Bravo, Bill Whittle!

Thanks to Wombat for the tip.

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9 Responses to Bravo, Bill Whittle!

  1. Pascal says:

    This is simply a brilliant presentation of a history that is too much unknown. You may have noticed that I frequently bemoan the effectiveness of the Frankfurt School and Critical Theory. They actually succeeded with incrementally destroying the foundations of liberty (moral compunction especially) in a way the earliest Prog’s had only dreamed of.

    I have good cause to suspect that Bill Whittle is not all good as he now appears to be. And I wish it were not true because of marvelously informative and intelligent work like this.

    What does that remind me and to wish for you? Trust only in Him and no man, maybe not even ourselves. Certainly be cautious with men we see only from afar who may well know how to set a stage. Caveat emptor. I don’t think such a warning is needed by you KG. But others may.

  2. Wombat says:

    I recall in a previous video Whittle joked that he could never run for Vice President because of his secrets. There’s typically at least a grain of truth in every joke.

    We all have a history. I had no guidance as a kid and no defence against state propaganda. Until five years ago I believed “bigger was better” when it came to government. I thought the U.N. was the solution to he world’s problems. I believed civilisation grew from governance and not vice-versa.

    There would be plenty of quotes from my past and snippets of online conversations that would mark me indefensibly as a globalist commie. but now that my eyes have been opened to individual liberty I would die to protect freedom for the next generation.

    Times change. People change. Unfortunately the mistakes of the past often preclude us from certain roles in the future.

    • KG says:

      Quite so, Wombat. And that applies to most of us, surely?
      I wouldn’t trust anybody who claims to have a spotless past.

  3. Robertv says:

    He who doesn’t know history is condemned to repeat it.