Open house

And an intro courtesy of Pascal. (not, not Pascal of the wager)

‘And when the last law was down, and the Devil turned ’round on you, where would you hide, Roper, the laws all being flat? ‘

‘..Recall Obama declaring at the United Nations “The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.” Even leftwing Snopes says it’s true.
Well, slander usually requires that the statement made is false, not an accurate reporting. But in the EU they have prosecuted people for reading straight out of the Koran or for straight reporting what Imams tell their congregations.
Slander in this age has been redefined as anything that tarnishes the preferred narrative or its proponents.
Donald Trump has actually labeled as lies any facts of him on video saying things that run contrary to his current message and that those who report accurately he calls liars.
Here is where Donald Trump and Barack Obama agree. If we do not make this clear to more Americans before they go to vote in the primaries they will be faced with two lying liberals to vote for in the general election.
Our job is to find a way to make this clear and break the emotional ties that have made Trump the idol of so many frustrated conservatives.
It is clearly not an easy task…’

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62 Responses to Open house

  1. Ronbo says:

    I’m afraid this election comes down to a grim contest between Robespierre Hillary and the Jacobins – and Napoleon Bonaparte Trump and his Grand Army…between a quick death in the rapid collapse of great nation because of radical leftist experiments run amok …or a more slow death by a magnetic leader and his radical nationalists who already talk of seizing foreign resources for the Greater Glory of – do we dare say the oxymorn? The American Empire?

    Today I was thinking about an old Vietnam era war movie where a soldier put a live hand grenade on his dog tag chain…When someone asked him why he did it, he said, “When life gets too shitty, I just pull the pin.”

    This thought cheered me up for some reason.

    • Pascal says:

      You know too that should the impossible happen and Cruz win the nomination and the election, the collapse of The Grand Scheme becomes imminent because his austere policies would be too painful for everyone.

      This is why the ruling class has to prevent a Cruz win. They are still counting on the fact they will not live long enough to endure the collapse themselves, so they party on now at taxpayer expense. Natural Law is inevitable. His policies would simply bring it faster. Justice served cold.

      This also explains why they are beyond shamelessness. If young people really knew what was in store, all the civil unrest we see today might be better directed. I like that dream far better than yours about pulling the pin. Otherwise I think we both know the score in the same way.

  2. Michael in Nelson says:

    So Rubio & Kasich are trashing Trump for not condemning David Duke and the KKK. Kasich said “There is no room for White supremiscists in the United States. I got news for him YES THERE IS! IT’S CALLED THE FIRST AMENDMENT ! You stupid fuck!

    The Black Panthers are even more racist but I don’t hear you condemning them. Idiot (but I repeat myself).

    • KG says:

      Perhaps Trump was being inclusive and collegial, not wanting to badmouth an organisation that was created by Democrats? “Reaching across the aisle” as it were…

  3. KG says:

    Perhaps this is why so many middle-class Americans are supporting Trump?
    ‘…We do not come as aggressors. Our war is not a war of conquest.  We are fighting in the defense of our homes, our families, and posterity.  We have petitioned, and our petitions have been scorned.  We have entreated, and our entreaties have been disregarded.  We have begged, and they have mocked when our calamity came.’
    William Jennings Bryan 1896

    All that anger has to have somewhere to go, and Cruz isn’t extreme enough to satisfy it.
    Regardless of what Trump IS, his rhetoric gives expression to the anger.
    This election is not about facts and facts alone will not derail what Trump represents. The widespread anger is long overdue and people no longer care if the pendulum swings too far.

    • Pascal says:

      I’ve little doubt your analysis is correct. Emotion Trumps all. I understand the wish to settle scores. It’s just that we all know that once the restraints come off that the American Experiment is formally ended. I am old enough to remember her at her best even if most of those plotting her demise were then already on the march. All that remains is nostalgia.

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      That I can agree with. He has tapped a vein of rage that should have been obvious to the elites a long time ago.

