EMP: Not if, but when.

‘..This whole matter is also deeply troubling for what it says about the competence and integrity of the American political class. As a matter of risk analysis, this is a straight-forward issue. It has been a no-brainer for more than a decade. We face a potential mortal threat that can be neutralized for a minor amount of money, and our decision processes have become so sclerotic that we are unable to deal with the threat, and in the course of not dealing with it we have put ourselves in a terrible strategic posture.
While we are ignoring this real danger, we are spending billions on fraudulent green energy schemes and handouts to politically favored groups. The Transportation Security Administration has an annual budget of $7.5 billion to keep old ladies from carrying nail files onto airplanes, and nothing to keep a terrorist from laying hands on a weather balloon…’   Link
No fuel, no food, no power…perhaps for years. All for want of a trivial amount of money and concerted action to protect against the next major solar event.

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5 Responses to EMP: Not if, but when.

  1. Pascal says:

    Look at it as an opportunity to rebuild civilisation. Then some future modern age will once again fall to the explicit efforts of nihilists nurtured and encouraged by misanthropic Malthusians. The inability of societies to learn from the errors of past dark ages seems to be endemic in our species.

    Courage arises now and then, but rarely in populations who have life so relatively soft they can overcome their cowardice at being accused of rocking the boat. I’d go so far as to call it a law of human nature. As conditions improve, courage always diminishes and cowardice increases, but comes in the pretty package labeled pragmatism.

  2. KG says:

    “As conditions improve, courage always diminishes and cowardice increases, but comes in the pretty package labeled pragmatism.”
    Ain’t that the truth!

  3. dondiego says:

    Carrington Event. I’d read about it years ago, and forgotten the name/era, as earthquakes tidal waves and volcanoes were further up my list of natural disasters to live through.

    Interesting to be reminded and new info of approx 150year cycles. Sounds like we dodged a bullet recently, who knows when the sun or the enemy will fire the next one :?:

    Whuffo might hoard up a few more butane can’s and meal tins for the Christmas touring…

    • KG says:

      I read about stuff like this and think “must hoard some food and fuel” but somehow I never get round to doing it. I guess a nomadic lifestyle isn’t conducive to being a prepper. http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_unsure.gif

      • Darin says:

        Doesn’t really take much,all one really needs is enough to buy some time,a couple weeks worth,time to figure out the next move.
        A couple cases MRE’s tucked away behind the interior panels of a vehicle along with some water filters will meet the immediate need.Stuff like first aid kit,guns and ammo is stuff you should have anyways.