Open house

Is that an orange jumpsuit I see in her future?
‘Christian judge sacked for claiming children are better off with male and female parents’

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51 Responses to Open house

  1. Pascal says:

    You may recall from September 2014 I published two articles warning about the establishment of an American State Religion based on Climate Change.

    I had not published part 3 until today when I heard Mark Levin say this:

    Because it sounded to me like he’s working his way towards my view, here is Fighting the Establishment of an American State Religion — Part 3

    • KG says:

      From your link:
      ‘..But Mr Elers, who also served as a police officer in Australia, said the peaceful resolution of the siege yesterday indicates the police are making progress in engaging with Maori.’
      Because after he shot four of them he was talked into giving himself up?
      I’d have thought persuading maori to stop growing dope in commercial quantities, stop killing their kids, stop gang thuggery and criminality and stop bludging off productive New Zealanders would be “making progress in engaging with maori”. :evil:
      Oh, and if maori “academics” stopped being ignorant racist assholes with an entitlement mentality that might also represent progress.

  2. Ronbo says:


    I’m an old guy and can remember back to the first “Earth Day” on April 22, 1970 (April 22nd is Lenin’s Birthday) and reading predictions made then by Ayn Rand in the Los Angeles Times that it was only a question of time before “Ecology” (The original name of the Leftard Mother Earth Gaia Mysticism before Environmentalism which was renamed Global Warming which was renamed Climate Change) would be “legalized” for the reasons Mark Levin outlines in the video.

    The legalization of this ancient mysticism is a “must do” for the Leftards as Marxist mysticism continues to fail to gain traction.

    Like Rush Limbaugh said the Environmentalist Movement in the West that started in a big way after the collapse of Communism in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union in 1989-91 was the place where unemployed Communists went to work.

    I see this as yet another act of desperation on the part of the Leftards as they know the rise of nationalism in the West will destroy their hold over governments and culture – so they throw mud ball after mud ball on the side of the barn hoping something will stick.

    Legalization of Climate Change Mysticism is one of those mud balls that won’t stick pass 2017, I will wager.

    • Pascal says:

      I certainly hope you win your wager. However, I have proposed a way legally to dog the proponents of this treason just in case.

  3. Ronbo says:

    In regards:

    Yes, it does look like a Grand Jury is meeting somewhere in regards to Hillary Clinton’s illegal server and classified emails…If the Hildabeast was a normal citizen she would have been placed in the orange jumpsuit over a year ago – but she is a high roller, so the FBI must move slowly on their target.

    My best guess is that nothing will be done until next year at the earliest under (I hope!) a Trump administration, although I wouldn’t put past Obama to give himself, Hillary, Bill and many others presidential pardons before he leaves office.

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      I think we need to see the Hillary felonies through the lens of the civil war that’s been waging inside the donkey party since 2007. It’s no secret Obama despises the Arkansas trailer-trash Clintons, and I think Loretta Lynch has had marching orders to make double, triple, quadruple certain that if indictments are brought, Clinton goes down hard. If she gets a slap on the wrist (or worse, gets off), the Clintons will rule the donkey party for generations (anyone who thinks Chelsea doesn’t have designs on taking over the family business is retarded).

      If Clinton goes down in a major way, it will be Biden and Warren (or Biden and The Mooch) contesting the next election. They will lose, but more importantly the Obamas will have engineered a permanent hostile takeover of the Clinton family business, forever. If it’s Biden/Warren 2016, it will be [insert name here]/Mooch 2020, then Mooch/[insert name here – possibly one of the Obama spawn] 2024, and so on in perpetuity.

      As for pardons, as far as I know, indictments must be in play before a pardon can be issued. Only Hillary will be under indictment come January 2017. Obama, Jarrett, Van Jones, Axelrod, all the others will have to simply pray their misdeeds remain sufficiently clouded until the statute of limitations runs out, or they are pushing up daisies.

  4. Warren Tooley says:

    A few months ago I read this book:

    It explains that under US laws, both parents can make their case for having custody, and the judge will listen to both sides of the story and be fair. And if you lose custody of the child you are pretty much guaranteed visiting rights of two hours a week. Not so here in New Zealand. The mother will get the child, unless she doesn’t want to. And their is no guarantee that the father will even get visiting rights. Under section 3 of the domestic violence act even using money the way you want is violence.

    And if your violent you don’t get visiting rights. So in regards to this topic, America is miles ahead on what is right, and NZ is miles ahead to being a Marxist/Communist society.

  5. Darin says:

    How to feed a Warthog

    • Ronbo says:

      “And if your violent you don’t get visiting rights. So in regards to this topic, America is miles ahead on what is right, and NZ is miles ahead to being a Marxist/Communist society.”

      …and thousands of Americans on the West Coast will bolt for New Zealand if the Leftards takeover here…out of the frying pan into fire, heh?

  6. Warren Tooley says:

    Well Ronbo, I did say in that one regards. Here’s the secret. In my Barron’s American law dictionary it defines guardian as one who looks after the child provisionally, or one who looks after the child time wise. This is why both parents can fight for being the sole custodian. How bout New Zealand? Looking after the child time wise makes you a guardian, providing doesn’t. So if the mother is looking after the child time wise she is the guardian. That’s the secret.

    Now about into the frying pan, Jim Steinman says:

    And meatloaf says:

  7. Warren Tooley says:

    Bad reception of last video, this one is better:

  8. The Gantt Guy says:

    Am I reading too much into the fact that Paul Ryno walked onto the stage at CPAC to the tune of the AC/DC track “It’s a Long Way to the Top”? Does that forfend a brokered convention with Ryno posited as the “consensus” candidate?

