‘The United States of Injustice

We are persecuted by our government.  We elect representatives and they are ignored.  We are subjected to a blizzard of laws, rules, and regulations imposed by an occupying army of leftist bureaucrats; friends of Obama are exempt.
Our rights are trampled.  Our money is confiscated to the extent that nearly half our labor is devoted to funding a government that is incompetent at every basic task besides oppression.  Our contributions to society are belittled, as if the welfare-sucking losers living on Democrat handouts built this country instead of us.
This is unjust.  This is wrong.  And this will not last.  Where there is no justice, there will be no peace.  Trump is only the harbinger of a much deeper anger, and a fully justified one.  It cannot continue; the status quo is not static, and injustice will create a reaction.  Upheaval is coming, and chaos looms if we stay this course.  It’s not too late to fundamentally transform back into a just society, but that would take a real leader.  And right now, we don’t have one….’
(H/T The Woodpile Report)

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2 Responses to ‘The United States of Injustice

  1. Ronbo says:

    “This is unjust. This is wrong. And this will not last. Where there is no justice, there will be no peace. Trump is only the harbinger of a much deeper anger, and a fully justified one. It cannot continue; the status quo is not static, and injustice will create a reaction. Upheaval is coming, and chaos looms if we stay this course. It’s not too late to fundamentally transform back into a just society, but that would take a real leader. And right now, we don’t have one.”

    Five years ago I was a lonely voice in the wilderness calling for American Revolution 2.0; however, since then I’m been joined by more and more newly minted revolutionists.

    We will soon be an army, I predict…http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_yahoo.gif

  2. Wombat says:

    As the ass end drops out of the middle-class we’re going to start seeing a lot more support for anti-globalist and anti-federalist “measures”.

    Build tribe. Build skills. Build the tools you’ll need. Be ready. http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_good.gif