
Screen Shot 2014-04-13 at 2.05.17 PM Thanks Oswald. (click for full size)

Day by Day

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6 Responses to heh!

  1. Robertv says:

    Sexual intercourse with animals has finally been outlawed in Sweden after a new law was passed last Tuesday.


    Is this OT ?¿?¿http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_cool.gif

  2. Ronbo says:



    It’s looking more and more like the main body of patriots are FINALLY catching up with the advanced scouts of Crusader Rabbit after four years :!:

    “Quick to the castle and KILL the monsters :!:http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_yahoo.gif

    • KG says:

      Reality dawns, eh, Ronbo? :mrgreen:

      • Ronbo says:

        Did you ever read or watch Ibsen’s “An Enemy of the People?”

        The bottom line is that rugged individualists like ourselves are always ahead of the majority, which in this case is just now accepting the obvious conclusion we reached years ago, that American Revolution 2.0 will be the only solution.

        Dr. Stockmann. —but I will make liberal-minded and high-minded men of you. You must help me with that, Petra.

        Petra, Yes, father, you may be sure I will.

        Dr. Stockmann. And my school shall be in the room where they insulted me and called me an enemy of the people. But we are too few as we are; I must have at least twelve boys to begin with.

        Mrs. Stockmann. You will certainly never get them in this town.

        Dr. Stockmann. We shall. (To the boys.) Don’t you know any street urchins—regular ragamuffins—?

        Morten. Yes, father, I know lots!

        Dr. Stockmann. That’s capital! Bring me some specimens of them. I am going to experiment with curs, just for once; there may be some exceptional heads among them.

        Morten. And what are we going to do, when you have made liberal-minded and high-minded men of us?

        Dr. Stockmann. Then you shall drive all the wolves out of the country, my boys!

        (EJLIF looks rather doubtful about it; MORTEN jumps about crying “Hurrah!”)

        Mrs. Stockmann. Let us hope it won’t be the wolves that will drive you out of the country, Thomas.

        Dr. Stockmann. Are you out of your mind, Katherine? Drive me out! Now—when I am the strongest man in the town!

        Mrs. Stockmann. The strongest—now?

        Dr. Stockmann. Yes, and I will go so far as to say that now I am the strongest man in the whole world.

        Morten. I say!

        Dr. Stockmann (lowering his voice). Hush! You mustn’t say anything about it yet; but I have made a great discovery.

        Mrs. Stockmann. Another one?

        Dr. Stockmann. Yes. (Gathers them round him, and says confidentially:) It is this, let me tell you—that the strongest man in the world is he who stands most alone.

        Mrs. Stockmann (smiling and shaking her head). Oh, Thomas, Thomas!

        Petra (encouragingly, as she grasps her father’s hands). Father!
