Yes indeed!

‘We in the West will always need warriors. We must have chevaliers sans peur et sans reproche—“Knights without fear and without reproach”—to safeguard our marches and protect our homes. Men such as Leonidas, whose Immortal 300 held off the Persians at Thermopylae in 480 BC, long enough for other Greeks to rally and save the nascent West. Or Aetius, the last noble Roman, who defeated Attila the Hun, Scourge of God, at Chalons in AD 451. Or Don Juan of Austria, who led the Holy League to naval victory over the Turks at Lepanto in 1571. Or Jon Sobieski, whose Polish cavalry rescued Vienna from the Turks in 1683.
These are not just legends, not just fictional characters—they were real. And if we dutifully honor those heroes, as heroic Men of the West and of Christendom, we will be rewarded with more such heroic men….’

James Pinkerton, quoted by Francis Porretto.

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One Response to Yes indeed!

  1. Mathew says:

    All men who saved the west from the religion of peace, odd isn’t it, for a religion we’re promised is one of peace, flowers and tranquility, there’s an awful lot of war, murdering, raping, conquering, beheading and general mayhem.

    It’s a wonder these men ever bothered, what did they get for saving our ungrateful asses, history rewritten to paint them as bastards and savages. Perhaps that is why we have to lose so much first before someone will rise up to save us.