Open House

Let’s pray a couple of our friends there are ok:
Dozens of homes destroyed, damaged as twisters tear through Deep South’

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45 Responses to Open House

  1. Ronbo says:

    I returned last night to Seattle from beautiful, sunny, warm and EXPENSIVE Hawaii where the prices average at least 20% higher than Washington state, which are high in comparison to red states like Florida.

    This may or may not be the best of all possible worlds…but no one will deny this is the most EXPENSIVE of all possible worlds…The taxi driver to the Honolulu airport told me his rent was $1400 per month WITHOUT air conditioning for a cold water flat miles from the city center! …

    In contrast, my rent controlled efficiency apartment in downtown Seattle’s historic Belltown district runs $316 a month and this includes water and electric – no air conditioning in the old historic building, but who needs A.C. when nine months a year it’s cold, wet and rainy?

    Of course, my rent bill is unusually low for a prime city location with a view of Pier 66 and Puget Sound about two blocks down the hill, but I found out early on when I arrived in the Seattle Soviet back in 2011 from my veterans’ representative there was a special rent control program for honorably discharged veterans, and I took full advantage of the deal.

    Anyhow, while in Honolulu I toured Pearl Harbor and the Arizona Memorial, where the smell of fuel oil from the sunk USS Arizona beneath the war memorial can still be detected. Waikiki Beach where I stayed is about half filled with Jap tourists, who for some strange reason, do not visit the Arizona Memorial. Why not?

    They won the day on December 7, 1941.

    Yes, Pearl Harbor was real bad news for the 3,000 G.I.s who were murdered that infamous day by the Empire of Japan without a declaration of war, but September 11, 2001 was worse – the American Mainland for the first time since the British fired on New Orleans in 1815 – was attacked by a foreign enemy, and only civilians were killed in the world’s financial capital city of New York City.

    WW II ended on the USS Missouri, which is docked forever near the Arizona Memorial on Ford Island’s former Battleship Row, so one can in one glance see where WW II started and ended for America.

    The last war America fought to unconditional surrender and occupation/punishment of the Homelands of our enemies.

  2. Ronbo says:

    KG said,

    Let’s pray a couple of our friends there are ok:

    ‘Dozens of homes destroyed, damaged as twisters tear through Deep South’


    Obama remarked today, “Move along, people move along! NOTHING TO SEE HERE! It’s just those old ‘Bitter Clinger’ red neck whites holding their God, Bibles and Guns while getting rightfully zapped by Climate Change.”

    I don’t think the federal FEMA will roll on this disaster.

  3. Contempt says:

    A bit of rough weather blew through South Carolina over the last few hours. We had a tornado alert. This morning it felt to this old Rebel like a hurricane was blowing in. Temps are up and down causing the weather. Spring is just around the corner!

  4. Gregoryno6 says:

    On a lighter note – here’s one for that special relative/friend/neighbour.
    Add Che.

  5. Contempt says:

    yep, from the shores of Tripoli onward. Problem is how many “folks” believe this lie? A lot methinks.

    • Gregoryno6 says:

      Muslim Afghans came to Australia with their camels during colonial times. By Obama’s standards, that would mean Islam has always been a part of Australia too, but you wouldn’t find many to agree with him.

      • Bo Chandler says:

        Parasites and disease have been a part of mammalian existence since the dawn of time.

        That’s no reason to tolerate them, much less celebrate them.

  6. Ronbo says:

    Hey now, Obama is telling the truth about Muslims being part of American history – American WAR history dating back to 1785….Yes, prior to the creation of the Republic in 1789, America was at war with the Barbary Pirates of North Africa.

    This is the reason a copy of the KORAN was found in Jefferson’s book collection.

    September 11, 2001 was just another battle in America’s long war against Islam.

  7. mara says:

    Wouldn’t want to be called Islamofauxbic by telling the truth, would we.

  8. Darin says:

    No damage here,but the wind was gusting about 60-70 mph last night,enough to rattle the windows a bit.

  9. Bo Chandler says:

    Via VladTepesBlog:

    Russia is not the EU. Mess with their women at your peril, islamofilth. :evil:

    • Ronbo says:

      I’m a life long American nationalist – and during my Cold War military service Russia was always considered the main foreign enemy we trained to fight even at the high point of the Vietnam War in the late 1960s.

      However, I couldn’t help but to admire the Russian people and their great Christian civilization and what I liked best was their patriotism – even the Russian exiles I met in 1970s West Berlin still loved the “Motherland” although they hated the Communist Regime – which was marked contrast to the wimpy little long haired socialist West Germans who were anti-military and would get a case of the vapors at the mere thought of military service for God And Country.

      So, I am not surprised that the modern Russians take no shit from the Muslims…the fags…and the COMMIES!

      There is a good reason why this subarctic civilization has survived repeated invasions from the East and West for well over 1,000 years…We can learn much from the Russians – and much as America and Russia have locked horns over the years in critical historical moments like WW II we have become allies in battle against a common enemy.