    Oh dear God, please no!

    • Bo Chandler says:

      It would be too much for someone with the name Ryno (rino?) to be given the candidacy. That would be British-sitcom, Monty Python-esque absurdity.

  9. Bo Chandler says:

    While I have little respect for cop-culture, this is a blog I find myself returning to repeatedly.

  10. Gregoryno6 says:

    My usual excess of cyber surfing delivers the odd pearl. Today, this.

    • Bo Chandler says:

      Ann Barnhardt is a feisty little lady, but a bit far down the path of religious zealotry for my liking.

      I get the impression that she wants a catholic caliphate.

    • Bo Chandler says:

      A smart move. It cost him nothing and he gets the night off.

      • Bo Chandler says:

        Cruz has kicked himself in the nuts big time.

        He and the other betas in the Republican runoff inferred that Trump “brought this on himself”, effectively diminishing the blame on what was certainly a paid and organised mob of violent agitators.

        Take a look at the backlash against his failure to stand up for the first amendment.

        • Gregoryno6 says:

          Time to say goodnight, Ted.

          • KG says:

            From the link:
            Dave Schiff:
            “Cruz, how dare you try to blame Donald Trump for what happened in Chicago tonight. Trump’s first amendment rights were crushed along with the freedom to assemble of thousands of people going to the speech. You say you are a constitutional conservative defending the rights of individuals. You are a fraud and no better than Obama. How dare you. I would not ever vote for a fraud like you.”
            And many more in a similar vein.
            Damn right.
            Cruz just disqualified himself from the Presidency. Period.

        • The Gantt Guy says:

          I agree (as someone who has been ‘in the tank’ for Cruz since he announced), Cruz (along with the completely irrelevant Rubio and Kasich) did himself a grave disservice here.

          It would have been perfectly possible for him to release a statement condemning the animals who attempted to deprive Trump and his supporters of their First Amendment rights, and at the same time but without attempting to draw any moral equivalence condemn the violence emanating from the Trump machine. They are two competely separate issues, and by attempting to link them, Cruz has only damaged himself.

          • KG says:

            He has damaged himself, but also he’s damaged all conservatives by rolling over and offering his throat to the activist left.
            It follows a pattern that’s all too common among loudmouths claiming to be conservative . That is, talking big but flinching when they hear “the sound of the guns”.
            In moments he went from a man I admired somewhat for his opposition to Washington’s ways to just another expensively-suited RINO weasel – and I suspect that reaction will be very, very common.
            His performance in Washington now looks like nothing more than a cynical prepping of the ground for a tilt at the presidency.

            • The Gantt Guy says:

              Not sure I’d go quite that far (maybe if his performance in DC had been different from his pre-DC career, but his record says otherwise). I think he was trying to do something he’s incredibly bad at – play politics. He was trying to conflate the violence inherent in the Trump campaign with the violence of the Left. It was a blunder because (a) it’s wrong and (b) he can’t spin.

              I still think (1) Trump is a proto-fascist with very, very bad policy positions, (2) he won’t get to 1,237 delegates and (3) we’ll end up with a Trump/Cruz unity ticket.

              • KG says:

                Does anybody have any evidence of Trump advocating violence or funding violence in order to shut down free speech?
                If not, in what way is violence “inherent in the Trump campaign”?

                • The Gantt Guy says:

                  Two of many examples:

                  (1) Trump telling his supporters to “knock the hell out of” protesters (before the protests turned violent)
                  (2) Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski assaulting trumpbart reporter Michelle Fields (because he didn’t realise she was from a Trump-friendly media outlet)

                  There are many other examples.

  11. Ronbo says:

    Crusaders, it looks like another Ronbo, “I told you so!”

    My prediction of violent revolution, civil war, insurrection, or whatever the historians of the future will call it seems to be brewing in the Tea Pot:

    Breitbart news – who has kept an eagle’s eye of the movements of the Leftards is reporting that yesterday’s near riot in Chicago that was designed to silence Trump is just their opening salvo against the growing anger and political success by the patriotic Right.

    Details here:


    Also, remember what else I said about how the violent revolution – (America has been in a pre-revolutionary/political revolutionary state since 2009 and the foundation of the revolutionary Tea Party Movement that flies the Gadsen Flag of the American Revolution of 1775) – there would be a period of steadily rising level of violence in the streets combined with oppression from the Obama Regime that is designed to keep the reactionary socialists in power by means of fear, terrorism and illegal arrests of patriots.

    The events in Chicago are a major escalation in the political revolution that can only lead to pitched battles in the streets.

    The dogs of war, heh?

    …and guess who has the role of Leftard field commander?

    Bill Ayers.

    Yes, he’s baaaaccck!

  12. Darin says:

    Some Bulgarian Air Force pilots flying the s–t out of a C-27 Spartan

  13. Ronbo says:

    “You say you want a revolution…”

    Leftards are bringing their artillery to Trump rallies:

    “You say you’ll change the constitution
    Well, you know
    We all want to change your head”

    “But when you want money
    For people with minds that hate
    All I can tell is brother you have to wait”

    • Ronbo says:

      Only 58 years?

      If some scientists are right, we have entered the early stages of a New Ice Age.

      These happen about once every 10,000 years – and we are about due.

  14. KG says:

    Reply to Gantt at 07:14
    Thanks for those. Although I’d argue that they fall far short of what happened in Chicago.

  15. Ronbo says:

    Blame the victim.

    A game everyone loves to play.

    Especially the Leftards, Muzbots and the black ghetto thugs.