Just who are the racists again?

An excellent article in American Thinker-

Read it here-

From the article-“And if you do happen to go on a hunger strike and win, the only thing you’ve done is proved that your enemy cares more about you than his cause.  You can win a hunger strike only against a person who cares about people.  You can defeat your enemy only if your enemy is actually a saint.  Gandhi may have saved the Indians from the English.  We can only wonder how successful he would have been against al-Qaeda.”

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3 Responses to Just who are the racists again?

  1. Ronbo says:

    Like most Whites, Asians and Hispanics – approximately 90% of the population of America – I’m sick and tired of black racist PIGS telling the rest of the country they are anti-black racists!

    As is well known, the worst racists on the face of the Planet Earth are American blacks – more even have even earned the contempt of blacks in other countries with their obsession with race and lack of culture,

    For example, I remember a South African website where black South Africans were ripping American blacks for their lack of manners, foul and loud mouths and the constant whine about whitey.

    So whenever I read crap like, “Open Letter To Whites” I mark it down to psychological projection – the blacks charge everyone else with what they are – racists, violent, criminals, etc.

    If some race in the United States has a valid bitch about racism besides whites – it would be the hardworking, honest and in many cases, scholarly young Asians who find themselves shut out of big city “Charter Schools” (The free public school variation on the elite private school allegedly based on merit) like those in New York City because they exceeded the Asian quota of students.

    This reminds me of quota systems of yesteryear in regards to bright Jewish students who exceeded the quota of Jews allowed into elite public and private schools.

    Of course, the Asian parents of these intelligent students are often small time grocery store owners in the black ghetto, where they are often beaten, robbed and murdered by their black customers.

    Ditto the Hispanics with their endless wars with blacks over apartments, jobs, etc. in the big cities…

    In fact, American black racist ghetto rats are like the Muslims – they are at war with anyone who is not stupid, criminal, parasite, drugged and an animal like them on welfare. Those few blacks in the ghetto who revolt against the evil subculture of “blackness” are called, “Acting White” and beaten, killed, or ran out of Dodge!

    I’m a typical white Southerner who hates the black race, but loves certain individual blacks. Yes, this sounds a contradiction, but it isn’t really – I think its fair to say about all races, creeds and colors. I think the only way to judge the human race is on an individual basis.