‘Britain’s government is setting up a new terrorism task force to tackle radical preachers and extremism, officials say, days after suspects apparently linked to extremist Islamist activists brutally killed a British soldier in a London street.
Home Secretary Theresa May said the group will look at whether new powers and laws are needed to clamp down on religious leaders and organisations who promote extremist messages and who target potential recruits in jails, schools and mosques…’
They’ve only had thirty years to address this problem. What’s more, the butcher had been “under surveillance” for something like EIGHT YEARS. Yet another Yes Minister “task force” isn’t going to fix the deep-seated culture of cowardice and denial.
UPDATE: Mike at Cold Fury says it all.
Let me guess – “The Newest Task Force” in Britain will conclude that Christians, Jews, conservatives, libertarians, veterans and patriots are terrorists and should be put on double secret probation

My thoughts exactly. This is not a response to Islam, but to the popularity of the EDL & the BNP.
I think it is targeted at UKIP…Who have a real shot at doing some damage in the next U.K elections, Rather than the EU circus!
I read that this ape was well know in Kenya for his radical ideas and yet he was allowed in to GB.
Yes he was, he was deported by the Kenyan police for links to al-qaeda back to Britain and not surprisingly, those @#$%wits took him back.
Now, he’ll be treated in the public hospital for free, sent to jail for maybe 20 or 30 years tops where he’ll get halaal meals, koran, prayer rug and his toilet rearranged not to offend if it hasn’t been already. They’ve gone way off the deep end over there.
So this ” task force” will barge into mosques and arrest islamic preachers ? Bullshit they will. They will arrest only easy targets like they have already such as people posting on twitter,facebook etc.You Brits vote for these dickheads , well , suffer the consequences .
I agree IF (and a big “IF”) the British elections were honest elections.
We have seen in this country MASSIVE voter fraud in 2012 and suppression by the IRS of opposition groups like the Tea Party by denying them tax free status, which is granted quickly to all Leftist non-profit group.
….and mind you America is the world’s fourth largest country in the world in land area and has a population well in excess of 300 million, which should make voter fraud very difficult…yet the American socialists were able to pull it off in 2012, and maybe even back in 2008.
Therefore, it would a “piece of cake” in comparison for the British Left to steal elections after election in the UK, which could fit easily into the state of Texas and where the British Labour Party not too many years ago addressed its members as “comrade” and sang the “International” at party meetings.
Yeah, i’m also quite sure that somehow this new task force will be focusing mainly on the white groups in the UK, the EDL most likely, while the muslims continue to run amok.
Just look at the latest proof that western governments are not the friends of the west, muslims butcher a soldier in South London, cops turn up 20 min later and after that security and whatever else is deployed to the mosques to protect them. When the EDL came to protest, they were quickly corralled off and sent packing.
Anyone else hear the news coming out of Sweden, while the muslim lads are burning and pillaging, the police force that was nowhere-to-be-seen for the 7 nights has suddenly materialized and is busy cracking down on Swedish vigilantes trying to protect their homes and streets.
In a way I’m glad it’s happening, most of us reading this blog and who know what’s going on have been aware for quite some time that our governments are not on our side, it’s time the wider populace learned this as well.
I agree with everything you’ve said, RWT.
Yep, this waste-of-time “task force” will indeed no doubt focus on the EDL. The bloody Muslims can march through the streets with signs saying “God bless Hitler” and that doesn’t trigger the police’s “offense-meter”. Oh, but let an EDL guy so much as cough and the cops are mobbing him in seconds. Bloody dhimmies.