      And you’re also right that the way to beat him isn’t with facts and figures, or with his multiple positions on every single issue. Like Ben Shapiro said, the only way to beat him is to punch back, harder than Cruz knows how. “Shut up Donald, and stop whining. You’re a poor little crybully who was left hundreds of millions of dollars by your father and you’ve squandered much of it. Stop whining, shut up and let someone else speak, you might learn something. But either way, Shut Up.”

  4. rivoniaboy says:

    As they say in Oz….Too right mate!

  5. KG says:

    ‘Trump Derangement Syndrome Turns Into Treason
    The real threat we face is not from Trump’s rhetoric.’

    • Darin says:

      I see he picked up the endorsements of Jan Brewer and Jeff Sessions over the weekend too.
      There was also some talk that if Rubio fails tomorrow that the GOPe will stick Romney in as a backup.Why would be anybodies guess,since Trump will flatten him too.

      • The Gantt Guy says:

        Yup. If Romney couldn’t lay a glove on the Emperor Hussein, there’s no way he’s going to be able to hit tRump.

  6. mawm says:

    I see the electorates around the Western world are getting very edgy. The Irish voters have expressed their disquiet and soon the Brits will with the Brexit vote.

    • andy5759 says:

      If we Brits get the answer wrong we will be given another chance, just as the Irish did with the referendum on the €uro. Anyway, we won’t get the “wrong” result because any immigrant non Brit living here has the same vote as me – one vote (unless your local preacher harvests votes).

  7. mawm says:

    Sheriff Clarke …….doesn’t like the Obama Administration. He must be racist …….or something.

  8. Bo Chandler says:

    When the government shakes hands with the cartels it’s time for the citizenry to shake hands with Smith and Wesson.

  9. Ronbo says:

    KG said:

    “All that anger has to have somewhere to go, and Cruz isn’t extreme enough to satisfy it.

    Regardless of what Trump IS, his rhetoric gives expression to the anger.

    This election is not about facts and facts alone will not derail what Trump represents.

    The widespread anger is long overdue and people no longer care if the pendulum swings too far.”


    Excellent analysis, KG!

    I would only add that the Trump supporters know he has a super ego and goes after his enemies with hammer and tongs…Also, they know he’s a dictator-in-waiting who play fast and lose with the law…And they want him to do the dictatorship stomp on their enemies on the Left.

    Of course, as a stalwart republican with street creds, I’m not all that happy with the “Imperial Presidencies” of people like Clinton and Obama, so naturally I cannot give my patriot seal of approval to Trump, who promises to take the office of president to its next logical step….emperor?…. king? ….First Citizen? Whatever…

    However, a part of me hopes he crushes Left – Legalisms be damned! – and if he does the “dictator stomp” on those deserving people of the Left like the Obamas and the Clintons – and if he kicks Muslim butt – I will be sitting back in my easy chair, drinking beer and eating popcorn while watching it on the news, laughing my ass off!

    Trump has my vote…I don’t think a conservative Christian like Cruz is the mean, nasty and take no prisoner kind of guy we need in 2017.

    “We don’t need an intellectual, a debater, a legislator or a compromiser. Legalistic niceties be damned. We want a man of action who will fix bayonets and lead us over the top.” — Dan Gorski

    • andy5759 says:

      There is one perfect role model, Putin. Cometh the hour, cometh the man. Russia has its man, America may do. Europe had Thatcher and since then nothing, nobody has risen to the surface. We’ve had our hopes up with the occasional ex military man, IDS and Ashdown spring to mind, and just as quickly as their careers their names fade into nothing. If, and it is a big if, Trump delivers what he promises can he be a big beast like Putin? Is he for real, or is he talking to different audiences? We all hear what we want to hear and disregard statements which don’t fit with what we want to hear, dismissing them as fodder for the uneducated votes. In the morning we often find that we have been shilled. At least you’ve got someone to pin your hopes on. Britain has….

      • Grog says:

        Britain has Nigel Farage, an effective speaker, but he’s constantly marginalized, unfortunately.

  10. Contempt says:

    Trump. Damn the torpedoes full steam ahead. Where will this lead? Can’t exactly say. Can only hope that the way is onward and upward.

