Unassimilated human garbage:

Muslim children walk out when national anthem is sung
…In a statement, the Department of Education said it supported the school.
“The Department supports our schools to be inclusive for all students, this includes understanding or respecting religious cultural observances…’
Fair enough – except that muslims show absolutely no respect for any cultures and religions other than their own. The truth of the matter is that these primitive invaders will never accept the culture and norms of the host country. Never.
(Note too, the principle’s weasel words being used to justify this. She’s very much the product of the cowardly pc leftist mindset in our so-called schools.)

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28 Responses to Unassimilated human garbage:

  1. Brown says:

    Kids doing this shows that they are being stage managed by adults.

    The Muslims have so many excuses for not doing the things that civilisation reasonably expects yet they think they are the pinnacle of human development.

  2. Northern says:

    We had French friends living in NZ for a few years and the mother insisted her kids absented themselves whenever the NZ National Anthem was sung at school. We thought that was plain silly and led to the young kids always being treated as outsiders here. By contrast we lived in Canada when our son was young and of course he sang (and played on the recorder) “Oh Canada”. It didn’t make him any less a Kiwi…

    • Col. Bunny says:

      I was disgusted by a Quebec provincial park I visited some years ago one summer. There was some minor monument or historical marker there that was in French. The sign indicated that the English translation could be found a ways away on another sign. A small thing you might say but this was in vivid contrast with the enormous expense that Anglo Canada shouldered to make each and every sign bilingual, even signs many, many miles from French-speaking Canada.

      I thought it a spiteful gesture in view of practices of the federal government.

      Your French friends’ behavior was even odder. It’s almost magical thinking. If the kid hears the anthem he will be infected with Kiwism, helpless thereafter to maintain the proper degree of disdain for les anglais.

  3. carol-christian soldier says:

    muslims are a ‘privileged ‘ people–don’t you know!!

  4. Lara says:

    World fast going to hell in a hand basket. Whilst our leaders stand back and encourage them…sad as.http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_cry.gif

  5. Victor says:

    It is a world full of retards – it the video I am linking you will see a young boy singing the national anthem of the US wearing a Charro outfit at a basketball game – the costume is as much part of the history and tradition of Texas as it is to Mexico, it is worn by Mariachis and for rodeos and for traditional Mexican weddings, but he gets bashed for singing the anthem and wearing the outfit – it is a world full of retards – defend a group for not wanting to integrate and observe the national anthem in their host country… and insult the kid who promotes tradition in one… And this kid is American – in the way he speaks and acts and dresses… he is an all American kid…some days I just want to fucking give up… oh, the Mariachis where a gift from the French for those that don’t know.


    • KG says:

      “..the Mariachis where a gift from the French for those that don’t know.”
      8O Yet another fact to add to the squillion things I don’t know, Victor.

  6. Ronbo says:

    The Muslims are an INFERIOR and BARBARIC people!

    As I’ve said before, my first overseas tour in the U.S. Army was to Peshawar, Pakistan during 1967, where USAF/ARMY had a joint service electronic intercept base in the Cold War to spy on Russia and China.

    I had never been outside the USA except for a short vacation in Canada – and I was shocked at how primitive were in the living conditions in Pakistan – I felt like I was transported back to Bible times….horse transportation…camel trains…dudes in turbans….and the unforgettable smell of burning horse and cow shit – the major form of energy in Peshawar during those days.

    My introduction to Islam happened shortly at the mandatory briefing that lasted three days on the dos and don’ts for Infidels in Pakistan…First we were told to get the official propaganda out of our heads that the Paks were our friendly allies – In fact, they hated our guts – and the only reason we were in Pakistan was because Uncle Sam paid handsomely their government for the privilege of defending them from the Communists…that we were never, NEVER to enter a Mosque…and never, NEVER even so much as take a picture of Muslim woman…much less “chat one up.”

