Andrew Bolt:

‘PROTESTERS around the West, horrified by the massacre in Paris, have held up pens and chanted “Je suis Charlie” — I am Charlie.
They lie. The Islamist terrorists are winning, and the coordinated attacks on the Charlie Hebdo magazine and kosher shop will be just one more success. One more step to our gutless surrender.
Al-Qaeda in Yemen didn’t attack Charlie Hebdo because we are all Charlie Hebdo.
The opposite. It sent in the brothers Cherif and Said Kouachi because Charlie Hebdo was almost alone.
Unlike most politicians, journalists, lawyers and other members of our ruling classes, this fearless magazine dared to mock Islam in the way the Left routinely mocks Christianity. Unlike much of our ruling class, it refused to sell out our freedom to speak…’   (bold mine)       Link
Just so. The demonstration in Paris is utterly meaningless, a manifestation of public solidarity with……public solidarity.With a few high-profile politicians included in order to give the impression that something might change, that the rulers of Europe give a fuck about the safety of ordinary people and the preservation of European culture.
It won’t. And they don’t.
They’ve demonstrated again and again and again that they don’t, that their agenda is cultural genocide in the service of big business and their own Utopian dream of a new world order.
And if real genocide becomes necessary in order to achieve their aims…..well, Islam stands ready to oblige.

Islam is their ally, their useful tool, not their foe.

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19 Responses to Andrew Bolt:

  1. KG says:

    From Breitbart:
    ‘On Sunday, as world leaders gathered for an anti-terror rally in Paris, France, the Obama administration announced that it would convene a global “Summit on Countering Violent Extremism” on Feb. 18. The White House released a statement describing the summit agenda, which failed to mention Islam, radical Islam, or anything related to the actual ideology motivating the Paris attacks.

    • Darin says:

      I would wager that the main topic at the summit will be the “growing extremism”……… of the Right.

      Obama and his kindred the world over aren’t afraid of islam,they have massive security details to protect them from that.It’s losing power that they are afraid of and that is the threat from the right.

  2. KG says:

    “The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam”
    Barack Hussein Obama

  3. mawm says:

    Ban Ki Moon has already been saying that these attacks had nothing to do with religion. Yeah, right. Obama has failed to mention islam. Cameron and Hollande were out there marching for God knows what. To prevent an European backlash under the pretences that we are all in this together? Merkel has done her bit to deflect PEGIDA. Just watch the left in rising their pace of applying their agenda because this could just be the spark that sets Europe off and you know that is not going to be allowed. Seig Heil.

    • Yokel says:

      “the spark that sets Europe off”

      Not, if my corner of England is anything to go by, yet. Not by a long chalk. Too many too indoctrinated by the Left into thinking that it will all get miraculously better as soon as the current outbreak of Islamophobia is sorted out.

      • mawm says:

        Take away the soccer and the ‘reality’ shows, the pubs and the corner Indian and the Anglo-Saxon will rise again. Having been cowerd by the insult of being called a racist for so long you will cast it aside and at last defend your women and children……………….we hope.

        The problem is you are just too naaice for your own good.

  4. Mathew says:

    In the sea of protestors I saw maybe one person holding up one of the offending cartoons. Between the hundreds of thousands marching chanting – I am charlie – only one had any testicles, amazing isn’t it, even in death a couple of old socialists who were murdered couldn’t find any real friends, plenty of symbolism and solidarity, whatever the hell that means but no one to actually take up the torch and carry on.

    Sad ending for this outpost of the west, just flowers and hand holding when a few fall, like a funeral on a grand scale, fitting perhaps.

    Meanwhile the baptists are at it again, will it ever end – German newspaper Hamburger Morgenpost was firebombed on Saturday after splashing three cartoons on its front page with the headline, “This much freedom must be possible!”

    Meanwhile in Belgium on Sunday, the offices of French-language daily Le Soir were evacuated after the paper received an anonymous bomb threat.

    And the arse licking continues – A CNN presenter, Jake Tapper, noted that Jordan, a close Muslim ally of the US, was represented by its king. “I don’t mean this as a criticism of the Obama administration…..

    Why should he bother, I mean after the dust as settled and the placards have been binned, who’s going to send a few kicks his way, please, this tapper arse licker and his ilk will be telling us obama’s been the greatest president in the history of the universe the minute he can detach his lips from the buttocks of the next democrat president.

    • Ronbo says:

      …and unhappily it will very likely be a Democrat president in 2016…

      The Democrats have a lock on the Electoral College thanks to their domination of 15 high population states like California and New York.

      The Republicans could win even with these long odds…George Bush did in 2000 and 2004, but it would appear RINO Jeb Bush will get the Republican nomination because he has all the big money donations and the blessings of the RINO leadership, which means the Tea Party Republican base will stay at home like they did in 2012.

      Republican or Democrat, the middle class producers, the Republican Party base, will never again vote for a Progressive parasite.

      Maybe Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush could make things simple by running on the same ticket as Progressive candidates for the presidency and once elected flip a coin to see which one becomes president. :shock:

  5. Flashman says:

    The islams are experts at waging multi-layered asymmetric warfare. They’re winning all along the line because the cost to them is minimal (two gunners can paralyze a world capital ffs!) and they have a greasy thumb pressed against every conceivable response button.

    And all the stupid sheep and losers can do is to gather in the streets and to participate in Lady Di-style grief celebrations.

    Except in Russia, the political will does not exist summarily to deport, rescind residence visas, cancel acquired citizenship, impose remission of funds limits, and restrict immigration.

    • KG says:

      “The islams are experts at waging multi-layered asymmetric warfare. ”
      And how many in the West recognize it as that?
      Vanishingly few, as far as I can see.

  6. Mathew says:

    The gutless weaseling on full display, when told that islam is at the centre of all the atrocities in the past week, where more than 2000 in total have died, these gutless cretins waffle on about the IRA, the Buddhists and Abortion clinic bombings.

    @#$& me is anyone out there scared of going to get a coffee because of buddhists or the IRA or Christians opposed to abortion, really?

    Those Buddhists in Burma are not as stupid as many in the west.

    • KG says:

      “Those Buddhists in Burma are not as stupid as many in the west.”
      Damn right they’re not.

  7. mistress mara says:

    Muslims in the West bitch, moan, lie and threaten in their claim for religious minorities’ rights. Notice how in all Muslim majority Countries, the minorities have fuck- all rights at all.

    • KG says:

      The core of the problem is twofold:
      The bastards are in our countries, and their foul ideology is treated as a religion.

  8. Michael in Nelson says:

    What gets me is how many speak of ‘The rise of Islamist extremism’. The current lot are NOT extremist muslims! The entire history of Islam is replete with slaughter, slavery, subjugation, and atrocities. “Those that do not learn from history are condemned to repeat it’.

  9. KG says:

    They’re focusing on the atrocities carried out by the few in order to give the majority of muslims a free pass and push the “islamophobia” slur against critics of islam.
    The few can always be portrayed as an aberration, you see. Then there’s no need to monitor mosques, no need to restrict the free movement of muslims to the West.