    • Ronbo says:

      Where will it lead?

      Behind Door Number One: Revolution!

      Behind Door Number Two: WW III!

      Behind Door Number Three: Race War!Behind Door Number Four: Economic Meltdown!

      Behind Door Number Five: Mars Invades Earth!

      As you can see, I’m just an incurable romantic.

  11. KG says:

    Let’s import some more, shall we?
    ‘A nanny decapitated the little girl in her care before walking through Moscow carrying the child’s severed head.
    The woman shouted “Allahu Akbar” as she appeared near Oktyabrskoye Pole metro station in the northwest of the Russian capital and threatened to blow herself up…’

  12. KG says:

    Start shooting the bastards and deporting the rest:
    ‘Warzone: Migrants Riot And Use BATTERING RAM To Break Through European Border Fence’

  13. KG says:

    ‘Donald Trump Crushing Competitors, Earns 49 Percent In CNN National Poll — Rubio 16, Cruz 15’ (small poll, though. kg)
    ‘Amid Trump surge, nearly 20,000 Mass. voters quit Democratic party’

  14. Ronbo says:

    For The Record:

    I don’t give a hoot in hell whether or not Trump and Duke are fishing buddies – I’m going to vote for him. BTW, The Leftard candidates embrace stinking black racist pigs like Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and Louie Fuckhead of the black mooselams- and never an honest word said about those degenerate criminals, racists and traitors.

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      So, what is your bridge too far, Ronbo? Do you have one?

      What if, for example, the recording the NYT have of The Donald is him saying what a pack of gullible fools the GOP are, and he has no intention of doing anything once elected about the immigration issue? Or he (is what I think he is) and says he’s looking forward to winning the nomination so he can put Hillary in the White House?

      • KG says:

        I’m coming round to your point of view about Trump, Gantt.
        I don’t believe there’s a decent human being in this race, with the possible exception of Carson.
        Then I read stuff like this morning’s Fox headline:
        ‘VEILED THREAT: Amid KKK furor swirling around Trump, Ryan warns GOP’s pick ‘must reject’ hate groups”
        and I think fuck it.
        That slimy traitorous bastard has the nerve to offer advice and warnings about people’s voting choices???
        Burn the fucking house down, using Ryan as the kerosene-soaked firelighter. :evil:

        • The Gantt Guy says:

          My point is that Trump isn’t the molotov cocktail. He won’t blow the place up, because he’s spent so much influence building it. Cruz is the missile (see what I did there ;) ). He’s spent his entire time in the Senate trying to blow the place up. That’s why he’s almost universally despised in Washington.

          That said, I do agree Paul Ryno is a feckless, ineffectual POS, just the same as Boehner was. What a fucking golden opportunity that douche missed. Surely, surely to heck, the message should have been: The GOP rejects utterly David Duke, the KKK and their message. We are the party of liberty. We are the party of MLK and the Civil Rights movement. The KKK belongs to the Democrats. Jim Crowe and Separate But Equal belong to the Democrats. Democrats are the party of lynching. For anyone who cares about liberty, about freedom, and about equality, the only choice is the Republican Party.

          But no, this short-sighted fuckwit decided his disdain for Trump was more important than his fear of a Clinton (or, God forbid, Sanders) Presidency.

          Stupid Party gonna stupid.

          • Pascal says:

            Stupid? Gantt. The leadership of the GOP does the opposite of what their history should suggest and so often that rank stupidity must be dismissed. Ryan and the rest aren’t actually drooling while they utter either gibberish or complete lies. (Well McConnell may actually be drooling, but he’s only one.)

            My reader who gave me the acronym SKUNC has discarded it. He’s no longer simply removing the pleasing acronym R(h)INO for the unpleasant one. He simply calls them out by what their actions have earned them: traitors.

