”A SERVING British soldier was hacked to death in south east London metres away from his barracks by two machete-wielding men ranting we swear by almighty Allah we will never stop fighting you.
In extraordinary broad daylight scenes in Woolwich, the men allegedly tried to hack the man’s head off and have their own crime filmed then waited 20 minutes for police to turn up before charging at them with meat cleavers, knives and a hand gun.
Both men, shouting Allah Akbar or God is great in Arabic, were shot by police snipers, including a female officer, and were this morning (AEST) in hospital under guard in a serious but stable condition.
…”We have suffered these attacks before, we have always beaten them back,” Mr Cameron said. “We will not be cowed, we will never buckle.”…’
Daily Mail
“We”? What’s the “we”, Cameron? You and your slimy ilk cower behind layers of security while you have the fucking nerve to try and sound Churchillian. You and the rest of political scum who have enabled this–nay, facilitated and encouraged it–will, I pray to God, one day pay the price.
And on that day, when a Breivik finds YOUR children or the islamists do a Beslan on YOUR children, you’ll know what hell looks like.
The emasculated people you’ve disarmed won’t rise up and hang you and your accomplices, but others may do the job. The others that you have placed above your duty to the English people.
And if that happens, on that day I’ll raise a glass to my enemy for taking out the trash.
Leftists/”progressives”/socialists are not welcome here. Pay for your own soapbox.
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I am too angry and too distressed to comment, other than to say that any residual sense of moderation I may once have had now no longer exists.
Welcome to my world, Seneca.
Religion of peace?
How many more outrages before the sheep wake up?
They rape their children and kill their soldiers, they sponge off a system they have not paid one penny to put in place, they do not integrate, they mock the laws…………. and still they are allowed to pour into the country. Does not one politician have the balls to say “Enough, not one more”!
I see Sweden is currently also experiencing the benefits of multiculturism.
When do we march Crusaders
This is weird, but I was watching ARN on Netflix, a Swedish mini-series about a Templar knight who fights for the Cross in the Holy Land during the 11th century, and then clicked on a link that had a story about the British soldier who was sliced and diced by Muzbots in London.
Not much has changed in 1,000 years except the Muzbots are killing Christians on our soil.
This is true; however they VOTE LABOUR
Do you think the Labour Party in Britain, the Democrat Party in America and the Labor Party in Australia would allow illegal aliens to flood the Anglosphere without a Quid Pro Quo
“We let you in the country, you vote for us.” — It’s as simple as that…
….and McConnell and Cameron and Keys are just going to allow them to continue pouring in and getingt welfare right from the get go.
Why did the police “snipers” leave these two shitbags alive?
And as for that twat Cameron, even one of Churchill’s farts would have more depth than anything he’s got to say.
The FBI, on the other hand, show us the right way to deal with Muzbot terrorists – first, interrogate them- second, shoot them
Hours old and the liberal MSM here in New Zealand is now toning down the reports.
They’re still running with the graphic pics of the bloodied murdering thug with the tools of trade in his hands but are now referring to him as a ‘suspect’ in the ‘alleged terror attack’. crime. At least the Herald has finally referred to the two butchers as ‘Islamic terrorists’.
And all the kipper pollies are interested in is seeing if Mr Plod could have got there any faster.
.crime. should have read
Normal crims do not run down the road yelling ‘allah akbar’.
Censorship ain’t working well in Kiwi, heh
The socialists are losing their touch

One would think that eventually ordinary people will just have to stand up to these people. It will have to get much worse that it is at present but eventually it will happen – you can only push so far.
I agree.
At present the white middle people in the Anglosphere countries – Australia, New Zealand, USA, UK, Canada – don’t have their backs against the wall.
Yes, the economies aren’t in boom, but they aren’t doing so bad….no mass unemployment, no food shortage, everyone is housed, etc. – and they have their toys: nice cars, mobile phones, ipads, etc. – in fact, money to burn on vacations.
…and the currency is more or less stable.
The wild card in all of these is the coming “economic correction” when someone discovers are dollars and pounds are fiat money – and worthless pieces of paper and digits in a computer.
Then comes the almost inevitable collapse…maybe not the is year, or next year, but it’s coming soon, just like summer.
And then?
KG is of the mind that everyone is most likely sit on their butts and do nothing when they lose all those nice toys and accept meekly tyranny and starvation – my take is that the formerly nice white middle class people are gonna go absolutely ape – and they will become quickly radicalized…revolutionary… and they will look for enemies and paybacks – and there are plenty of Ronbos waiting in the wings to point the way to bloody revenge.
And then?
If history is a teacher they go against the ruling classes and their pets – pets like the Muslims – who they already hate, especially in America “Remember 9/11, heh
Since 9/11 America has killed at low estimate 300,000 Muslims and the high estimate is 3,000,000 in our wars in Iraq and Afghanistan – and this estimate doesn’t include the impressive body count of our Australian, Canadian and British allies.
