‘Anti-White Racism:

The Hate That Dares Not Speak Its Name

..Republicans may feel they have the luxury of being nasty towards each other because they fail to grasp that in the hands of their opponents politics has become a form of warfare conducted by other means. It is no longer about getting elected and enjoying the perks of office. It is about defaming opponents with the intention of driving them from the public square, so that only the party of “decency” and “compassion” remains standing. Its effect is to traduce the culture of civility that respects dissent, and its logical conclusion is a one-party culture and state….’

And that state will be fascist in all but name.

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15 Responses to ‘Anti-White Racism:

  1. mawm says:

    No one does racism and hatred quite like the left. http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_cool.gif

    • KG says:

      How true – while they preach the opposite and shut down free speech.
      Bastards, all of them.

    • Robertv says:

      Without racism and hatred (and poverty) there would be no need for the left. So it is in their interest to create and maintain racism and hatred (and poverty) . So as long as there is a left there will be racism and hatred (and poverty) .

  2. Brown says:

    ”Since blacks are 90% of the victims of black criminals …”

    True but still whitey’s fault they would say. Not sure why it is but I keep getting told that black is white, truth is lies so I guess its just newspeak.

    When 1984 is made into a film that fully reflects today’s PC nonsense the studio will have to disclose that the story is based on fact – just the names have been changed. It could be a doco.

    • KG says:

      ” It could be a doco.” Yep. But I doubt it will ever be made, Brown.

      • Robertv says:

        That sounds very pessimistic KG. It is now that the world economy is on the brink of collapse we have the opportunity to win.

        • KG says:

          We may get the opportunity, Robert but I doubt the will to do what is necessary is there any more.
          Softness and apathy rule.

        • Robertv says:

          Every cancer will eventually kill itself if it is not cut out of the body it feeds on. Stopping its blood supply would be the most efficient and less invasive way to eradicate its (self)destructive power.
          It is the way they make pearls.

  3. “…in the hands of their opponents politics has become a form of warfare conducted by other means.”

    Well, in truth it always was: a substitution, in the ancient phrase, of ballots for bullets. What’s unfortunate about the current situation — and mind you, it’s new only in degree — is that one side has decided that victory is so vitally important that casting away the conventions of civilized electoral politics sotto voce is an acceptable thing — that there is no tactic too low or vicious to exclude from its arsenal.

    This arises from the Left’s assumption of moral and intellectual superiority. Once the opponent has been defined as an amoral subhuman, his destruction becomes morally licit, even obligatory. Considering the venality and outright criminality of the Left and its leading lights, the ironies defeat my powers with words.

    Remember Sweet Cakes by Melissa. Remember Memories Pizza. Have a look at this recent case of the syndrome. And keep your powder dry. Because it will come to bullets in the end. It always does.

    • KG says:

      “Because it will come to bullets in the end. It always does.”
      I pray that it does, Francis. The alternative is slavery under a fascist State.

  4. Ronbo says:

    Francis W. Porretto and KG speak volumes of wisdom in a few sentences…Indeed, this current crisis will end in bloody war – neither side will back down or compromise – and they seem willing to blow it all up!

    “It was necessary to destroy the village in order to save it.”

    “There Will Be Blood”….

    I have thought this for over a decade and I’m surprised the balloon hasn’t gone up yet…. and to be quite honest with everyone, I will make no heroic efforts to stand alive if it does….war is all hell.

    2016? 2017? 2018? I don’t know.

    I’m terrible at timelines.