            Traitors to the party, traitors to the nation, traitors to the world’s best hopes for humanity. They may be stupid in that they’ve hitch their wagon to the evil party, or they may have been evil from the start (the Progs began in the GOP with Teddy R, who, having been kicked out by Taft in 1908, arranged it so the bigger Prog Wilson would win in 1912) and have only removed their masks now that they figure there is nothing else we can do.

            Whatever, I am not buying it that their decisions are stupid at this point. They need to be charged with treason and the evidence presented at court marshal. As for the part about there is nothing else we can do, Ronbo and others tell them “Oh, yeah, tough guys? We’ll see.”

            • The Gantt Guy says:


              Very true, Pascal. When the pattern of stupid becomes this obvious, the only logical conclusion is it’s deliberate. This much stupid = evil, regardless of intent.

  15. Ronbo says:

    andy5759 said:

    “There is one perfect role model, Putin. Cometh the hour, cometh the man. Russia has its man, America may do. Europe had Thatcher and since then nothing, nobody has risen to the surface. We’ve had our hopes up with the occasional ex military man, IDS and Ashdown spring to mind, and just as quickly as their careers their names fade into nothing. If, and it is a big if, Trump delivers what he promises can he be a big beast like Putin? Is he for real, or is he talking to different audiences? We all hear what we want to hear and disregard statements which don’t fit with what we want to hear, dismissing them as fodder for the uneducated votes. In the morning we often find that we have been shilled. At least you’ve got someone to pin your hopes on. Britain has….”

    My friend, it’s always darkest just before the dawn, and this Yank (The DNA proves my ancestors were 40% British, btw) has never given hope for America’s Mother Country of over 1,000 years of age.

    I think the British strongman nationalist has not yet emerged from the back bench – but only a question of time before he steps out on center stage.

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      I don’t for the life of me understand why any western parents would let something dressed in a garbage bag look after their child. It’s like letting their kid run around in the back yard with a pit bull. Yeah, they might be the nicest pit bull you ever met , but you may also just be looking at Cujo. It simply ain’t worth the risk. They must be either wilfully ignorant or they’re multi-culti leftists, and either way while I have all the sympathy in the world for the kid, it’s sympathy at having been born to such retarded parents.

  16. KG says:

    Attack on 60 Minutes crew:
    ‘..According to Swedish reports, the crew was filming in Rinkeby Square when a man approached demanding to know why they were shooting footage in the region.
    The man, in a mask, then deliberately drove his vehicle over the cameraman’s foot, Swedish news service Avpixlat reported.
    Avpixlat stated that a police entourage of six officers left the 60 Minutes crew’s side when trouble erupted.

  17. Ronbo says:

    The Gantt Guy said:

    “So, what is your bridge too far, Ronbo? Do you have one?

    What if, for example, the recording the NYT have of The Donald is him saying what a pack of gullible fools the GOP are, and he has no intention of doing anything once elected about the immigration issue? Or he (is what I think he is) and says he’s looking forward to winning the nomination so he can put Hillary in the White House?”

    First of all, unless I can confirm from a reliable third source, I don’t believe anything the New York Slimes says – and this has been the case since I was about 15 years old and was wised up about those bastards from by my dad – who remembered that back in the 1930s they lied about Stalin’s mass murder-famine of six million farmers in the Ukraine – and underplayed the threat from Hitler.

    …But let’s say a video from Trump’s “Off The Record” interview with the slime ball NYT is produced and found reliable where Trump calls people like me suckers and that he lied about building the wall between the USA and Mexico – then I switch my vote to Cruz – and I would imagine most “Trumpers” would do the same.

    Like I said before, Trump did not make the revolution – the revolution made him – and we are just looking for someone to light the fuse and set off the explosion – then we do the rest.

    …and if Cruz won’t light the fuse…There are plenty who will…Like they said in the U.S. Army, “Lead, Follow, Or get the Hell out of the Way!”

    • Darin says:

      It’s much simpler than that Ron.If we back Trump and he turns around and screws us,in my opinion just shoot the bastard.He’s white and rich,nobody will care.

      • KG says:

        The Kinetic Solution – I love it.