I think history will call this crusade – the Third World War.
I offer this link with no comment of my own, but a quote from it below:.
“Already a man has been arrested in Braintree Wednesday night for allegedly attempting to commit arson against a Muslim prayer center and knife possession in the wake of the murder of the soldier, … … ‘ “
Another quote from the same link ….
“The group often responds to incidents of violence tied to Muslims”
Who else responds?
They are the ONLY group that has the guts to respond to this.
“They are the ONLY group that has the guts to respond to this.”
Islam has *never* been stopped by people sitting in circles and singing “Kumbaya”. It is only EVER stopped by killing a thousand (or a million) Muslims for every one of your own who is killed.
Gasoline and matches are still legal in GB,now is the time to start burning Mosques,preferably while they are occupied.Kill every god dammed one of the filthy vermin.
The filthy POS on the video was right about one thing-“remove your government,they don’t care about you”
Notice also when seconds counted the police where 20 minutes away.You liberal vermin in Labour and Democrat parties,see what your handy work has done?That soldiers blood is on your hands
Delay caused by multi tasking – checking MOT’s on the way to make some bucks for welfare for immigrants. See, money goes round and keeps plod in a job no matter what.
@Darin – “Notice also when seconds counted the police where 20 minutes away.You liberal vermin in Labour and Democrat parties,see what your handy work has done?That soldiers blood is on your hands.”
Yes, it is.
**NOTHING** could make tomorrow morning sweeter for me than waking up to hear that the UK is in full-blown civil war – locals against the muzzbot scum.
My view is that in such a war, the UK police would be part of *the enemy.* They have been so dhimmified that they would be fighting on the side of the muzzbots.
As for the armed forces? Hard to say. They could go either way, or they could split – some pro-muzzbot, some anti.
**NOTHING** could make tomorrow morning sweeter for me than waking up to hear that the UK is in full-blown civil war – locals against the muzzbot scum. ”
Thor I am several generations removed from my ancestry,but if civil war did break out in GB I would cross the pond and join in.British culture is worth saving,if only the British would realise this themselves.
“I am several generations removed from my ancestry,but if civil war did break out in GB I would cross the pond and join in.British culture is worth saving,if only the British would realise this themselves.”
Tell me again why musloids are permitted in any civilised country? FFS…
And who is responsible for the riots in Stockholm mmmmm???
Yep – the “religion” of “peace” again……
Michael any “right thinking” South African will tell you Sweden is only reaping what it has sown. Guess who was in the forefront of sacrificing the whites?
I say fuck them- now the shoe is on the other foot.
Roll up! roll up! get your nice shiney Enoch Powell t shirt here , roll up!…
Oh sorry,
Powell was too principled a man, George, to associate with the likes of Cameron.
Put your ear close to his grave and you’d hear the sound of laughter–or weeping.
I thought exactly the same this morning. What is this ‘WE’ shit!!!
“Cry havoc and let loose the dogs of ###WAR###.”
Time was, that would have happened, Thor.
Time was….
If that soldier was my kin ,then I think the “Keyser Söze” treatment is the way I would go.
you know ..their family ,friends ,people that lent them money, so-on.
Take one of mine then I’ll take 50 of theirs…ensure to terminate all of their genetic line. Don’t think their supporters would actually get the message though and some say revenge will eventually destroy you ..I have never had a issue with it.[only getting caught]…..my list is growing..
Richard says:
“Tell me again why musloids are permitted in any civilised country? FFS…”
I told you earlier they vote for the Leftist political parties in Anglosphere nations like Britain.
Also, the Left in the West needs an ignorant, emotional and violent underclass that is dependent on government welfare – In Third Reich terms, storm troopers, willing to turn the streets into anarchy at the drop of a hat.
Great minds think alike!
“**NOTHING** could make tomorrow morning sweeter for me than waking up to hear that the UK is in full-blown civil war – locals against the muzzbot scum.
My view is that in such a war, the UK police would be part of *the enemy.* They have been so dhimmified that they would be fighting on the side of the muzzbots.
As for the armed forces? Hard to say. They could go either way, or they could split – some pro-muzzbot, some anti.”
I’ve said the same sort of things since 2005 about what I think will become a Second U.S. Civil War out of the current events of today – and I’ve also said such an outbreak of revenge on the part of the long suffering middle class of America will spread to the world.
Of course, the civil wars against the Traitor Left and Muslims could start in Britain then spread to America and the world.
“All is not lost, the unconquerable will, and study of revenge, immortal hate, and the courage never to submit or yield.” –Milton
“revenge will only destroy you” is bullshit propagated by ball-less people and repeated by idiots.
The human brain is hard-wired for revenge (that’s a fact) and vengeance, properly carried out, is deeply satisfying.
I hear you KG.
Clinically executed Revenge is one of those lifetime achievements that make for warm cloaked comfort in one’s old age.
