Medal just for surviving

Trouble in Olympic paradise-

It’s that time again,time for the global corruption circle jerk aka the Olympics.

Zika,flesh eating bacteria,raw sewage and body parts washing up on the beach,it just gets better and better.Not having learned their lesson from Greece that it’s not a good idea to host the event in a third world country,this time around it was off to Rio.I have an idea, let’s host the next one in Calcutta 

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14 Responses to Medal just for surviving

  1. KG says:

    How about the Olympics reverts to the original events and is moved back to Greece?
    After a serious inquiry into corruption, that is…

  2. Ronbo says:

    One Word: DISGUSTING!!! SPIT!!!

  3. Alan says:

    Zimbabwe would be the ultimate venue, Nigeria and Liberia also come to mind. Then again Venezuela might be in the picture. But the Olympics have become such a bad joke relocating them permanently to the south pole could be in order.

    • Ronbo says:

      …and really the idea of nations in competition against one another in the Global Age where borders no longer exists is so 20th century!

  4. Gregoryno6 says:

    Locate them in Darwin, here in the Northern Territory. And let the crocs compete.

  5. KG says:
    But I’m rather fond of our crocs – I’d hate them to get food poisoning.

  6. Cadwallader says:

    I am not convinced that the reports our bunch of hysterical media fools are providing is true. The city seems to have been cleaned up both sanitarily and for security.There are photos of trash in the sea but they are not accompanied by dates and specific locations. I know 3 or 4 people in Rio at the moment and they all say the parks and beaches are close to being perfect. They say the sand is filtered and swept daily and the sea is clear, warm and inviting. The fear of mugging is present…but where isn’t it? There are well publicised precautions to observe including areas of the city to bypass. Brazil has problems but the Games are said to be a foothold in developing tourism, hence it is important to maintain standards. Let’s not bash the Games based on some dribbly reports from our bigoted and useless media.