The Jackass migration begins

It’s that time of the year folks,when we get the full frontal view of all the latest whining,complaining and full on demented moonbattery that is the DNC.

And what could start the party better than a Wikileaks hacked internal e-mail dump pointing out that the DNC is as many of have suspected,a witch’s coven-

Spawn of Satan Hillarious high jinks here-

Turns out Bernie was right,it is rigged,big time and now we know who all the rigger’s are.

Update: A partial list of e-mails here-


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7 Responses to The Jackass migration begins

  1. Darin says:

    Democrats,communists and traitors always-

  2. Alan says:

    Of course, in politics, this has gone on for time immemorial, but in this high tech digital age, it is nigh on impossible to cover things up. When someone as incompetent as Hillary is involved it can only lead to disaster.

  3. Michael in Nelson says:

    I not this is in the Daily Mail not any of the US media.

    • Darin says:

      SOP for demorats and the media that enables them-“hide the crime” and all.

      • Ronbo says:

        The Lamestream Media is the PR center for the Democrat Party – everyone who counts knows that fact.

        This is the reason the New Internet Media is our source of accurate information.

  4. PC says:

    It seems the Democrats are so worried about agitating leftie protesters they have built an 8 foot high, 4 mile long wall around the convention centre.

    The irony hurts.

    • RONBO says:


      I love the place your heart is at, but if you think exposing the Democraps as hypocrites is going to gain you ground on their side of the street – forget it. In fact, for a Democrap to be a hypocrite is worth a point in their approval rating among the rank&file.

      George Orwell explained this state of mind well in “1984” calling it “Doublethink” on the part of party members, (for a detailed explanation see the Wikipedia article) who one day believe with all their heart that Oceania is at war with Eastasia…until told by Big Brother Oceania is a war with Eurasia. Hence, as soon as the announcement is made over the Media, the “Goodthinker” “Forgets” that Oceania was ever at war with Eastasia and that Eastasia has always been a loyal ally of Oceania.

      Of course, “1984” is a work of fiction but Orwell captured the important dynamics of any socialist system – which is control of the Media by the Regime, and an “Inner Party” elite (oligarchy) that meets in secret and makes decisions that are transmitted to the place where the rubber meets the road, the “Outer Party” – the bureaucracy.

      Thus the total control of information keeps the mind numbed robots who thoughtlessly vote socialist year after year – the proles – the true believers – the below average mind – in line – and fat, dumb and happy on welfare…that was until the Age of the Internet that has turned the most humble blogger into his own individual Ministry of Information. This means he has become enlightened and can think forbidden thoughts. He types away late at night and discovers a world of like minded individuals, and the meet regularly on website like Crusader Rabbit and they plot tactics and means to overthrow Big Brother.

      The seeds of revolution have been planted and are growing into strong plants all over the planet.