Yep, sure would…

motivator30a04e10ef0f4bb5c76a17437adabe19b22daa93and one of the perps at least posted anti-white sentiments online, so we can look forward to him also being charged with a “hate crime”, right?


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23 Responses to Yep, sure would…

  1. KG says:

    Can’t post at all in the evenings at the moment–wireless hahaha”broadband” is crap. :evil:

  2. Oswald Bastable says:

    Hey!- more thugs that could have been the Sock Puppet’s sons!

  3. GW says:

    Half of American blacks are in a subculture that is beyond dysfunctional. It is feral. This case is the poster child for it. It really is what the left claims the Trayvon Martin case was – feral predators stalk and then kill someone of the other race for no reason whatsoever. I have been waiting for anyone on the left to pipe up since this obscenity and start talking about what this incident says about “race” in America. And lo and behold, the first one to pipe up is . . . Piers Morgan with a tweet: “”When an innocent Australian student is shot dead in Oklahoma for ‘fun’ – America’s gun crisis becomes the world’s problem.” You have got to be F****ING kidding me. What an asshole. I don’t know if this guy is just that clueless or is the left incapable of actually noting that the problem isn’t the gun – its the black subculture of victimization and violence. It was in the Trayvon Martin case, it is in the Chris Lane case.

    • Kathleen says:

      Piers Morgan is a moron of the first order. He is also clueless. Not to mention, he still hasn’t deported himself out of the US. I recommend he go to the south pole because Britain didn’t want him back. He doesn’t take recommendations too well.

      On another note, I wonder if those kids had any conscious come up. We’re they even taught morals, right from wrong. It was so senseless and idiotic of them.

  4. Findalis says:

    But this is not a hate crime because blacks cannot hate. This is bs. These animals are what the left calls “good boys”. They are just misunderstood, have bad childhoods, no fathers, abuse, you name the symptom. They are the victims. The white dead guy is the perp.

    Black is white and up is down.

    We are now living in 1984.

    • Ronbo says:


      See you at the two minute hate :!:

      …and later at Victory Square – I hear they are executing Euraisan war criminals… :evil:

      • Ronbo says:

        “…and one of the perps at least posted anti-white sentiments online, so we can look forward to him also being charged with a “hate crime”, right?


        Drip, drip, DRIP….

        The coming revolution in America will be ultra horrible… :twisted:

        But always remember who drew First Blood. :shock:

        • Ronbo says:

          ” Kathleen says:
          August 22, 2013 at 07:54

          Piers Morgan is a moron of the first order. He is also clueless. Not to mention, he still hasn’t deported himself out of the US. I recommend he go to the south pole because Britain didn’t want him back. He doesn’t take recommendations too well.”

          Clueless :?:

          I can’t believe these vile Leftist persons are stupid enough to believe their own propaganda aimed at the proles – I think people like Morgan know EXACTLY what they are doing….

          …and should suffer the supreme penalty for TREASON :!: :twisted:

      • Findalis says:

        Give Big Brother (Obama) enough time at we will all be talking like that Comrade.

  5. Darin says:

    CNN had an article up on the murder yesterday-no comments section up.

    The Hearld Sun had an article up yesterday-no comments section up.

    The CNN article didn’t mention the names or give a picture of the perps.

    The Hearld Sun did,but falsely claimed guns are the problem.

    What we have is a lying,media that is simultaneously pushing an agenda and hiding the truth.No comments section = not wanting the truth to be spoken or heard.Claiming guns are the problem flys in the face of what every honest person on Earth knows to be the truth.

  6. Brown says:

    The references to 1984 are interesting – it brings back memories of the book. What amazes me how easy its been to lead so many people there. This shows how people go crazy en masse like the Germans did in the 1930’s and people who say it can’t happen again are simply ignoring human character.

  7. Moneo says:

    Over on Kiwiblog Farrar just said the killings were all the more chilling ‘because of the pure randomness’.

    It’s not random, it is black teens targeting a white man.

    The killings are all the more chilling because no one with an iota of official power anywhere in the western world will publicly admit there is a pattern of race-violence.

    • Michael in Nelson says:

      Except one of the three is white (or he looks white and is referred to as such).

  8. countenance says:

    I understand Australia is importing black Africans like they’re going out of style, and the main centers of “resettlement” are Melbourne and Adelaide.

    Just give them time, and they’ll do Oz like they’ve done us.

  9. dondiego says:

    I had a read of this at SBPDL last night, saw it on the box leaving work. Apparently the photo of the half-breed has changed… The tv news I saw had a murky but blue eyed boy, and there were a couple of different photos on the blog.

    Doesn’t matter, what matters is negroes drove out of their way to shoot a white in the back. Their war on whites continues, and will do so until enough respond with evil, vengeful, terrible OTT force.
    It’s all those low-lifes understand.

  10. mawm says:

    Countenance – This is Africa and is only the tip of the iceberg.

  11. Brown says:

    The terrible figures cannot be denied yet the Africans I see sponsored through Tear Fund and other missionary work are generally seen to be fantastic by those working with them. I think its a cultural issue, not an colour issue. Its just that the colour and culture go together so often.

  12. KG says:

    “Its just that the colour and culture go together so often.”

  13. Darin says:

    88 year old WWII vet beaten to death by two black teens-

    Fucking vermin,they should be strangled with their own intestines. :evil: :evil: I guess this will yield another liberal argument for gun control :evil: :evil: :evil: