The Iron Legion

‘Strength and Tradition’
‘The Iron Legion is a movement that encompasses the men and women who wish to see a return to traditional values and preserve the identity of the European people. We are united by our blood, traditions and values.
Some will be laymen who follow and support us. Others will be militant reactionaries and traditionalists who believe in the reshaping of themselves and our world. Some believe they are too old, too young or too weak to make a difference. If you accept our principles and belief in our vision of a resurgent Europa for the European people then you have a place in the Legion. We will all have our role to play in the coming struggle….
..We are the men who have become deeply, profoundly angry. Instead of vainly shouting into the wind, we are plotting. We are organising and preparing. We are getting stronger and growing in number…
…The Iron Legion does not debate with the left. We destroy it…’

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21 Responses to The Iron Legion

  1. Odakyu-sen says:

    I miss-read that the first time.

    I thought it was referring to the movie “Iron Sky.”

  2. k2 says:

    Organizing is the appropriate response, far more appropriate than being frustrated and venting it on blog comments. Hopefully, they will have studied the response to the Tea Party and UKIP and have already worked out answers to being smeared as “far right”, Nazis, racist, sexist and homophobic because that will be what’s waiting for them from day one.

    • KG says:

      I don’t think they’re going to enter the political arena, k2. At least, not overtly.

      • Wombat says:

        Amen to that. Democracy is a farce when it’s three wolves and a sheep voting on what’s for dinner.

        It’s time for the rams to don their horns and remind the wolves that no matter the result of this election or that, we will not go quietly into the night.

  3. Darin says:

    The Knights Templar reborn?

  4. KG says:

    Will we get the chance to fight, or will we be picked off a few at a time before the fuse is lit?
    As for me, I don’t give a damn about any abuse hurled by progressive scum. My response to being called a nazi or a fascist these days is “so what?”.
    I refuse to let the assholes dictate the terms of any exchange, since they have twisted the language to mean what they decide it means.

    • Darin says:

      Maybe it’s because I’m 6’5″ and have my own zip code,but none have ever called me anything to my face,unfortunately :twisted:

      • Wombat says:

        The progressive is a pitiful specimen. At 6′ 200 pounds none of them will meet my eye.’

        Even the average copper who will be tasked with carrying out their agendas is no longer a big lad but some dainty waif.

        When things seem dire I try to remember these facts. No doubt the appeal of the islamists for the progressives is that they need actual men to do their dirty work for them, however I suspect they haven’t thought the whole thing through.

  5. KG says:

    “Socialism destroys language – and thought: Ultimately, even the language is perverted. All the most treasured virtues, such as “freedom,” “justice,” “law,” “right,” “equality,” etc., are redefined for collectivist purposes, so that even thought can be controlled.”
    – Friedrich Hayek, The Road to Serfdom.

    • Wombat says:

      I recently got into an argument with a moron who was repeating some nonsense they’d heard or read somewhere. Banning hate speech of course.

      They started up with the same tired old “I support free speech, but…”

      As I particularly hate people casting themselves as a friend to human rights while chipping away at them, I got stuck into the bastard big time.

      Says I “you’re NOT a supporter of free speech. You’re supporting censorship. Plain and simple.”

      They tried to contend that I was in fact censoring them to which I replied that I was not stopping them from lying through their teeth but I damn well wasn’t going to let a falsehood go unanswered.

      • Pascal says:

        Liberals used to quote Voltaire on free speech. Now they act as if they have no idea who he was let alone what he said.
        “I do not agree with what you have to say, but I’ll defend to the death your right to say it.”

  6. KG says:

    We’ve actually had leftist trolls come in here and claim that binning their abusive crap means we don’t allow free speech.
    That depth of ignorance and stupidity is hard to fathom.

    • Wombat says:

      Ask them to give you their address so you can scream obscenities at them in their living room, and then ask them if they understand what constitutes a “private space”.

      Not that it will sink in. Most of these clowns consider the internet in its entirety to be a public space, no matter who foots the bill for any particular domain.

  7. Ronbo says:

    “We will root out leftism, cultural Marxism and other pernicious influences wherever we find it. The Iron Legion does not debate with the left. We destroy it.”


    I came to this same conclusion in 2008, just after Obama was elected PUSA, and I realized the Left owned all the major institutions in the country – media, academia, government, etc. – and the only way to remove the iron fist was to destroy it.

  8. Mathew says:

    I hope they know how to speak in the language lefties deal with regularly.

    • Ronbo says:

      I think the idea is to let the knife, sword, gun and bomb “speak” to the Left…

      The days of elections, debates and compromise has ended for everyone on Right…

      The days of rage have arrived…

      Danton will walk the earth again…

      “Death to the Leftist Aristocrats!”