“..Tho’ much is taken, much abides; and tho’
We are not now that strength which in old days
Moved earth and heaven, that which we are, we are;
One equal temper of heroic hearts,
Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will
To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.”
There are still those among us–mostly old now–who will not be cowed. And we are more dangerous than our masters and their yapping jackals know.
Cameron: a puffy-faced twat trying to sound like Mrs Thatcher. (I bet he even practised in the mirror beforehand.)
A putrid symbol of broken country.
“We” indeed…..
A sorry sack of shit
The once great British Conservative Party that saved Western Civilization in 1940 from the Nazis has degenerated to chicken shit scum like Cameron.
“Dear Prime Minister Cameron: Do the people of Britain a favor and blow your useless head off your shoulders tonight. You sir, are a waste of oxygen.”
What WILL the tipping point finally be. I’m very interested in folks here’s opinions, as it is a part of the book I’m working on.
A useful parallel is the Roman Mob imo. The tipping point will be:
The effective collapse of the welfare state due to a dire, no-return economic crisis and/or a game changing externality (e.g. a global pandemic, the arrival of Attila the Hun at the city walls) which nobbles society as we know it.
Welfare is the only thing keeping the lid on. It’s a social bribe paid to the feral to prevent them from going planet of the apes. Once the free money dries up, she’s all hell’s a poppin’.
Bread and circuses then. Welfare, booze, drugs, sport, gaming consoles and television today. Q.E.D.
“Welfare is the only thing keeping the lid on. It’s a social bribe paid to the feral to prevent them from going planet of the apes.”
Absolutely. And the victims of these fuckers are the ones who foot the bill for the bribe.
That’s how to destroy the middle class, eh?
My opinion of the “tipping-point”?
A muzzbot doing a Beslan-type slaughter of schoolchildren in a Western city. Maybe even hitting several schools at once.
It is unbelievable that something like that would be needed to wake the masses up, but I honestly don’t see anything *less* than that doing it.
I think it’s impossible to predict, Oswald. But IF it happens, my money would be on a muslim riot getting out of control and the reaction to that, spreading too fast for the police to keep a lid on.
At this point,I don’t think the Muslims setting off a Nuke in a western city would do it.The majority has lost all sense of righteous outrage and common sense.
Take the example of the Fort Hood Shooter.All this time the bastard is still being paid,he still hasn’t gone to trial and the victims families have still not received any of the benefits owed to them.It’s still classed by the government as “workplace violence” which is completely upside down and backward.
If all were right Hassan would have never been in the military,would have never committed the attack or at the very least would have already been hung by now,but instead we have this stupidity we are forced to endure.
People have simply been overwhelmed by the speed and scale of the outrages. A cultural Blitzkrieg.
I think everyone here is on the same page as old Ronbo:
1. The only thing keeping the ruling elite safe is ye olde welfare check, because….
2. When the welfare benefits stop the barbarians go Hun and attack their betters…
3. And since the checks have stopped, the police and the military have went home on leave…
4. Which means…
We The People do some serious house cleaning

British culture is codified within the strands of British DNA…. It is racial in origin, AngloSaxon, Kelt, Pict and similar, although the media try to make us believe otherwise.
But say so publicly and you will incur the epithet of “Nazi” and inevitably by inference “Anti-Semite’.
There is agenda at work here, bigger than “Muslims” etc… The Muslims exist in Europe for a purpose. To teach Whitey Goy who to hate and as a coincidence the engineered diasporisation of racial nations for the purpose of global governance. To go beserk, unthinking, without careful consideration will result in the destruction of Europe much as it did in WW1 and WW2.
The British may need to keep calm and carry on …….differently, by a removing from their legislatures those who feign to represent the Races who are known to be “British” yet who create laws that discriminate against them in ways that will see the British disappear as a people and governed by others.
For all the Masons who have swallowed the lies of this universal destiny of mankind bunk, The Western Mystery Tradition is Racial in Nature……. yet so many of you remain silent and by virtue of that fact aid and abet the destruction of your own kind……for “Zion”.
I want to make a comparison here between the Muslims and the Nazis (and to demolish, once and for all, the idea that “because not all Muslims are actively killing people, they should be left alone.” )
Looking at the Nazis, **not all of THEM were “fighters” either.
Many of them stayed at home (mostly the women) or worked in shops and factories. Doesn’t matter. *Whatever* they did, they were PART of the evil ideology of Naziism. That ideology (like Islam) depended on strength in numbers, and many of those “numbers” were *away from the front lines.*
So it is with Islam. It too depends on strength in numbers, and those who stay at home are **every bit** as culpable as the active terrorists.
Maybe it is time for Patriots to employ the effective strategies that the enemy uses against us and to which we have never equally responded. Since patriots are not in Government and probably will not be in my lifetime, we must consider more “realistic” options. Blood must flow. There is no other way. There never has been and will not be now.