Col. B. Bunny:

‘..Common sense long ago departed Europe, especially Germany, which is doing its best to foul the European nest. Merkel’s destructive intent is clear to all but the most deluded or compromised.
…This massive influx has revealed Merkel for who she is — a communist functionary in her youth in E. Germany who has brought with her to the chancellorship of Germany a scheme for the revolutionary transformation of Germany, and Europe with it….’

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45 Responses to Col. B. Bunny:

  1. andy5759 says:

    That much is quite evident. The apparent volt face in Russia means that the Commie Menace is now Germany. Forget China, at your peril, for the moment. German government has gone from National Socialist to International Socialist in two generations. German people, both East and West, continue to be rather Nationalist. The German government will quickly lose the support of voters, they will soon be toast. What of Merkel’s pets, the non white Europeans invited here to become adoptive Europeans? If the majority really do want to cast off the chains of a mediæval religion everyone will be happy. If not, there will be some violent reaction. Random killings, killing sprees, and when the killers get organised – mass killings. Here in GB we are far from the front line, Eastern and Central Europe have been there before, they know what to do, and how to get away with it. I wonder how much we owe those nations and their self sacrificing leaders such as Slobodan Milosevich. Selfless politicians? We don’t get many of them in a lifetime.

  2. Col. Bunny says:

    This surge of invaders has finally become in-your-face for a LOT of Germans. People relieving themselves in your flower garden, littering the streets in your town (to put it delicately), and hassling you at your front door is now the experience of a LOT of people. No more hidden costs of “immigration.” I don’t know what this new stuff does to the German soul but I’m guessing it’s white-hot fury.

    I will post a comment from somewhere about what’s happening in the former E. Germany. The commenter says that’s where Germany’s “rednecks” live and there are German attacks directly on the “immigrants” and police turning a blind eye to “stuff” there. Burning of immigrant housing is taking place in Germany and in Sweden, I think. Not all Europeans are taking this lying down.

    I made my reckless prediction because what’s happening now is different on an order of magnitude and it’s now in people’s front yards. There should have been outrage long before this and now we witness what happens when the political process marginalizes and punishes legitimate protest.

    • Dallas says:

      Many Europeans are very concerned but feel powerless since their elites are determined to drive their societies off the cliff and the media suppresses the protests against turning over their countries to whomever is willing to just walk in.

      I have noticed that quite a few Europeans are interested in making their way across the Atlantic to Canada and, well, perhaps the US. It must be disappointing to them to see Canada has taken such a sudden leftward lurch towards the same fate, with the new ultra-progressive Canadian government.

      One hopeful sign for Canada is that opinion pieces in the CBC seems now to be having belated second thoughts that the promises of utopia may fall disastrously short.

      • Col. Bunny says:

        I don’t follow Canadian politics closely but I’m glad the CBC is having second thoughts about promises of utopia. I’m glad to see him start to limit Canada’s role in Syria (Iraq?). That much is good. His parents were flaky so it’s a stretch to believe that he’s not like they are. The Canadians who voted for more of the same Trudeau family worry me. Everywhere in the West it’s way past time for a hard turn to the right but, even at this late date, people are voting for more utopia (something-for-nothing socialism) and closing their eyes to other realities.

        It’s time for me to trot out that quote from Ben Franklin again:

        “Experience keeps a dear school, but fools will learn in no other.”

        And school is in whether people realize it or not.

  3. Ronbo says:

    Merkel is allegedly a “Christian Democratic Union” (CDU) conservative, but has pushed her party further to the Left than the SPD – the German Socialists.

    Merkel reminds me of the Republican “conservatives” like Ryan and McConnell who make up the leadership class of the GOP in Congress but allow Obama to enact his socialist agenda and ignore GOP back bencher conservatives, who represent the majority of the American People.

    It’s like Lenin famously said, “The best way to beat the opposition is to become the opposition.”

    • Col. Bunny says:

      Savage is quite clear that we are living in a dictatorship. Burden of proof is on those who say otherwise. Thus, we have Tweedledum and Tweedledee parties but the result is always the same. More spending, more federal power, more foreign invaders.

      • Ronbo says:

        Great minds think alike, Colonel…I’m on record as saying in 2010 American federal government had become a dictatorship under Obama.

        • Col. Bunny says:

          Also well worth reading on the issue of how-else-could-it-be-anything-but collusion with the left on the part of the GOP is this gem by Jeffrey Lord. It’s two years old but the picture it paints of the GOP scum is timeless.

