When does the nation and the black community get an apology?
“In an open letter to DNC Chairman Debbie Blabbermouth Schultz, Jeffrey Lord provides a readout of the tangled history of the Democratic Party with slavery, segregation, lynching, and the Ku Klux Klan. Lord draws on the Democratic Party platforms of 1840, 1844, 1856 and 1860. He adds that, as the Civil War drew to a close, the Democrats opposed the passage of the Thirteenth Amendment (ending slavery), and proceeded afterwards also to oppose the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments. Lord has more, all in the spirit of the moment; Lord calls on Schultz to apologize on behalf of the party.”
Good one, Darin.
I like the idea,every single demorat that opens it’s mouth on the issue of race should be hammered with that question.Make the bastards squirm and sweat.
Off Topic–sorry
This is just to let you know that ‘the conservative’ blog will be closed for 6 weeks. We have just sold our house in Auckland and are moving to out of town to a new house. You may wish to stop my rss feed in the meantime. I will contact you again when I am back on line.
Thanks, Terry. Good luck with the move and the new house. I’m not sure how to stop the feed, so I’ll look at that later today.
KG, you don’t have to stop my rss feed if you don’t want to……It just won’t work when I put the my site into Maintenance Mode.
Ah..thanks, Terry. I’ll leave it be then. Thanks for letting me know.
Just realised, KG, you don’t have rss feeds anyway (don’t know why I thought you had???–maybe the alcohol catching up), so yes leave everything as it is.
Thanks, see you in a few weeks.
I do have some kind of feed, Terry, but I never look at it nowadays. The plugin has probably expired anyway.
I have a better idea, Darin – Let’s declare the Democrats, “The party of treason” and shoot their leadership.
Seriously, it’s a waste of time to debate these commie bastards – the only thing they understand is a fist in the face and boot up the ass…you notice that they don’t give the Muslims any lip because they are afraid of the head chop… so let’s kill a few of the bastards and pin a patriot death card to their shirts and they will learn not to piss us off either.
Oh I think before this is all over there will be plenty of time for the head thump to become commonplace.I would rather watch the bastards attack and kill each other first.It would make for great entertainment.