
‘Emory University Students Scared, ‘In Pain’ over ‘Trump 2016’ Written on Sidewalk’
Oh, and open house, by the way.

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51 Responses to Yegods!!

  1. mara says:

    What can I say about these pathetic twinkies that hasn’t been said better by others already, apart from the obvious statement that I’d be embarrassed to be the parent of any one of them.

  2. mara says:

    Some US tabloid published an article on Ted Cruz’s 5 mistresses during his marriage , with partially redacted pictures. If true, wait for the explosion. I know there are “Red Top publications” whose readership demands an IQ in the level of moron, cretin or idiot, but would it not be fascinating if this story is actually true. What a circus while the World burns.

    • KG says:

      “What a circus while the World burns.”
      Aye. Where’s the bread?

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      Yep, National Inquirer (and Trump’s Twitter timeline, both of which have equal amount of credibility). You can bet if there’s even a whiff of truth to it, the SSM will be all over it in short order.

      • Bo Chandler says:

        Trending on Twitter. It will be enough to finish him, true or not. It looks like a pro-Ted superpac decided to run a rather nasty attack ad on Trump’s wife.

        Seems like Trump always has the ultimate comeback. “I am rubber and you are glue…” so to speak.

        The truth of the matter is that at this point Ted was never going to win and his only hope was to force a contested convention, taking the choice from the people of America and giving it back to the elites.

        • Bo Chandler says:

          Scratch that. Twitter is busy killing the autocomplete of the relevant hashtags and changing the trending hashtags to “Ted Cruz”.

          Ought to give us an idea of who the progs would rather have facing Hillary.

          Mainstream media is still silent despite huge social media coverage. Either it hasn’t slotted into the 24 hour news cycle or they’re burying it. I don’t buy the idea they’d refrain from covering it for reasons of journalistic integrity.

          • The Gantt Guy says:

            Trump and Rat Fucker Roger Stone planted the story. Trump and the NE editor are life-long friends. Two of the women (one a former Cruz staffer who now works at Conservative Review, the other the Trump campaign’s chief spokeswoman have categorically denied, and at least one of them has hired a lawyer. Expect another denial from a third (the Fiorina staffer) over the coming couple of hours.

            It’s just the latest in Trump’s Alinsky campaign to take the GOP nomination, and hand the General to the Red Queen. I wonder how much the Clinton Foundation will be loaning Trump for his next failed Casino/Strip Club?

            Curious isn’t it, how the story broke right on top of latest polling which showed Cruz taking Wisconsin by 8 points over Trump? I actually think his lack of discipline will hurt him this time – he’s pulled the trigger too early, with WI not voting for another ~2 weeks.

            It wasn’t a pro-Cruz SuperPAC that created the meme of Melania, it was an anti-Trump SuperPAC. Big difference. And, Cruz immediately disavowed the tactic.

            But of course, Trump responded the way he always does – like a 12YO ADHD patient who didn’t take his Ritalin for a week.

            If the story proves true, I’ll back off from Cruz as fast as my reverse gears will allow. I’ll never support Trump (he’s a bad man of bad character and zero integrity, he’s not a Conservative and he’ll break the hearts of the Conservatives he’s conned into supporting him), but Cruz will simply be one more name added to the list of pretenders. IF the story proves true. That’s the good thing about following a set of principles rather than a person; principles survive even when the person is proven to have feet of clay. Of course, Trump supporters don’t have that problem. He takes the stage and says “Look at my awesome clay feet. They’re Yuuuuge (not like my teeny, tiny hands)”. And the crowd goes wild.

            At this stage though, this nonsense is nothing more than Trump proving he is spectacularly unsuited for the office of President.

            • Bo Chandler says:

              That he may be, but any direction is better than the one we’re travelling, and I’m still not halfway convinced Ted is either capable of or willing to heft the rudder one way or another.

  3. KG says:

    ‘INCITING RACIAL HATRED’: British man arrested after posting anti-Muslim tweets on Brussels attack
    Cameron urges Christian leaders to ‘reach out’ to Muslim communities and ‘fight extremism’

  4. KG says:

    Punching above their weight:
    ‘According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, blacks were charged with 62% of all robberies, 57% of murders and 45% of assaults in the 75 largest U.S. counties in 2009, though they made up roughly 15% of the population there.’

    • Bo Chandler says:

      To blame:

      Microagressions (social injustice demands action)
      Poverty (not enough welfare)
      Lack of funding for social programs (our failure to civilise the yoof)
      Drugs (our fault we didn’t catch them at the border)
      Slavery (then, now, and forever and ever until the sun burns out)
      White police (or white brainwashing of black police)
      Ghetto culture (created and sustained by racist white media)
      Unequal levels of policing (putting police where the crime is = racism)

      Not to blame:

      Blacks committing crimes

      I forget anything?

  5. KG says:

    ‘Why the fairer sex is a little closer to God
    There are good reasons why women are more religious than men – they see more of life and death’

  6. KG says:

    ‘The TPP, yet another political class con job on voters”

    Read it, and see why NZ is an economy going down the gurgler. Not that Kiwis can’t make and invent things, and work – they can. But the country is being strangled in red tape and bled dry by bureaucrats.

    • Bo Chandler says:

      At least we can put one steaming load of bullshit to bed.

      When the new breed of lever action shotguns came onto the market in OZ the gun-control morons went fruity. One claimed Monis had used a legally obtained lever action shotgun. False

      The gun used, (pump action) modified or not, could only be obtained by a farmer, professional pest controller or a collector (and maybe not even the latter).

      Monis wouldn’t get any one of those categories on his license in a million years.

  7. KG says:

    Entirely unrelated to anything else: Wabbit managed to crush a finger in the log-splitter today.
    I don’t recommend it. :oops:

    • Bo Chandler says:

      Sounds bad, especially considering I doubt you’re the kind of man to use the word “crush” lightly.

      • KG says:

        Heavy leather gloves helped a lot, that and the fact that the “anvil” was an angled surface.
        So it’s just a very sore finger and feeling like a dickhead. Because I did exactly what I’d been warning my Beloved about for the past week.

        • Bo Chandler says:

          A thing can get stuck in your head and you can bring it about without wishing to.

          Ages ago I sat through the day long course for my motorcycle license. All day we watched videos where people were trying to run out in front of the riders. Dogs. Children. You name it.

          So I’m headed home on my pushbike and I see a motorcycle coming the other way, and damned if I didn’t have this strange urge to pull out in front of him.

    • Yokel says:


      Wishing you a speedy recovery. And hoping it wasn’t a trigger finger!

  8. KG says:

    dammit. I lost the instructions for posting pics in comments, and I’ve done it so seldom I’ve forgotten how.

  9. KG says:

    Thanks Gantt! Battle weary Templar. Stolen from Western Rifle Shooters.

  10. KG says:

    A balanced diet:

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      Add one thing and you would have the perfect lunch*: black coffee!

      *I originally had ‘breakfast’ where you now see ‘lunch’, but breakfast ain’t breakfast without bacon.

      • KG says:

        My perfect breakfast is three cigarettes and five or six black coffees. (3 sugars in each). :lol:

        • The Gantt Guy says:

          I stand by my claim. Whatever it is you do at 4am, or whatever unholy o’clock it is that you rise. you don’t breakfast! If there ain’t bacon, it ain’t breakfast.

  11. Yokel says:
    In the third paragraph of this erudite publication from the Royal Society of Chemistry: “Beer is a complete food”. Proof that my years learning to be an industrial chemist were not wasted!

    • KG says:

      Quite so, Yokel. I don’t know why people bother with all that peeling and roasting and boiling malarky when there’s instant food in the beer ‘fridge.