Iron Legion says it for me:

‘One Day You Will Be Too Old To Run

…We must organise. We must organise and resist while we are still strong. The forces of evil have organised against us. The disparate groups of leftists that have nothing in common but the overthrow and destruction of European culture are united against us. We shall then stand on the wall. We shall close ranks in the forests. We shall lock shields on the hill. For if we do not organise, if we let them come after us one at a time we will fade away one by one, unnoticed and unmourned, and there will be nobody left to hear our song.’

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17 Responses to Iron Legion says it for me:

  1. dondiego says:

    Pretty much. That’s why I went to the gym after work. It’s gonna happen eventually. Everything I’ve seen on/of that blog I’ve been in full agreement.

    What do you think, is it legit- or a gummint round-up of dissidents? I have no knowledge of computer or blog systems or safety. This email could be traced if someone really really tried (and got a globalized warrant to quizz the whizz-kid who set it up).

    But if I send the profile I share pics with models and promogirls and that sort of thing it’s so outrageously bullshit it wouldn’t get a second look

    • KG says:

      I’ve given up caring about it, Dondiego. If the bastards don’t like what I write or publish then let them turn up and arrest me. Fuck them.

      Whatever I might or might not be planning wouldn’t be shared by email or ‘phone anyway.

      • Simon Wolfe says:

        We should also be reaching out to the good local cops where we can. I’m sure many share our concerns and they’re not immune to what is happening. Their children will have to grow up in the world they’re policing now. Bad laws can only be enforced by bad cops. We value law and order after all, and the men who protect us and allow civilisation to keep running. The good ones are an asset.

        • KG says:

          I agree, Simon. There’s a tendency lately to lump all cops in the same category, and that’s obviously absurd. I’ve met some who turn a blind eye when that’s called for. And more who share the same concerns I have about where we’re headed.

          • Darin says:

            I agree and that also applies not just to cops.We need to pay close attention to all our local officials.Watch what they do and what they say and quiz them as to why when they back statist schemes.We need to identify who is for us or against us.The keys to city hall or the local armory may come in handy.

  2. Pascal says:

    “…and there will be nobody left to hear our song.”

    Iffy Christians and Jews too fearful to defend our faiths ought opt for cremation. Given our lack of commitment while we are alive, can we really believe in a faith-based reason to be interred? And with cremation our posterity can’t piss on our graves.

  3. Simon Wolfe says:

    Don Diego,

    I’m the owner/author of that site. Very difficult to persuade you that it isn’t a government data-mining because because… ‘they would say that.’.. lol

    I’m an Iraq/Afghanistan veteran who came back and has been appalled by what has become of the West while I have been away. I’ve always been traditionally conservative, and largely libertarian, but have now come to believe that libertarianism alone will not save us. The left are the problem, and mainstream conservatives are only doing just enough to stop people rebelling, while slowly ceding ground to the left. Modern democracy is only making things worse and the freedoms it grants us are illusions. I think a wholesale abandonment of the left, the right, and even democracy itself as we know it is required.

    I want to inspire people to rebel in whatever way they feel comfortable. That can be done as simply as growing your own food and homeschooling the kids. The rebellion starts at home with each of us, in small ways. None of this requires handing over any personal information.

    Of course I’d like it to go further than that – organising like-minded communities, reinvigorating churches, putting pressure on schools and local councils to abandon progressive thinking and return to traditional conservative ways – and away from the blog I’m organising people to do just that. Some of my ideas are radical and militant – but that should be an entirely voluntary decision for the individual. We are already at war, I want our resistance to be organised, effective, but also moral and just.

  4. KG says:

    Apologies, Simon. For some reason your comment was flagged as spam.

    “I think a wholesale abandonment of the left, the right, and even democracy itself as we know it is required.”

  5. G P says:

    Read about Lindsey Graham in the paper and found the article – this guy has some stones:

    “Then don’t vote for me,” he responded. “Because I’m telling you what’s coming. Barack Obama’s policies of leading from behind are going to allow another 9/11. [ISIS] is large, rich, and entrenched. If I’m president they will be poor, small and on the run, and that means we have to work with the regional forces that exist, go in on the ground and destroying this caliphate.”

    “If I’m president of the United States and you’re thinking about joining al-Qaeda or ISIL, I’m not gonna call a judge. I’m gonna call a drone and we will kill you,” Graham told the Federalist.

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      (1) Lindsey Graham (John McCain’s illegitimate son) is one of the most ProgLib members of Congress. He regularly votes against the GOP and with the Dems on any number of measures
      (2) Lindsey Graham voted to confirm Loretta Lynch, on the basis that “the President should get to pick his team” (never mind that whole “advice and consent” thing in that silly Constitution thingy, eh?)
      (3) Lindsey Graham is a disgrace to South Carolina (feel free to pitch in, Mr Contempt).
      (4) RT is a mouth-piece for the corrupt fascist Putin. Putin knows he could push Graham around just as easily as he does Barry.

      • G P says:

        Confidence trickster then – too good to be true :(

        • The Gantt Guy says:

          ‘fraid so. There are plenty of good candidates entering the race – none perfect of course, but a number of good ones. Rick Perry made a hell of a statement yesterday when he announced surrounded by Marcus Luttrell, Taya Kyle and several WWII vets. Of course, Ben Carson, Ted Cruz, Scott Walker etc. are also excellent.

          Lindsey Graham would rank lower than Jeb Bush. In fact, Lindsey Graham would rank lower than a millipede’s arsehole,