‘The respected organization Genocide Watch places white South Africans in the sixth stage of the genocidal process, the seventh stage being extermination. All without Nelson Mandela uttering a word of criticism.
….Try this on for size: 20 whites a day are murdered in South Africa, and the total killed since 1994 currently amounts to more than 70,000. In fact, the world’s most dangerous profession is now that of Boer (white Afrikaner) farmer, with a murder rate of 310 per 100,000 (the homicide rate in London is 3 per 100,000). Not surprisingly, where South Africa boasted 128,000 commercial farmers in 1980, the number has now been whittled down to 40,000….’
Leftists/”progressives”/socialists are not welcome here. Pay for your own soapbox.
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Under White rule South Africa could feed all of Africa. Today they can barely feed South Africa. The day Whites leave SA for good is the start of the famine.
It is unforgivable that the world is ignoring the genocide in S.A.
It’s Black on White therefore acceptable to the World.
You forget the mantra:
Black skin good.
White skin bad.
Jew worse of all>
I’d feel more sympathy if Jewish leaders here in Australia weren’t totally on-board with the repressive “hate speech” laws introduced by the Gillard government.
Don’t think it’s gona get much better.
The Killing Fields
But Robert they are “free”.
Free to rape.
Free to steal.
Free to murder.
Free to starve.
Black Africa at its best!
and I understand the S.A. has the highest % of per capita BILLIONAIRES than any where else in the world–guess who’s $$$ are making them billionaires!
time for whites to form our own groups- 501 C3 and whatever the tax exempt status is for NZ and Australasia–
what acronym should we assume?!
C-CS, I doubt that is any where near true. They probably have the highest number of marxist terrorist billionaires. The looting of the exchequer has continued unabated for 19 years.
BTW- did you read the article on old nelson and $$$-it is linked here: