‘Mark Rosenthal gets to work at 2pm, eats a big lunch, then takes a nap. Leaves work at 4pm.
Mr Rosenthal earns $156,000 a year as president of a local municipal workers union in New York – a job he has held since 1998.’ source
Leftists/”progressives”/socialists are not welcome here. Pay for your own soapbox.
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That creature earns nothing, and has probably never done a day’s work in his life. Unions are dinosaurs and the sooner they go extinct the better.
Now you could set the dogs on THAT porker
Broken window crank?
“the sooner they go extinct the better.”
I’m thinkin’, with a body like that, extinction is a real possibility, real soon
An elegant natural solution.
Some scumbag broke into my house while I was at work and helped himself to my laptop.
Got a new one today so just checking that I’m logging in as myself. Cheers. mawm
Damn. One of the things which drove us from NZ was the staggering levels of crime.
It was only after we’d been back home for a few months that I realised just how much it had impacted on our quality of life. And that was living in the country!
In this place we could go away for a few days and leave the house unlocked without worrying. And leave the keys in the car. In NZ we had to make sure the bloody house was locked up even when we were out working in the garden.
Doesn’t look like a healty life style.
$600 a day , $300 hour.
But I don’t think he will live long enough to enjoy it ?
Reminds me of the fellow who manages BlackBerry’s Underground Kompound except a bit lighter.
One picture speaks a thousand words about labor unions, parasites and worthless fat pigs

In regards to your comment, you get around the old globe about as much as I do.
Have you been in the Arctic
I was stationed in Greenland while in the U.S. Army.
Yes, we had a base there
(Where didn’t we have a base in the Cold, Cold War
Nope. Been to Iceland though, Ronbo. Some of the best-looking women on earth….
I can’t imagine why Mr Purple Pork even bothers.
Well, if your on the train to economic and societal collapse, you just might as well take a nap…