What the hell??

How many more have to die because of incompetent, arrogant zealot midwives?

‘A midwife left a Melbourne woman to “bleed out” in a birthing pool at the woman’s home because of a bias against medical intervention inside hospitals, a coroner has found.
The midwife, Gaye Demanuele, also stood by as her patient, Caroline Lovell, “literally begged for an ambulance to be called” because she feared she was dying.
During this time, Demanuele gave Lovell a homeopathic “rescue remedy” for anxiety despite her body shutting down due to massive blood loss. ..’
Hit the link, scroll down and all will be made plain…..

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14 Responses to What the hell??

  1. mawm says:

    Yet another. However I think part of the blame must now shift to these unfortunate misled young women who have failed to do the most basic due diligence about midwives and the extensive roll of deaths of women under their care. The information is out there in the daily news. I think I’ve said enough about the ideology, the dearth of knowledge and the lack of professionalism exhibited time and time again.

    • KG says:

      True enough, Mawm. It amazes me that women still employ them and still choose home births.

      • Darin says:

        I hear some of this nonsense as I am passing through on the TV.Water child birth,giving birth inverted and all manner of quackery.Most of these folks pushing this BS are nothing but snake oil salesmen and con-artists that should be jailed.

        Midwives in this day and age should be in the same regard as witchdoctors IMO.http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_negative.gif

  2. Ronbo says:

    As an American, I don’t understand this reactionary midwife nonsense.

    In this country the mother has to go to considerable trouble and expense to find a midwife – who are pretty thin on the ground – about 99% of babies are born in hospitals.

    I would imagine, however, this will change when our healthcare system becomes totally socialized as is the case elsewhere.

    Then we can have mothers dying all over the place just like those countries who have socialized medicine.

  3. MacDoctor says:

    The only solution to this mess is to push the college of midwifery back into the college of nursing, making midwifery an additional qualification to a nursing one. That way midwives will actually have proper clinical skills rather that the witchcraft and mumbo-jumbo that they are currently taught. All current midwives who have not already done nursing will have to do a full bridging course.

    An additional benefit is that the nursing college is much, much stronger on disciplinary action. This Midquack would have been boiled in oil by the nurses…

    • Darin says:

      Yup,certifications have a tendency to weed out incompetent hacks.This reminds me of the abortion debate here,start requiring abortion practitioners to have medical training and hospital admitting privileges and the clinics start closing right and left.

  4. Bo Chandler says:

    Referred to the public prosecutor, eh? We’ll see what kind of legs that has on it.

  5. Ronbo says:

    A mother giving birth needs a hospital and trained doctors: Period!

    There are simply too many things that could go wrong and kill the mother or baby or both!

    Child birth outside a hospital should be done only in an emergency!

    A midwife, no matter how well trained, does not have the skill of an experienced doctor, nor is she backed up by medical equipment, nurses, etc.

    Tell me this – how would you feel if you allowed a midwife to deliver your son or daughter and your wife – the woman you love more than your life – starts to bleed out and the midwife can’t stop the bleeding? Yes, you call the ambulance, but the nearest ER is thirty minutes away…Do you know how much blood a human being can bleed out in 30 minutes? 15 minutes? 5 five minutes?

    I don’t know, but five or ten minutes would seem a reasonable guess.

    Bottom line: you lose wife and child before the ambulance reaches the door.

  6. mara says:

    You cannot fix stupid or easily fix the mentality of the brainwashed. Decades ago there was a backlash against the “medicalization” of the birthing episode and some of it was justified. Hence the re-arrival of the midwife with notions of a more “natural” birth. But here we see a lunatic fringe who are utterly delusional, hate all doctors and consider the process to be more important than the outcome. But it takes a special type of idiocy to leave a post-partem, bleeding woman alone in a bath in a darkened room so as to encourage “bonding.” That midwife and others like her need to be jailed for murder.

  7. Michael in Nelson says:

    That the midwife should be charged with murder seems to have exscaped the medical ‘experts’