This piece of filth comes from a Journalism professor,read the comments section.He thoroughly gets his arse handed to him,but he keeps on going with his idiotic opinion.
Now I could be wrong,but a Journalist in order to do a proper job needs to be objective and free of outside bias.In order to be objective they must not allow opinion,even their own,to come into their reporting of an event or issue.
This guy is so far off target he must be pushing for a job on MSNBC.
That explains much about journalism…
This twat is supposedly a “professor of journalism” yet does not know the difference between a Cretan, which he is not, and a cretin, which he most assuredly is.
Or a crouton, perhaps?
Just another fuckwit Marxist academic. He’d apply his stinking ideology to the mating habits of garden slugs if that happened to be his field.
A hardcore Leftist being honest for once…He’d like to kill all the Patriots.
Tell you what – If the American side wins in the coming civil war, this bastard will find himself up against the wall, blind folded and smoking his last cigarette.
But even if we lose, we take the country down with us – and this parasite can starve to death in the ruins.
I’m sure that he will develop a new set of values and opinions once the right threatens to become the dominant political force.
Well of course–leeches are opportunist feeders.
“But even if we lose, we take the country down with us – and this parasite can starve to death in the ruins.”
And starve to death it will.
Check THIS out! From abaout the five minute mark

‘They are Going to Lynch George Zimmerman
Dr. James David Manning explains that if the Trayvon Martin/George Zimmerman incident was a Black on Black Crime the Dung Head Media would have never reported it.’!
And he’s right too,if Zimmerman’s complexion was a bit darker we wouldn’t know his name.
If we ever rise up he just might get his wish for firing squads. The one he will be facing if he is lucky. I prefer the older punishments for these idiots, Hung, Drawn and Quartered.
The traditional English punishment for treason
I see you’re an incurable romantic