        • Pascal says:

          Yep. We’re old men wishing the stuff hit the fan when we were young. Things might not be any better now, but at least we fought properly rather than having been placated. I might not even be here to have regrets, but the degree of debt would not be what it is and a lot of the current miscreants would be dead.

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      Of course I agree the NY Slimes (which covered up, among other atrocities, the holocaust and Stalin’s murder of 20 million Ukrainians) should not be believed under any circumstance. I guess I’m just looking for the smoking gun that will cause people I respect to see they’ve been taken in by a conman (his flip-flopping on policy positions, saying whatever he thinks his then-audience wants to hear, notwithstanding).

      One thing tRump has done for sure, though, is to expose fractures in the Conservative movement; exposing those who believe the Constitutional system can be restored vs those who think it’s mortally wounded and needs to be euthenised, those who long for the genuine liberty that comes with your beautiful Constitution republic vs those who crave the comfort of a cult of personality, protection of a strong-man.

      • Bo Chandler says:

        Gantt, your personal opinions are crossing into the realm or thinly veiled insults.

        “…those who long for the genuine liberty that comes with your beautiful Constitution republic vs those who crave the comfort of a cult of personality, protection of a strong-man.”

        Would it be just as kind for someone to suggest that Cruz supporters are Jones cultist koolaid drinking drones flocking to the dog-whistle politics of constitutional lip service?

        Nobody here is a ninny with daddy issues huddling under Trump for protection. They recognise Trump as their first chance in a long time to weaponise their votes and shake things up. The Trump supporters here are not the cowards. Quite the opposite. They see that a war is coming and they embrace the means the hasten its arrival while stacking the deck in their favour as best they can.

        The USA is fucked six ways from Sunday. If you think that American patriots can vote their way to some sort of bloodless renaissance then you’re the one kidding yourself. Not us.

        • The Gantt Guy says:

          There’s no veil, Bo. The more he talks, the more he reveals himself as little more than a Putinesque fascist (without the bear-wrestling abilities).

          And if you think for a second I’ve not heard all those insults – and more – about Cruz, you’re mistaken.

          Like I said, this cycle has exposed deep divisions, as demonstrated here.

          And yes, I do believe the Constitutional republic can be restored.

          • Darin says:

            Guys it’s not worth arguing over,Trump is waking up the true majority here,not the hard right or the hard left,but the 2/3 of the nation that’s in the middle.The ones who have been hit the hardest,the ones who have known for awhile that their votes don’t count and things aren’t right in this country.
            Sure Cruz may have better conservative credentials,but he also has zero chance of winning a general election against Hillary since the national media has poisoned the well for him.
            Yes there are fractures in the conservative base,but in case you guys missed it last night both Trump and Cruz softened up their message and held off from the personal attacks.With that in mind I still say Trump will pick Cruz as VP and the cracks will mend.

  18. Darin says:

    IQ,Racism and Conservatism-

  19. Ronbo says:


    Have you read this article by Charles Murray?

    He says much better what I’ve been trying to say…It’s a whole different ballgame now – I call it revolution, or maybe it would more accurately be described as a counter revolution in reaction to Obama’s Leftard coup against the norms of American life.

    In any event, the glue that once held America together – limited government, individualism and capitalism – are gone with the wind. In its place is an angry middle class mob many millions strong who want a strongman to get even with the Elites they blame for the state of the nation.

  20. Ronbo says:

    Darin said:

    “It’s much simpler than that Ron.If we back Trump and he turns around and screws us,in my opinion just shoot the bastard.He’s white and rich,nobody will care.”

    My take on Trump is that he’s the man who has mounted the tiger…you know that story? The man who mounts the tiger can’t jump off and must go where the beast is headed.

    There are many historical examples: Take Napoleon. In about 1795 he decided to jump on the tiger of the French Revolution in its later stages. At that point, he was propelled in the direction the revolution was headed, which was an ill advised attempt at world conquest to bring about the “liberation” of the human race from priesthood and reaction.

    I don’t where this Second American Revolution (or is it the Third?) is headed – but I do know Trump has mounted the tiger.