Black crime matters:

Columbus Dispatch – The national black homicide rate is eight times that of whites and Hispanics combined. Black males between the ages of 14 and 17 commit homicide at 10 times the rate of white and Hispanic male teens combined. The police could end all lethal uses of force tomorrow, both justified and unjustified, and it would have at most a trivial effect on the black death rate…’
via the peerless Woodpile Report

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5 Responses to Black crime matters:

  1. MacDoctor says:

    Every US police officer knows this. They are 10 times more likely to be killed by a black person. Combine that with the typical aggression behavior that black people exhibit towards the police and it is small wonder that US cops are trigger-happy around African-Americans. It is actually surprising there are not more incidents than there are.

    • D.T. says:

      Why are they called ” African Americans ” ? Shouldn’t they be ” American Africans ” ?
      I mean , they haven’t been to Africa for generations…..since they were sold by their own.

      • The Gantt Guy says:

        They’re not “American” anything, or anything “American”. They’re thugs and gorillas. Nothing more, nothing less.

  2. C-CS says:

    DETROIT anyone!! 50 + years ago – no one ever had the guts to do the stats back then–
    is the US going to end up like DETROIT!!

  3. Ronbo says:

    I’ve seen the best and the worst in black people in America during my six decade plus time on the planet – and I think my old Southern mother had it right when she said white people in the South hated the black race, but loved the individual.

    ….and in the North and West it was the opposite.

    Yes, I’ve known some really fine black Americans in my life, but I’ve ran into many NIGGERS – including one large black monster who attacked me from the rear in unprovoked, vicious and cowardly attacks on two separate occasions.

    The NIGGERS are the scum of the earth.

    So Colored People, okay…

    NIGGERS? Watch them very carefully, be prepared to resist a physical attack and never, never, NEVER turn your back on them.

    I’ve learned that lesson the hard way.