‘Fracking at the Monterey Shale formation in California is sparking estimates that 15 billion barrels of oil could be accessed, along with millions of jobs, but Dems seeking to curb use of the technology are introducing a flurry of anti-fracking bills.’ source
California is deep, deep in debt and reliance on foreign oil is distorting America’s foreign policy, yet these clowns want to stop a possible solution to both those things. They truly are evil assholes.
Leftists/”progressives”/socialists are not welcome here. Pay for your own soapbox.
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‘I believe that politicians, lawyers, busy-bodies and do-gooders are like salamis- greatly improved by hanging for a time.’ Oswald Bastable
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PLUS- if we ‘fracked’ our own oil – we would not be be- holding to the saudis and to those ofter countries who are ruled by the religion of peace( SARC) !!!
there is a $$$ and power path here on the part of both parties–Rs and Ds–be not fooled my friends–
The natural resources on Federal land could,if properly managed pay off our national debt and then some.In terms of Coal,Natural Gas and Oil we have roughly $140Trillion in the ground at today’s prices.
Imagine what we could do if our debt to GDP ratio were 0%?Sadly we have selfish,short sighted leaders who only care about their fortunes and not we the people’s.
Deep in debt, no jobs, businesses and people fleeing the state, morals lower than an alley cat. And they wonder why?