Wabbit set out to go pig hunting this morning, and came across this one at the first cattle grid, feeding on a dead cow. 30-30 Remington CoreLokt, 30 yards running. Red dot sight.
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Good shot,keep it up and we’ll have to start calling you Hogman!
What do you do with all the meat?
Just leave it, Conservative. They’re full of parasites this time of year. The reason they’re shot out here is that they make a mess of fences and pollute the cattle drinking water.
) and he tells me there’s a cattle property out near Winton which is being overrun with them–the cocky shot two off his back doorstep this morning and they’re getting around in gangs of 15-20.
I just went to the butcher to buy some bacon (
Some properties have feral camels and goats as well.
That’s really amazing. Here pig hunters have dogs and go out into the bush for hours, if not days, just to get one. And the meat is delicious.
Yep, I’ve eaten NZ wild pig, smoked. The best pork I ever had.
Camels and goats? If it weren’t for the pigs, I’d be wondering if you were lining up with the muzzies for the 12 virgins to enter their paradise!
Boom headshot!
Thanks, but just luck, I reckon, Elijah. I gave him a couple of inches lead which I thought might be a bit much.
the ultimate hunter
Aren’t they beautiful, Robert?