At last! More, please.

Hundreds-strong´ mob of masked men rampage through Stockholm station beating up refugee children in revenge attack for female asylum centre worker killed by Somali ´boy´

(note the words ” refugee children”. The media still can’t bear – and afford – to tell the truth about what’s happening)

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23 Responses to At last! More, please.

  1. KG says:

    Well, of course anybody with the balls to defend their culture, who objects to their women being raped, their institutions trashed and their country being destroyed by animals must be a “neo-Nazi”………..and the sad thing is, so many uninformed people will fall for these smear jobs by the politicians and their media lapdogs.
    ‘Suspected neo-Nazi gangs attack migrants in Sweden’

    Suspected by whom? On what evidence?
    Even if true, Wabbit’s response is so fucking what?
    I predicted this over two years ago, saying that we will have to accept a coalition that will include some very unsavoury allies if we are to win this fight. Now is not the time to be picky and overly squeamish. Not the time to wring our hands and reach for the smelling salts.
    The age of Orwell’s “rough men” has arrived.

    • Cadwallader says:

      “Neo-Nazi” must be one of the most randomly used labels. It seems to be applied to anyone with white skin who responds with certainty and valour.

      • KG says:

        And so far, it’s been effective in silencing people and preventing them from getting together to take what action is necessary.
        But I suspect not for much longer.

      • mawm says:

        Along with “racist” and “bigot”.

        I’m always amazed that the biggest bigots run around calling others who are different bigots………. and don’t see the irony. Just saying.

  2. KG says:

    Francis Porretto has just put up a post which is almost the polar opposite of this one, and my comment above:
    But with comments disabled.
    To his warnings about the fruits of anger I’ll say this:
    The problem isn’t with anger, and the possible consequences. The West’s problem has been – still is – a lack of righteous anger against the barbarians and their enablers in our midst. I wonder if the victims of Rotherham and Beslan (remember those?) would be so squeamish about vengeance exacted of their behalf?
    Of course there are consequences, many of them unforeseen and unpleasant when mass anger rises. To do nothing (or delude ourselves that the ballot box is “doing something”) is a certain recipe for defeat and the slide into slavery.
    And to preach about the dangers of reacting with real, physical anger when there are no effective alternatives left to us is cowardice.

    • Darin says:

      I would much rather settle this at the ballot box,but there are many others insisting on subverting it.I will fight,I will kill,I will die if need be,IF THEY INSIST I MUST.

      Warnings of what MAY come if we act mean much less than what inevitably WILL come if we don’t.

    • You have a strong point about the lack of righteous anger, KG. And anger is necessary. But it is not sufficient. A society that acts from anger alone — i.e., anger that’s not complemented by a reasonably well-thought-out and generally agreed-upon conception of what comes next — produces a vacuum. Vacuums tend to be filled by power-hungry villains. History, including recent history, is quite eloquent on this subject.

      “Be angry, but in cold blood.” The cold-blooded man is a thoughtful man. He tries as best he can to foresee the consequences of his actions and to plan for them. What I oppose is hot-blooded, thoughtless anger that gives not a pfennig for what will follow its expression. I hope that clarifies my thinking sufficiently.

  3. Oswald Bastable says:

    When the pendulum swings, it always swings back further.

    • KG says:

      Yep. And the responsibility for that will rest with our overlords and the coward media.

      • mawm says:

        And, of course, there will be a huge amount of government sponsored violence against their citizens.

        • KG says:

          Oh yes.

          • Oswald Bastable says:

            Look to the movie ‘V for Vendetta’ and you will see the government this will need to. They engineered the takeover with a couple of big acts of terrorism. In our world it is being done with many smaller events, the powers that be understand how to boil a frog!

            No blade-wielding mutant is going to get us out of totalitarianism, though.

  4. C-CS says:

    wondered when the VIKING MEN would have- again- the Viking spirit >>> Good on them!!

  5. Ronbo says:

    No doubt the the leftward media in this country will be saying that Trump is responsible for the civic response to Islamic terrorism in Sweden…Actually they may.have a point, because resistance to Islam by a well known public figure anywhere in the West World encourages nationalism.

  6. Wombat says:

    The media are hemorrhaging credibility at a drastic rate. Even to the casual reader the response would be “huh? What are a bunch of refugee children doing at a train station?”

    Curious minds will then inquire, and down the rabbit hole they go.

    Freight train. Incline. No brakes. Destination?

  7. KG says:

    Geller: Europe’s Civil War Breaks Out: The Battle for Stockholm’s Train Station
    Merkel Deputy: Surging Anti Mass Migration Party Should Be ‘Monitored’ By Govt
    ‘..The news has sent shockwaves through German politics, perhaps due to perceived similarities to the 1933 Enabling Act, which abolished all political parties in Germany except the Nazi Party.’