‘…After British soldier Lee Rigby was hacked to death last week in Woolwich in south London, Julie Siddiqi, representing the Islamic Society of Britain, quickly stepped before the microphones to attest that all good Muslims were “sickened” by the attack, “just like everyone else.” …’
One word: Taqiyya.
If they’re “good muslims” then they’re required to study and follow the requirements of islam set out in the koran. If they do that, then they must approve of the murder because the koran explicitly sanctions it. If they don’t, then they cannot be “good muslims”.
Leftists/”progressives”/socialists are not welcome here. Pay for your own soapbox.
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One can either be a good muslim or a good person, but not both.
If you believe the Muzbots are sorry a Christian soldier was killed, then I have a bridge to sell you in Brooklyn.
A “good muslim” is just one that just hasn’t gotten around to killing an infidel yet.
When I see muslims castigate and exile violent leaders and I see them tear the violent passages out of their book and when I see them stop abusing their women and children and when I see them profess Israel’s right to exist,then I might believe there is such a thing as a good muslim.
I’m not holding my breath.
Yep, its catch 22.
“One word: Taqiyya”
Amen, brother.
Sorry KG but you got it a bit wrong. The koran (quran, whatever) does not sanction the murder of non-Muslims, it requires it.
A few years back in N.Z had Sky TV going and learned a bit from Glen Beck: Taqiyya I knew about, but a muslim “hypocrite” is a (falsely) so-called “moderate” who isn’t furthering sharia or beheading or extorting from infidels.
Other tidbits including 80-odd% support stoning homos and adulterers etc. Shits me there are so many muzzies out where I just started work. At least my last day (ever
) on ground-crop I was the token diversity
[The ONLY time I’ve seen Aussies only on a job
You’ll only see Aussies (and a few Kiwis) on the job out here in the west of Queensland, dondiego. It’s one of the things I like about the place. There are a few old Europeans, who settled here years ago but their kids and grandkids have mostly left for the cities, which is a pity.