‘…The myth of constitutional jurisprudence is as phony as the notion that the best protectors of civil liberties and political rights are a small, insulated, pampered, and unaccountable group of judges who live within the murky and corrupt confines of the District of Columbia, surrounded by fawning lawyers and clerks…’
Leftists/”progressives”/socialists are not welcome here. Pay for your own soapbox.
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You forgot “operating under authority NOT granted to them by the Constitution”
And therein lies the rub,the SCOTUS was only ever to rule in disputes between individual states and between foreign powers and the Republic.They have no constitutional mandate to decide issues of constitutionality period,full stop.
Damn right they haven’t – it’s a power they’ve granted to themselves.
Supreme Court appointments have long been radically politicized to the detriment of the justice system in the U.S. Off subject, I see Obama’s job approval is at 52% against 45% who disapprove.
Unbelievable numbers, Alan.
Not that I think they’re necessarily cooked – perhaps there really are that many morons out there…..
Maybe … if the survey was taken at a DNC convention. Those number simply cannot be right – since Barry assumed office, the Dems (the party of which he is leader) have lost over 1,000 elected offices … all as a direct result of his policies.
Maybe it’s 52% who approve of his performance … at the tango in Argentina?
It beggars belief that any judge in any office could be described as progressive or conservative, much less the highest court in the land.
It furthermore beggars belief that when interpreting plain letter law these judges routinely rule a near even split, indicating without doubt that their position is politically rather than academically motivated.
Imagine if you fronted the supreme court and said, “as the judges are well known throughout the land to be alternately conservative leaning or progressive leaning I demand the charges be thrown out due to a clear and obvious lack of impartiality.”
Although they would arrogantly dismiss your argument, what counter argument of their own could they possibly mount?
They couldn’t. Therefore they’d ignore it.
It doesn’t help improve trust int eh SCOTUS when one of their number turns advocate for one of the respondents in a case
Bloody hell!!
Isn’t she Obama’s “wise latina”? Or was that another political appointee?
Yup,that’s his “wise” latina alright.