      Maybe another such alliance is in the making? Against Islam.

      • Bo Chandler says:

        They are a powerful force to be reckoned with, and currently one of the only nations standing between the globalists and their plans for world domination.

        • KG says:

          “Russia is not the EU. Mess with their women at your peril, islamofilth.”

          I love to see justice in action!

  10. Bo Chandler says:

    I find the timing of the release of this film very interesting.

    This fictional fantasy setting has existed since I was playing the video game on windows 3.1 (technically I played it through DOS, having to use a run disk to bypass windows in order to preserve every last kilobyte of my 8 megs of ram to run the game).

    Long story short. The Orcs come from a realm utterly destroyed by their warlike ways. They have arrived through a portal to the world of the Humans where they must battle for a new homeland. The humans are, needless to say, not particularly happy about this.

    I’m guessing I don’t need to point out the parallels to modern immigration trends, do I.

    Warcraft is big business. Some of you would be familiar with the World Of Warcraft game which is partly responsible for hoovering up millions of dollars and a similar number of childhoods.

    The movie seems slated to revolve around the minority(?) of Orcs that want to change their ways, and whether the humans can be convinced of their willingness to live peacefully.

    Regardless, this film is destined to be more relevant as a metaphor than 2 hours of entertainment.

    p.s. I just read on the wikipage that the release date was pushed back a full 6 months from last December, reportedly to avoid clashing with the release of the new Star Wars movie. Maybe so… Maybe not…

  11. KG says:

    ‘About 350 jobs will go from CSIRO, with climate change research among the areas hardest hit.”

    (CSIRO= Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation)
    About bloody time. Now for the scammers at the weather office…..

    • Bo Chandler says:

      Maybe they’ll get a proper job researching things that improve our lives rather than pointing their research at perfecting the hair shirt.

  12. Darin says:

    John Wick “Noise complaint”

    • mawm says:

      The fact that he is still alive means that he never took his highly addictive product….. he just left it the drones to get hooked and overdose. All for the money. Evil!

      • KG says:

        Evil, yes. But what a waste of such obvious talent.

        • Bo Chandler says:

          One has to wonder how many of the people on these drugs are doing them because their asshole doctors refuse to prescribe suitable pain medications. :evil:

          • KG says:

            I’m very lucky here, Bo. My docs will prescribe all the morphine and codeine I need, without any hassles. Interestingly, having an assured supply, I find I seldom need it lately.

            • Bo Chandler says:

              For my wife it was the opposite. We had to go through 4 doctors to find one that would prescribe the meds she needed, and prior to that the fear of the pain would be enough to bring it about.

  13. KG says:

    This is a real job ad. No, really!
    ‘Parking Enforcement Supervisor
    Valid Texas Class C Driver’s License. Graduation from an accredited four-year college or university..’

  14. KG says:

    Quote of the week:
    ‘During a February 2 visit to the Islamic Society of Baltimore, President Obama excused the Muslim majority for the sins of a few, but he refuses to extend that same courtesy to law-abiding gun owners throughout our land…’

  15. Bo Chandler says:

    Via Vladtepesblog.

    Gee. Nobody could have seen this coming. Imagine, when you whittle people’s viable choices down to the violent, fascist home team or the violent fascist away team then they seem to choose the violent fascist home team.


    • KG says:

      From your link:
      ‘A dark history of right-wing politics has been exposed by recent uprising
      Even Ikea and the nation’s monarchy have been implicated in the far-right’
      The Brits are so cowed and conditioned, any push-back against their rotten failed socialist PC policies must be “the far-right”.
      Cowardly, complicit assholes. :evil:

  16. Bo Chandler says:

    The Iron Legion mentioned a group meeting of ROK supporters. Looks like it’s been rained out by progressive thuggery. The progs will come to wish they hadn’t pushed us underground.

  17. Bo Chandler says:

    I can’t believe I never knew about this site until two days ago!

    Present company of our female CR readers excepted. I’m sure you’d do a lot better than these wastrelettes.

    • KG says:

      Brilliant! :mrgreen:
      And I’ve seen the same crap in every female-dominated organisation I’ve come across.
      (Our local health clinic/GP practice is female run and staffed, almost exclusively – and it’s a dysfunctional inefficient effing shambles)

  18. Gregoryno6 says:

    And Sonny’s last words were ‘What’s a jihad, Skip? ‘v

  19. tranquil says:

    Good site to follow the U.S. election here –

    Good article on the N.Y. Times site about the next primary – New Hampshire –

    Quote – “But the state also has a history of favoring anti-establishment candidates. An ample supply of blue-collar voters and an open voting system, in which Republicans, Democrats and independents can participate in either party’s primary, it is favorable terrain for Donald J. Trump.”

    I very much hope so.

  20. KG says:

    ‘Four Lessons from Milo Yiannopoulos on Dealing with the Left’