    At this junction many of us young soldiers and airmen laughed…and being ready for this response, the Air Force master sergeant briefer hit a button to project a picture of a young white man spread eagle with arms and legs tied to stakes. However, what got our immediate attention was that the poor airman had had his balls/penis cut off and rammed down his throat.

    This incident had happened years ago in 1963, when this airman had an affair with a Muslim girl whose father and brothers stoned her to death – and kidnapped her lover boy off our well guarded base one dark night shortly afterwards – and murdered him in the barbaric manner described just off the main road leading from the base to Peshawar, where his hideous dead body became something of a roadside attraction for the locals until the military and police finally showed up.

    Many Americans said they found out all they needed to know about Islam on 9/11 – but I discovered all I needed to know about Islam during 1967.

  7. mara says:

    The sheer wrongness of this Principal makes my teeth ache. Sack the woman and deport families who do not belong in Australia. Won’t happen though and I give up!!

  8. The Gantt Guy says:

    There is precisely no chance the behaviour of this parade of future terrorists, terrorism sympathisers and deputy mayors is anything other than an event stage-managed by their parents.

    Deport the fucking lot of them, and the ones that can’t be deported, send to Nauru.


    • KG says:

      http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_good.gif I’d prefer to just kill them, but hey – we’d settle for deportation.

      • The Gantt Guy says:

        http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_good.gif What can I say, I’m a bit of a softie. I’d make the outward manifestations of their ideology (burqas, halal slaughter, etc. etc.) illegal and offer them repatriation back to their homelands. Makes it so much easier for the drones when they’re all in one place.

  9. Col. Bunny says:

    These stories practically write themselves. There could be a template:

    ___ days after arriving in ___ a group of Muslims complained they were offended by___ and demanded that henceforth Christmas be cancelled and that boiled ___ meat be the new national dish. They further stated that the women of ___ are whores and demanded that shariah be implemented in ___ days everywhere in ___.

    • KG says:

      Yep. Which is why the MSM concentrates on feelgood “human interest” propaganda. According to them, all the invaders are refugees comprised entirely of women and photogenic children, just itching to adopt the Western way of life. And all opponents of the invasion are rednecks, cleaning their guns while they microwave babies…

  10. Wombat says:

    Here’s the trick.

    I want to see footage of recess and lunch down at that school on the very same day. I want to see those sad little muslim faces sternly and unfailingly “reflect(ing) on the martyrdom of Imam Hussein”.

    What’s that you say? They were running around playing games with the rest of the children? Doing finger painting and playing soccer?

    We might presume that’s the case, since the chief public servant on scene didn’t note it in support of their wafer thin argument.

    So that would mean that, shock horror, they were engaging in soft political jihad?

    Say it ain’t so!

  11. Ronbo says:

    It’s sad to say, but at some point the shit is going to hit the fan in the West World and the Holocaust against the Muslims is going to make Hitler’s Holocaust against the Jews look like a Sunday picnic with a body count in the hundreds of millions – and will be fueled by the simple fact that the threat from Islam is not some sick paranoid mental condition like anti-Semitism – it’s a well documented and well filmed FACT.

    The Mad Mullahs from Cairo to Dearborn, Michigan to Mecca tell us Infidels over and over they want to murder us….I take a man at his word when he says, “I’m going to kill you.” However, my philosophy is, “Do unto others, but do it first.”

    Death camps for Muslims in the West? Unthinkable? Look what the Serbs did in the 1990s when threatened by Yugoslavian Muslims with death – they threw them in concentration camps and let them starve to death.

    • Wombat says:

      “Do unto others, but do it first.”

      Ay-f’ing-men. http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_good.gif

    • Col. Bunny says:

      I like to point out something you never, ever, ever, ever see discussed is the biggest X factor there is — the likely behavior of the military.

