Happened about 20 minutes after Fox broke the story of Harry Reid’s possible involvement in the land grab.Gee….I wonder why?
Happened about 20 minutes after Fox broke the story of Harry Reid’s possible involvement in the land grab.Gee….I wonder why?
Harry Reid started life in the Senate living paycheck to paycheck. He has grown in his time in office – or at least his net worth has, to the tune of $5,000,000. How that happened while in office is a mystery, at least to the MSM. And his net worth pales against his legendary nepotism. This guy, besides being a worthless son of a bitch, is probably as corrupt a politician as we have in Washington today, and that is, as the old expression goes, saying a mouthful.
so FOX finally “broke” the news about Reid and son’s sticky fingers–
I’ve been waiting for the FOX folks to catch up!
I found out that the info was in the New American in 2012!!!–
Those darn “Birchers” – were ahead of the “game” again!
Oath Keepers are on site –so glad–
BTW- 30 day no fly zone declared by feds…
We must not think that this is over–
The Dark Siders never give up–they just out-wait-
Too right Carol,this is not over,we must now go on the offensive and go after the corrupt kleptocrat Reid and his ilk.
TRUE ON- my Patriot friend!!
Government has no weekend, it is a machine ‘working’ 24/7. And the stupid thing is that you are paying for this with your tax dollars and inflation (money printing). This is not over it is just starting.
PS what about the rain and your cattle KG ?
No rain here, Robert. We’re too far inland, but we have to go into Townsville on Wednesday and I think the road might still be closed then. And Townsville could be flooded.
Thanks for asking.
Sometimes (stupid)people wonder why dry river beds are so wide.

What direction is the water flowing ? Inland or to the sea ?
The war is not over but the victory is sweet. Just remember the Feds will be better prepared next time.
The BLM has run into another protest, this time in Utah where they want to kill off the wild horse population.
This is a surreal situation. The”Land of the Free” always was, to us beleaguered English, a place to run to. The USA has this Constitution thingy which guarantees certain sureties. So, just who are behind all of these power grabs? The UN Agenda21 springs to mind.
Never assign to conspiracy what can be explained by simple greed.
Agenda 21 is the excuse. It’s the flag folks like Reid wave while they’re making themselves billionaires.
As Carol says, this isn’t over. But at least the bastards have been sent a message that they will meet resistance in future.
And it reinforces something some of us have been saying for a long time–that the way to rein the scumbags in is to expose their corruption at every opportunity.
And that goes for every politician, every judge, every bureaucrat.
What’s more, it sends a signal to people that would run for office on a “fuck the feds” ticket.
Granted it’s not a silver bullet. Lord knows nobody ever voted their way to freedom, but anything to slow the federal consolodation of power is absoloutely worth it.
Governor Jesse Ventura or/and Ben Carson
Yep, that’s me.
After all, wanting the best person for the job is obviously coded racism, innit? 
Lumberjack. Has done some digging. check out the cached page he found.
Thanks MvL. Odd, isn’t it, how digging up cached pages is beyond the highly trained “journalists” of the MSM?
Bundy, trespassing since 1998.
Too complicated for you, is it Mordor?
Government, bureaucrats and special (corrupt) interests passing laws to declare somebody a trespasser doesn’t make them trespassers.
The issue is about the government using the weapon of laws in order to benefit their cronies, at the expense of ordinary people.
In the process of getting an education you might care to look up “eminent domain” too…another tool those same corrupt assholes use to steal property from people.
Public lands which the run holder agreed to lease, until he decided the land in question was an entitlement.
Is a distortion of the truth.
I can’t be bothered arguing with someone who can’t take the trouble to research the background to a story.
Too bad the Leftist Feds backed down…I was so looking forward to American Revolution 2.0 and the termination with extreme prejudice of 25 million American traitors.
You needn’t feed the troll. I’m sure that the department of welfare feeds, clothes and houses him already.
Indeed. He’s now enjoying the spam bin. I don’t mind a good argument, but his last comment indicates a willful refusal to consider the wider issues here. Because the Federal government passes a law concerning State lands doesn’t automatically make that or their subsequent actions right.
I believe here in OZ they call it “land tax”.
A quaint means of reminding you that you don’t truly own anything. It’s only rented from the state.
Union is calling for retaliation against Dems who voted to block the Keystone Pipeline.
Nov is shaping up as a blood bath
It could be. But replacing Democommies with Repubcommies wouldn’t be much of an improvement.
I measure incoming governments by how many of the things they opposed in opposition they repeal when in power.
Yup,don’t listen to what they say,watch what they do.
One good thing that appears to be happening though is so of the RINO’s that have been there to long are being primaried out.
Which is promising, even though not enough.
I’ve lost what little faith I had in the whole process.
From Debbie at Right Truth:
‘Deleted from but reposted for posterity by the Free Republic, the BLM document entitled “Cattle Trespass Impacts” directly states that Bundy’s cattle “impacts” solar development, more specifically the construction of “utility-scale solar power generation facilities” on “public lands.”..’
I’ll put it up as a post, Oswald. 
KG says:
It could be. But replacing Democommies with Repubcommies wouldn’t be much of an improvement.
I measure incoming governments by how many of the things they opposed in opposition they repeal when in power.
Roger that last transmission, but speaking as a stalwart TPM member and Republican, I can say without fear of contradiction that we patriots hate RINO Republicans MORE then the Democommies.
After all, the traitor within is many times more dangerous than the enemy outside the gates of the city.
Also, we TPM Republicans are ever mindful that the monster of Progressive politics was created by RINO Republicans like Teddy Roosevelt over 100 years ago.