Says it all:


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7 Responses to Says it all:

  1. Pascal says:

    I’ve been saying for decades that politicians of both parties get along with each other far better than they do with their constituents.

    It was circa 1998 that CSPAN had covered a hotly contested debate between Senators Tom Daschle (D) and Trent Lott (R). I forget what it was about. I forget which was majority or minority leader. That doesn’t matter.

    What mattered was that after the diatribes were done, and both left the senate chambers, the camera caught the two of them hugging in a capital hallway with tears in their eyes. The two were consoling each other — no doubt over having to put on the show.

    A fart would have gotten more attention, and nobody on talk radio made an issue of it. They wouldn’t even take a call on the subject.

    Nowadays our pols are far less shy. Like your Key couldn’t possibly be any worse than that cow that preceded him if only because with her she didn’t pretend she was your friend.

    Personally I think this picture is the ruling class’s way of telling us how screwed we all are. In fact, I think they love telling us even more than they like doing it.

  2. KG says:

    ‘..I think this picture is the ruling class’s way of telling us how screwed we all are.”
    Yep. And most people still don’t get it.

  3. Darin says:

    To be expected,the weeping carrot has no shame,or standards for that matter.

    Although I found it interesting that Pelosi actually stood up to Obama this week,which is something Boehner has yet to do,on anything,even what brand golf balls they play with.

  4. Ronbo says:

    Like I said before – the political game is rigged in Washington, D.C. – and never forget the politicians of both parties running the show are nothing more than fuck boys for the real movers and shakers behind the scene – THE LEFTIST RULING CLASS!

    The tiny Leftist ruling oligarchy of America creates the Obummers, Nazipelosis and the Boners – not the other way around.

  5. mawm says:

    Yeach!!! Didn’t anyone tell him that you turn orange if you kiss that.

  6. Wombat says:

    Boehner 2016. “Blacker than Dolezal”.