      The individual citizen has only the choice of individual resistance where all the resources of the state will descend on him if he even begins to express just his outrage at what is happening. What will really only make the difference now is coordinated military action and firepower. There’s no alternative. The immediate future is just the Muslims getting another year or two to lay up their stashes of ammo and bullet launchers. It will look like peace in a grotesque sort of way but it will just be the run up to the finals. Thankfully, Muslims being smug, short-sighted pricks they will not bide their time and will jump the gun. This massive influx was not the drip drip that Merkel, Hollandaise, and Camoron were depending on. It’s energizing our peeps and anything looking like organized violence on a large scale will be what no one can deny any longer.

      Politics have failed and have in fact CREATED the horror of our day. Ergo, politics won’t change squat. If no political solution and individual action risky and ruinously expensive, just what is left?

      It’s the elephant in the living room if you ask me. If there is any group of people in any country who have a strong sense of protecting borders and their own people qua people, not politicians, it’s the military. Just what do those men think when they patrol some raghead border but then come home to see foreigners flooding into their lands not only unopposed but at the blooming invitation of their own governments!

      It’s a tiny bit like the peculiar silence of the Queen. “Her” people are being betrayed but does she ever say boo about it? Point being there are some peculiar silences to ponder. The Treason Class are betting on the lads being well behaved just forever. I think they’re going to write a new chapter in the book on constitutional government.

      Why am I writing this fantastical nonsense in 2015 A.D.? It’s just ridiculous but the very worst thing, the most unimaginable betrayal, has happened. It’s plain.

      • KG says:

        “It’s just ridiculous but the very worst thing, the most unimaginable betrayal, has happened. It’s plain.”
        Yes, it is. That is, if you rely on something more than mainstream television and newspapers for your news. Unfortunately, the vast majority don’t and are perfectly malleable agents of the State.

        • Ronbo says:

          In America – which I think is the standard opinion for the Anglosphere countries – it would appear a clear majority of 53% are not taken in by the lies, crimes and propaganda of the Progressives; however, a large minority of 45% do believe the Leftist bullshit.

          Hence, it would appear the New Media is getting the truth out there…which is the reason the Left wants to shutdown the Internet.


          • Ronbo says:

            KG said,

            “Yes, it is. That is, if you rely on something more than mainstream television and newspapers for your news. Unfortunately, the vast majority don’t and are perfectly malleable agents of the State.”

            My friend I have to disagree with you – I think the majority in all the Anglosphere countries ARE NOT taken in by the lies of the various Propaganda Ministries.

            However, I think a majority of the majority think they are in the minority because the Progressive Propaganda is delivered daily on a thousand outlets…It’s like in the old days of Red China when there was a loudspeaker on every street corner blasting Communist propaganda…and even then without access to outside information – most Chinese could see thru the lies…Ditto the old Soviet Union.

            KG you have to understand that one purpose of Progressive Propaganda is to make the majority feel like the minority – and to make the final victory of the Progressive Movement seem inevitable.

            Well, they have been trying hard 24/7 for over 100 years and haven’t sealed the deal yet!

            My friends, never forget for a moment that the people on top of the Progressive Movement – The Ruling Class – are a minority of a minority and less than 1% of the population strong.

            The West World is divided along Orwellian lines today: The Inner Party – the one percent Ruling Class are on top – beneath them is the Outer Party – the “journalists” – the talking heads on television and radio, teachers, bureaucrats etc. These are small in number as well, say four or five percent.

            And where are We The People? The Proles? We are 40% True Believers in Progressivism and the 53% who aren’t buying the bullshit.

            Never, never, NEVER forget The Ruling Class is scared shitless of people like us…They hate us worse than any foreign enemy, because they know that when we get our act together, We The People are coming after them with a rope in our hands and murder in our eyes.

            • KG says:

              I do admire your optimism, Ronbo.
              But look around you – the bastards are winning on all fronts and ample provocation for rebellion has already happened, again and again.
              Truth is, barring a miracle the cavalry ain’t coming.