

    The secular and liberal will be having a quiet poke at us in NZ soon. It won’t start out as violent but it will still be nasty enough. The church will survive, a few of the faithful always remain. That doesn’t mean I’d go quietly into the night although I’m told to if persecution is because of my faith. I’ll work that out at the time.

  3. Michael in Nelson says:

    Like others here, I know this is not a surprise. Obama is a (I don’t know the proper term) fifth columnist muslim. The scandals ripping the US apart at the moment are only the surface whilst the true cause goes undeclared….Obama is aiding and abetting the establishment of the worldwide Islamic caliphate. :evil:

    • KG says:

      Absolutely. The islamist movements have made huge gains under this scumbag of a President.
      Now they’re talking about aiding the Syrian “rebels”, which are Al Queda front groups.
      And didn’t things turn out well in Egypt, when everybody was blathering about the “Arab spring”?

      • thor42 says:


        I don’t know if it could ever happen, but I would **SO** like to see Allen West as the POTUS!
        Now *there* is a bright, hard-arsed guy who tells it like it is when it comes to Islam and Muslims.

        • KG says:

          I agree about West, Thor, but it would take more than one man to turn back the totalitarian juggernaut.

          • The Gantt Guy says:

            Dan Greenfield had an excellent article the other day about why we shouldn’t put our trust in politicians – any politicians.

            “What we need are not leaders, but organizations that are better at holding politicians accountable.

            Hunting for principled politicians is like searching for buried treasure. It’s nice if we find some, but we can’t assume that we will.”

            Not suggesting Col. West isn’t a man of principle; I believe he is. I’m (like Greenfield) suggesting that no matter who we send to Congress, Whitehall, Canberra or the Beehive, it is we who are in charge and we need to be a lot better organised to ensure those we send remember that.

  4. KG says:

    “ matter who we send to Congress, Whitehall, Canberra or the Beehive, it is we who are in charge and we need to be a lot better organised to ensure those we send remember that.”

  5. mawm says:

    Heh GG! How about ……but armed organizations that are better at holding politicians accountable.

    Politicians no longer serve their electorate and can no longer held accountable by their electorate. Instead they serve their political party. MMP has made it particularly obvious that it is just a rush to get the numbers at election time and then do what they want. Key, Gillard and Cameron have been standouts in the way they have gone against election promises and in ignoring public opinion. The US system is unfathomable as to whom the President is really accountable to – maybe just his reelection team? This particular president bears no accountability at all and has set up a system of people around him doing the work (and thus they will ultimately take the blame) while he lazes the days away.