  4. Ronbo says:

    Colonel Bunny said elsewhere,

    “Malatrope, you have that right. This tidal wave just has to be a game changer. Lord knows there have been hundreds that should have been in that category, but this one is up close and personal for a lot of ordinary people. Unfortunately, the powerful are still somewhat insulated but a lot of people aren’t. ”

    Great minds think alike:

    This massive invasion of Germany by third world scumbags is, indeed, a game changer, because civil war in central Europe will fan revolutionary flames east and west.

    • Col. Bunny says:

      I can only agree that that was a great quote from me!

      There was a funny cartoon in Playboy, I believe, years ago. I only read it for the articles of course but it showed a couple in bed and the woman’s eyes were bugging out big time. The guys says, “Well, I guess that’s enough foreplay.” It’s like that with what’s drawing closer and closer in Germany and France. This buildup of third-world invaders just won’t go on peacefully forever. At some point the Muslim ground troops are going to look around and say, “We’re at a critical mass at last. Let’s do this thing.”

  5. WebWrat says:

    And where are all these Muslims disappearing to? 7000 from one camp and no one knows where they’ve gone.

    Are they going come bursting out from some training camp with AK-47’s when they are ready?

    • Darin says:

      That’s what I’m thinking,a made to order “crisis” requiring marshall law.

      • Seneca III says:

        ‘Martial’ law, Darin…only of the free-range variety, not the Establishment version. Something nasty our way comes and there is only one way left to deal with it.
        ‘Marshals’ just guide, organise and help large gatherings whereas what is required in this case is a progressive form of “Leave or die”, and in my case the ‘leave’ bit may be resultant from a case of late onset altruism or a finite amount of ammunition, although I wouldn’t put any money on the former if I were you.

    • Col. Bunny says:

      It’s pretty obvious that the mosques are used as arsenals. The correlation of forces still is awful from the Muslim standpoint, however, and I have no doubt that there’s been a brisk trade in illegal weapons on the part of the aboriginals. Someone also observed that there were a lot of weapons lying around after WWII that ended up wrapped in grease and tarps.

  6. Contempt says:

    History repeats itself. This time it is to swamp us in weirdos who don’t even fit in the cesspit they come from.

    • Ronbo says:

      Big wins for the Tea Party Republicans in the election yesterday – The Socialist Democrats even lost in SAN FRANCISCO!

      …not that it matters at this point in American history…absent a revolution and blood purge of traitors, nothing will change.

  7. carol-christian soldier says:

    i used to blame the germans for hitler’s rise–they were blinded by -? -but- now i see blindness to tyranny every where – in every country including the US-
    thank God for the Tea Party–it gives me courage to continue the fight for the Constitutional principals continue and grow–

    • Col. Bunny says:

      It’s a nice collection of marching orders. All in one neat package. The Constitution I mean. When Merkel and Hollande talk about “European values” no one knows what the heck that refers to. Something off a cereal box, near as I can figger.

      • carol-christian soldier says:

        well said–I believe
        you will be interested in this-

        • Col. Bunny says:

          That’s very interesting. Thank you.

          I constantly think about how to take stuff back to first principles. There has to be something to rip out the keystone in the thinking of people who have so casually abandoned a great scheme of government that was an earnest attempt to deal with all the problems of ruler and ruled the Framers were aware of.

          The painting in that video highlights how liberty has been abandoned by people who placed government benefits above every other consideration. That is naked self interest at work and, as Adam Smith would attest, it’s a mighty engine of human activity but which, in this context (where the morality of redistribution is accepted) makes for a formidable enemy of liberty and the limited government upon which it depends. The “right” painting would show the politician in the chains of the Constitution not the people in chains as a result of their immoral avarice.

          • carol-christian soldier says:

            you are so right on thank you for visiting and seeing an artist’s rendition of the down fall of the Constitution …and freedom to produce and succeed ..

  8. mawm says:

    From granny Herald today: We are faced with 6 security problems in New Zealand. Top of the list “Violent extremism in New Zealand and by New Zealanders.”. I’d guess those are recently arrived “New Zealanders”. How is letting Zaoui (sp) stay looking now?

    ……”violent extremism” appeared linked to concerns over the ability of the extremist group Isis (Islamic State) to export terror and was linked to observations “significant migration” was “creating communities [in New Zealand] with distinct identities and links to overseas”.

