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‘Orban’s historic speech puts Hungary on war footing’
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An utterly *Churchillian* speech.
What a shame it is that we don’t have a leader like this. We have the pathetic excuse for a leader in John “smiling-and-waving-everything-is-rosy” Key.
It’s a wonderful speech. No Western “leader” has matched it in recent times.
Hear! Hear! THE MAN!
Nationalism rising in Europe!
Down with the European Union!
Time for an accident me thinks.
Yep. I figure the man is now in great danger.
IF IF IF only Western WHITE EUROPEANS realized/accepted/understood what an extraordinary gift they have in their RACIAL DNA! IF only WHITE CHILDREN were taught about their creative, courageous, adventurous families! Look around you, now. Everything comes from the creative minds of WHITE PEOPLE. All of it. Even the exotic stuff that comes to your shops. White People dreamed it and made it happen.
Why do you fill your clean WHITE homes with diseased black dogs? Why do this?
The best way for Eastern Europe is to exit EU nut house and to recreate Intermarium.
That’s a very simple way of expressing a view, which needs some level of articulation. Sure, Europeans need not have ‘white guilt’ and should celebrate their cultures more. Thing is though, they are totally responsible for this mess, the majority have voted for this, have drunken the koolaide, so what does this say about how extraordinary they are..
I can’t speak for every EU “member” nation, but in Britain we were never asked if we wanted to join. The government of the day (= the political elite) decided that was what they were going to do. Once the deed was done then both parties supported it, and have done ever since. In the first vote on whether we wanted to remain we were lied to, big time. And the current one looks stitched up to prevent the people having their voice heard, as well.
So please be a bit careful before attacking the people. As always governments are fair game.
“So please be a bit careful before attacking the people. As always governments are fair game.”
Point taken, Yokel.
Most often the comments are aimed at governments and bureaucrats, but the usual “Brits” (or Aussies or Americans or French) is used as a kind of lazy shortcut.