Already the bodies are piling up

ANOTHER MYSTERIOUS DEATH=> Activist and Sanders Supporter Who Served Papers to DNC on Fraud Case Found Dead


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2 Responses to Already the bodies are piling up

  1. Ronbo says:

    The Night Of The Long Knives begins…The fascists are – once again – starting to purge their ranks – as did their Uncle Adolf in 1934.

    A personal note here: In 1974, my first barracks room was in the basement of the once Berlin SS base where over 3,000 Storm Troopers were executed by the SS in June, 1934. Some of the execution took place in the basement rooms – which were then detention area for SS members on minor discipline issues like AWOL (Absent Without Leave); however, on this famous night SA officers were placed in these cells and waited their turn to be taken outside to the parking lot in the back to executed against a sandbag wall.

    Creepy, heh? There were lots of ghosts in those old buildings the U.S. Army took over after WW II and renamed “Andrews’ Barracks,” which were visited often by Hitler in the 1930s.

    After the American withdrawal from Berlin in 1994 – the base given back to the German government which moved the Stasi (East German Secret Police) files there in the late 1990s. Today Germans can check to see if they have a file…and also Americans, British and French personnel who were stationed in Berlin during Cold War – the Stasi spied on them as well and kept the records.

  2. K2 says:

    Oliver Stone’s greatest movie was one pandering to the leftist ideologue’s fantasies about the murder of JFK. It was entirely false, but great propaganda and helped energize the left’s minions to kick out Bush and put in Clinton. It’s a shame the pro-liberty folks can’t do the same with the Hildebeast’s checkered past, her pathological lying and particularly the MSM protection of her makes conspiracy theories about her highly plausible. Plus the strange way there’s a mass shooting or bombing just when a Clinton is in big trouble. If the media weren’t monolithically left, there would have been such a TV show or film to counter the heavy handed pro-Hillary you go gurlz messaging of the last two years.