Open house

It’s hump day and I am dead tired,have at it!

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64 Responses to Open house

  1. Gregoryno6 says:

    Family advice from Freddie Blassie. Among other stuff.

  2. KG says:

    ‘Aussie primary school bans clapping to ‘respect’ anyone sensitive to noise’
    And take a look at this pile of steaming horse shit. The woman needs treatment:
    ‘Why Donald Trump has scared me back to the US’

    • Darin says:

      “The trouble isn’t that there are too many fools,but that lightening isn’t distributed right”-Mark Twain

  3. Ronbo says:

    Cruz read the longest political suicide note ever at the GOP Convention!

    I guess Trump was spot on when he called Cruz, “Lying Ted” as he gave his solemn word that he would support the GOP primary winner.


  4. Darin says:

    Still report-Nuclear armed Turkey

    “As a member of NATO Turkey has in it’s possession 40 B61 tactical nukes” aka The nuclear bunker buster.

  5. Darin says:

    Awh……they planned a protest and nobody showed up,how terrible

    Here’s one for all the lefty professional crying class

    • KG says:

      Bloody amazing!
      I’m sure the Arab telescope shows the th…… hang on a minute
      any minute now….
      Darn, can’t seem to find it.

  6. Gregoryno6 says:

    Time for a laugh! Remember when MAD Magazine parodied Mod Squad?
    Odd Squad

  7. mawm says:

    Just another loud-mouthed “celebrity” hypocrite who thinks that having a lot of money equates with having a brain. This time calling Trump a bully …. and headlined in The Telegraph. (Don’t these journalists do a basic google search before putting a thing like this up?)–and-i-dont-like-bullies/

    Maybe they/she need to be reminded of this…..

    One of America’s most famous lesbian “marriages” could be in serious trouble, as reports indicate actress Portia de Rossi secretly filmed her “wife,” Ellen DeGeneres, to expose the TV talk-show host’s allegedly abusive behaviour.

    • Darin says:

      Brown university=home for rich,mentally retarded children.

      I figured a way to reduce the insanity levels,tax these kids parents for 100% of the money they spend sending their brats to these schools and spend the money sending poor students that have excellent academic standing to real colleges and technical schools.For the money that it costs to go to Brown,4 students could be sent to MIT or VTU for a full ride engineering degree.

  8. KG says:

    “For the money that it costs to go to Brown,4 students could be sent to MIT or VTU for a full ride engineering degree.”

  9. Darin says:

    Greenpeace bringing solar panels to an Inuit village north of the Arctic circle-No,really they are

    • KG says:

      Ain’t the greenie religion – and other people’s money – a wonderful thing?

  10. KG says:

    Yeah, this leftist piece of shit really said that
    ‘A panel of ABC idiots take “a hard look at the negative effects of free speech”. Here’s Scott Stephens:

    “…It seems to me that we are going through a period in the west of a moral regression, and because of that I’m wondering whether we as moral agents can still be trusted with the privilege of freedom of speech. I think we’re at the point where we have to re-examine what we mean by that and if there is a deeper moral obligation that puts constraints on what we ought to be able to say in public…’

    • Ronbo says:

      It’s bad enough for Leftist pigs to be saying shit like this in public, but they are doing it on the public’s dime, so not only are the Australian taxpayers getting raped, they have to pay for the room!

      • KG says:

        And if free speech is a “privilege”, who grants this privilege? Some superior, enlightened species? Redefining something as a privilege is a means of giving power over the serfs to an elite.
        This article appalled me because it’s only a nanometre between that attitude and the gulag.

  11. KG says:

    Col. Bunny has a brilliant little video clip of a black gentleman taking it to a juvenile CNN reporter:

    • Ronbo says:


      Good find.

      I agree, 100% with the author. What we had prior to last year was a strong revolutionary nationalist/populist movement, The Tea Party, that lack only one thing: A national leader!

      American History 101: 1775, The Continental Congress. There is only one man in uniform, Colonel George Washington of the Virginia militia at the Congress. The choice of the uniform was no mistake – Washington wanted command for what passed for the American Army in those days – a ragtag militia – and he received his commission. Washington spent most of the next six years in losing battles against the British Army, but always managed to retreat with enough troops to fight again. In 1783 at the conclusion of the revolutionary war, Washington’s troops wanted him to be the “King of America” – but he refused – and told his men that the war was over and go home as he planned to do.

      King George III when he heard of his patriotic action by Washington said something along the lines of, “Washington is the greatest man in history.”

      It is clear to the stalwart Christian that Washington was sent by God because in 1775 the American Revolution lacked only one critical item to be successful: a leader who put country ahead of ambition.

      I think American Revolution 2.0 will triumph for the same reason.

      • Darin says:

        Ever read the book of Judges?

        “The primary message of Judges is that God will not allow sin to go unpunished. As Exodus established, Israel was God’s people—He was their King. They had forsaken the covenant established at Mount Sinai. In Judges, He disciplined them for following other gods, disobeying His sacrificial laws, engaging in blatant immorality, and descending into anarchy at times. Yet because they were His people, He listened to their cries for mercy and raised up leaders to deliver them. Unfortunately, even these godly individuals did not wield sufficient influence to change the nation’s direction. The people’s inability to resist sinful Canaanite influences eventually revealed their desire for a centralized monarchy, led by a righteous king whom God would choose as His intermediary.”

  12. Ronbo says:

    More good news this morning: Democrap Party taking some major punches and on the ropes at Convention time. Hillary sinking in the polls. Vice President pick by her said to be a typical corrupt Democrap establishment politician and no help in the campaign to come.

    Also, WikiLeaks trashed the DNC good and is releasing over 2,000 raving anti-Semite emails about Bernie Sanders from staffers. Debbie “Big Mouth” Wasserman, the head of the DNC, is not welcome at the Democrap Convention.




  13. Darin says:

    “If I had a gun I would have shot him in the head”

    Buy the man a beer for having balls enough to do what he could.

  14. Darin says:

    Bicycle insanity-Just another way for libs to soak the taxpayers-

  15. Darin says:

    French Polishing a wood burl-