    Key and Findlayson have been sitting on this for a year and only requests through the OIA and intervention by the Office of the Ombudsman have resulted in it being released……with “redacted” bits. (Another rant of mine; why do we have to speak Americanise?) Key has known about this all along and he is still letting in these threats to our society. Just as he knows that global warming is bullish*t and yet kowtows to the UN IPCC, etc. Traitor much?

  9. mawm says:

    Col. B – Germany rises!

    Amazing how every patriotic German who is protesting enabling politicians and muslim invaders is automatically a Neo-Nazi.

    • andy5759 says:

      It doesn’t matter much to me what labels the media put on the resistance movement. As far as I care they can call it Doris. The people reconsidering their position in immigration WILL care, they will be put off by this resurrection of demons from the past. Time is a great changer, in time the reluctant will join in the marches, boycotts, and occasional violence. They will know what to do, having had history pointed out to them by the media.

    • Col. Bunny says:

      It’s one of the greasiest, most despicable verbal tactics to brand anyone furious about establishment politics as a Nazi. Actual brownshirts like the AntiFa scum chuck hunks of concrete into PEGIDA rallies and the media and politicians never acknowledge real leftist scum. To hear the Treason Class tell it, there’s the Sunday School, tame, compassionate, caring middle and one step of to the right your in vicious “right wing/Nazi” territory. Never mind that Nazis were ultra leftists. That’s what must never be acknowledged.

      It’s all garbage. As a friend likes to say, “Sooner or later everyone bows down to Mars.” The split is too great to be fixed by discussion and compromise. How do you compromise with people who are lying sacks?

  10. Ronbo says:

    carol-christian soldier said:

    ” i used to blame the germans for hitler’s rise–they were blinded by -? -but- now i see blindness to tyranny every where – in every country including the US-
    thank God for the Tea Party–it gives me courage to continue the fight for the Constitutional principals continue and grow–”

    I was stationed in Berlin, Germany in the 1970s during the Cold War – and well remember feeling superior to the Germans because they were such weaklings in allowing Hitler to come power – “A man like Hitler could never rise to power in America,” I often thought to myself in those days.

    I don’t feel that way anymore for some reason…

    • Col. Bunny says:

      I always resist that view of Germans. It assumes they had perfect knowledge of what was going to happen and what was happening. Any German who chose not to take on the Gestapo in the town square with his bare hands was just a coward who deserved everything that happened to him.

      I don’t know what’s going on in Chillicothe, Missouri, at this moment and it’s sure as hell a dizzying experience to see the president prove every day of the week how much he hates the Constitution and American white Christians.

      Talk about being dragged along with no knowledge and no control.

      Decent Germans must look at Merkel and think, “Damn, did we do it again, FFS? She seemed decent but here she’s working overtime to destroy the country.”

  11. Ronbo says:

    mawm said,

    Amazing how every patriotic German who is protesting enabling politicians and muslim invaders is automatically a Neo-Nazi.”

    …and it’s not so amazing to me that the Leftist Leadership Pigs in Germany who have locked the average citizen out of the government, imposed censorship, arrested and imprisoned voices with different opinions on religion and immigration, opened the borders to a barbarian invasion and used the police to suppress demonstrations against invasion should have the GALL to call honest citizens NAZIS!!!

    Clearly, a case of PROJECTION – and just as clearly the Merkel Regime is NEO-NAZI!

    Like Lenin said, “Accuse others of what you are.”

    • Col. Bunny says:

      >> Merkel Regime is NEO-NAZI! <<

      Quite so in her totalitarian course. If she ordered an attack on Moscow next week it would be a more rational course of action than what she's doing with the tidal wave of invaders. She intends the destruction of Germany. Period.

      • KG says:

        No other conclusion would be sensible.

        • Ronbo says:

          Merkel is Germany’s Obama and YES, their ultimate goal is to MURDER people like us!

          In America, the federal government has built concentration camps that can hold up to 25 million people just outside every major city….these were allegedly built by FEMA since 2009 for natural disaster housing…YEAH, RIGHT!

          This is the reason why I believe in the “Golden Rule Number One” – “If a person tells you they hate you and will murder you just as soon as they have half a chance of getting away with it: BELIEVE THEM!”

  12. mawm says:

    In English and American – suggest that it was a bomb that caused the Russian plane to fall out of the sky. Sounds like a coordinated cover-up for the Hillary missiles that went “missing” from Benghazi to me. Get the lie in early and repeat often.

    Warning! The second link is to CNN and may cause a mental disorder.