“This is unbelievable. A pregnant British woman, arrested for carrying the Union Jack – the flag of her own country – because a few Muslims take offence.”
Via NZ Conservative
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This makes a great case for English Civil War II and the termination with extreme prejudice of the Muslims and their Socialist Enablers.
Ronald Barbour said…
Britain needs a civil war to take out the Muslims and their Leftist Enablers…Kill them all!
1:49 PM, May 28, 2013
Lucia Maria said…
Hi Ronald,
Um, no. They would be no better than barbarians if they were to do that.
1:56 PM, May 28, 2013
Psycho Milt said…
Looks like you’ve got the next Anders Breivik here.
2:34 PM, May 28, 2013
Ron,I would have signed in on my Google account and backed your play,but try as I may it just wouldn’t work,so I’ll put my $.02 in here.
I really don’t know what to say,has every one’s brains turned to mush?At what point will people begin to resist,now while the muslims are in a minority in the west?Or later when the muslims are loading us onto cattle cars?
How many people must be hacked to death in the street or have their legs blown off or their children blown to bits before they wake up and acknowledge the cancer growing among us?These evolutionary throwbacks do not deserve to breathe the same air as we let alone live among us,on our dime,in our neighborhoods while THEY preach hate openly and seek to silence our God given and blood won rights to free speech.
They must be either dragged kicking and screaming into the modern world and bent by force to follow the path to civilization or they must be cast out and cutoff from our culture and allowed to die out like the evolutionary dead ends they are.
I went and did it for you, Darin. (and for me) Psycho Milt is a slimy little socialist with delusions of adequacy and intellect.
Thanks and I agree
Lucia’s comment there is no better, KG. No better than them? What colour is the fucking sky on her planet? No better than them? Our nations are being invaded by these savages, who have become so emboldened now by their numbers and their enablers in the Quisling class, they feel free to hack us to pieces on our own streets. Any fight back – using any and all measures available – does not make us “no better than them”, it makes us defenders of our homes. Fuck me, will she and her ilk finally wake up when they slam shut the doors on the boxcars?
“Fuck me, will she and her ilk finally wake up when they slam shut the doors on the boxcars?”
No. They’ll still be preaching “forgiveness”.
Forgiveness of evil is in itself a greater evil.
I think what she’s driving at is: what do we become if we employ their tactics and methods? Surely by doing that, we become the very thing we are fighting against?
How do we fight them and maintain our (moral and ethical) superiority? tough call, seeing as we are being attacked on multiple fronts but we need to find an answer fast.
First things first, I say. Let’s deal to these fuckers in the only way they seem capable of understanding. Then we can worry about our souls or whatever.
The time is nearing for faces to be painted blue.
Let’s show the Islamic barbarians and their Leftist Enablers some real old fashioned pre Anglo-Saxon BARBARISM
…and just think…modern day Celts have STEEL blades

KG said:
“Forgiveness of evil is in itself a greater evil.”
Exactly: the Muslims and their Leftists allies declared war to the death on Western Civilization…and as my namesake Rambo would say, “The enemy drew first blood.”
Time of paybacks has arrived, methinks.
There is a time to forgive. You forgive a child for their misdeeds. You forgive your spouse for burning the dinner. (Hubby couldn’t cook.) You forgive your parents for their short comings.
But you can never forgive an enemy who’s whole existence is to destroy you and your civilization. They should be the ones begging to forgive us, not the other way around.
The traditional vessel is already outlawed in nightclubs in the Highlands, which are forced to serve all drinks – including champagne, cocktails and the finest malt whiskies – in plastic containers after 9pm because of police fears over potential injury.
Now anyone enjoying a leisurely drink by the roaring fireside of even the remotest rural location could have to drink out of plastic because of the ruling.
Sigh…..so much for the fighting Scots.
Mind you, Scotland has been insanely PC for a long time now.
Yes KG, and the latest PC crap plan is GIRFEC; a state appointed “named person” for every child from birth until adulthood and who knows what else.
I’m glad my forebears saw the light and left that dump years ago.
Ciaron said:
“Surely by doing that, we become the very thing we are fighting against?”
It’s a popular argument, but false. Adopting the enemy’s tactics when fighting in self defence does NOT “make us like them”.
Just as we did after dropping a bomb on Hiroshima and burning Hamburg to the ground, we can go back to being civilized after the job’s done.
When dealing with an utterly ruthless aggressor, there are only two choices:
1. Adopt whatever means necessary in order to defeat them, or
2. Surrender..
Too often those who babble about “ethics” in war are simply covering for the fact that they don’t have the moral courage to face doing what’s necessary.
They will surrender rather than face the hard reality of their situation and clothe that surrender in imagined moral superiority.
But it’s cowardice, and their cowardice is pissing away that which good men died for.
You’re right.
It’s us or them and not all of us have the guts to kill, as much as I’d like to think otherwise.
It’s not so much as civilized behavior or guts as much as it is self control.The civilized man knows when to stop killing,when killing has served it’s purpose.
There are generations of Jews ,French and Poles ,Chinese and Koreans,Filipino and Islanders who exist today only because our fathers and grandfathers did what was necessary to defeat evil.When they were finished they stopped,went home and rebuilt the Peace that makes civilization possible..
Agreed. I can’t help but think of all the stories I have heard about “Dad came home from the war a different man”.
It disgusts me that good men have had their lives effectively ruined by what they have seen and had to do. Good men ruined for want of a little “instant sunshine™”
I think it’s fair enough that some people can’t countenance killing, Ciaron, and I don’t criticise them for that.
What sticks in my craw is those who then go on to condemn the people who do the dirty work which keeps them safe.
Darin says it better than I could have.
‘..In the calculus of the left, terrorism isn’t just violence, it’s righteous violence. The more horrific it is, the more it upends your understanding of how the world is supposed to work. The moral order, the code that you grew up with says you that don’t plant bombs next to 8-year-olds gets blown away and you are left to either conclude that your enemies are monsters or that they are paying you back for something even worse that you did to them. They are not the ones murdering 8-year-olds. You are.
Faced with someone else’s inhumanity, you are told to assert your own. To reach for the moral high ground. To try and understand why this is happening so that you can try to be better than those who did it, only to learn that you are actually much worse.’