‘..The big stuff, wars, moon landings, civilizations, doesn’t matter. Everything has been reduced to the lowest common denominator of personal insecurities masquerading as politics and entertainment reduced to fame for fame’s sake celebrities. All of it is calculated to match the workday routine of a twenty-something female college graduate working in media. Because that is mostly who writes it.
…Our enemies have set out big goals. We must set out bigger ones. We must become more than conservatives. If we remain conservatives, then all we will have is the America we live in now. And even if our children and grandchildren become conservatives, that is the culture and nation they will fight to conserve. We must become revolutionaries. We must think in terms of the world we want. Not the world we have lost.’
This is the America We Live in Now
Leftists/”progressives”/socialists are not welcome here. Pay for your own soapbox.
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‘I believe that politicians, lawyers, busy-bodies and do-gooders are like salamis- greatly improved by hanging for a time.’ Oswald Bastable
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Great find KG.
That’s an orthodox Jew perspective if I’ve ever seen one and it’s one of the best things to learn from the faith: it fully recognizes the hegemony of Natural Law so a reader doesn’t even have to be of their faith.
It reminds us that Abraham himself was a revolutionary.
Too bad his seed had so much in-fighting, usually involving jealousies and covetousness.
Ike hated by Ish, Jake hated by Esav, Joe hated by his bros, the Israelites hated by the Amalekites, set the pattern that is merely a repetition of what is endemic in the whole of the human race.
The last commandment, thou shalt not covet, were it strictly adhered to, would likey lead to the end of war.
People who admire others and don’t covet what the others have or can do are usually the most productive and loving people I know.
So what do we have now? Western Civilization hated by its current rulers for much the same reason as those revealed in scripture. Hence there is why our governments are also at war with Judeo-Christianity and its scriptures. It exposes how their actions are in parallel with all the evil-doers there.
Hence Greenfield is correct.
“We must become revolutionaries. We must think in terms of the world we want. Not the world we have lost.”
Build the Future
Pascal, I couldn’t agree more with your comment “People who admire others and don’t covet what the others have or can do are usually the most productive and loving people I know.”
Damn right. That’s an important truth.
Thanks KG. IIRC, Fran Porretto and I spoke at length of what valuable understanding can be gleaned from the last commandment. And he wrote a column on it back in the days of either Palace of Reason or early Eternity Road.
I have always viewed it was left for the last one because so many would be gods-on-earth covet the love people have for God and the power He has over life. So the biggest breakers of that commandment are the farthest from honoring the first commandment.
Nothing is so simple as secession.
I have moved dozens of times in my life, once interstate, and it’s difficult but far more appealing an option than living somewhere you hate.
I once again can’t help but feel that the only solution that has any merit is to simply “mob” a suitable state or district and either secede or at least create a district that is incredibly hostile to outside interference.
p.s. I’m still working on that essay I promised earlier, but it’s turning into more of an epic saga.
We like epic sagas.
As long as it doesn’t involve two midgets and a crackhead trying to throw a ring in a Volcano.
Lord of the Rings dig
Hot Rod drag week LIVE FEED-
Jeff Lutz ran a 249 mph pass last night,fastest street legal pass evah
‘fame for fame’s sake.’ Oh, Dear Leader, that does sound like John.
Sure does, Lara.
We stil have to eliminate bastards like this idiot if we have any chance of winning
Damn right we do.
I have to apologize once again for for Ray Closet homosexual Mabus former governor of Mississippi.A member of the insufferable jackass party.
The only upside of his term was when it ended and we got a Republican governor for the first time in 100 years.