By a leftard cow masquerading as a “reporter”. Read it and weep for commonsense and truth:
‘DONALD Trump has reacted to the explosions that rocked Brussels by describing it as a “disaster city” and warning that “this is just the beginning”.
Speaking on NBC’s TODAY, Trump said: “Belgium is no longer Belgium. Belgium is not the Belgium you and I knew from 20 years ago, which was one of the most beautiful and safest cities in the world.
“Belgium is a horror show right now. Terrible things are happening. People are leaving. People are afraid. This all happened because, frankly, there’s no assimilation.”…’
So far, pretty commonsense stuff, and the truth. Then Charlotte Willis gets the prog knife out.
Leftists/”progressives”/socialists are not welcome here. Pay for your own soapbox.
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If this woman has any kids, and I cannot be arsed looking her up, I guarantee that she would not send them to a violent, twisted Muslim school.
Damn right she wouldn’t, Mara.
But then – as I’m always saying – hypocrisy defines the left.
The Leftards (average I.Q. about 70) are stupid enough to think the Muslims they have ass kissed and enabled for decades won’t come for them!
This boggles the mind after the recent Islamic terror bombings in the capital city of the Leftard’s beloved utopian European Union…
I predict soon the Islamists will be going for the Elites’ gated communities, their families, their friends, their businesses…
Karma bites!
As Ben Shapiro said today, Trump (on this) is 100% right. And if there’s another attack like this one a week out from the election, Trump could very well sweep the board (comparing Trump’s pronouncements to those of the Red Queen).
Trump 2016