Orange County,NC Republican Headquarters Firebombed

The words, “Nazi Republicans get out of town or else” and a swastika were spray painted on the side of an adjacent building. Officials said the bomb ignited inside the office. No damage estimates were available.

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9 Responses to Orange County,NC Republican Headquarters Firebombed

  1. andy5759 says:

    They’re either rattled or they are pushing. Very little that happens as a result of their actions goes unexploited, with a compliant MSN any narrative can be thrown out. Are they rattled? Yes they are. Are they pushing? Yes they are. How to react, don’t push back but stand firm. Don’t push at perceived weakness, until the WaPo or NYT becomes good reading there are no weaknesses.

    I’ve noticed a desperation in the behaviour of the left recently. The particularly dim revert to type and blame Tories for the fact that their benefits aren’t enough. Those with sufficient brain cells to be useful are trotting (no pun) out the “all of humanity” bollocks like they are still 60s students. The sooner some bright spark comes up with the idea to actually ally ourselves with Russia, the sooner these dick for brains will shut up. Which world leader recently gave Mozlims the finger with a direct challenge, Putin or Hollande? Does France get more, or fewer, attacks than Russia? I don’t know the numbers, but I bet Putin knows what he’s doing. EU presidents, there are a few, appear to think that poking bears is fun. O’Bama, poTUS, doesn’t appear to think. We are being led into a war which we don’t understand, again. How the fuck can that happen? The internet has informed folk, those people have met, exchanged thoughts, become a movement. Call it the all right, call it Janet, or the AltRight. I think that this here AltRight thing might be in a position to stop WWII from happening just yet. They’re informed, they’re prepared, they’re determined, and they’re probably armed. Americans have tried it twice, won the big one. Best of three? To be free. Just be prepared to have some strange bedfellows.

    Sorry about the rant, so many strands are coming together. The game is afoot.

  2. Michael in Nelson says:

    Democrats blaming Republicans for the bombing as a tactic to make Dems look bad in 3…2…1…

  3. MacDoctor says:

    This message brought to you by the REAL religion of peace – liberal progressivism.

  4. Ronbo says:

    This is not the action of people who think the election is in the bag for Crooked Hillary, as the Washington Communist Post forecast Sunday.

    BTW, in the few polls that are objective, Trump is ahead by seven points – a lead that has lasted since the great Media hate offensive of August.

  5. Ronbo says:

    The question is: “Can anyone defeat 100 years of Progressivism that has taken over all major institutions of American life?

    The romantic in me says, “YES, TRUMP CAN!”

    The tiny Doubting Thomas on my right shoulder whispers in my ears, “No way, Jose. The game is RIGGED!”

    Rigged Elections and Professional Wrestling

    Monday Night Raw is a professional wrestling television program. Leaked documents from the show “[i]ndicate that professional wrestling is a rigged spectacle in which match outcomes are predetermined.” Many will say ho hum; this is not news. Of course it’s rigged. But many pro wrestling fans wil…

    • MikeH. says:

      I think you should trust the tiny Doubting Thomas whispering in your ear. I am of the opinion that; even if Trump were to receive 100% of the votes, he would be declared the loser nonetheless. Mind you, I do not believe we the conservative people are out number by those liberal enema nozzles when it’s time to vote. I do believe we are outnumbered by the corrupt leftest sycophants who have been put in key positions within the election process. Once again, I point to the reelection of obama as my validation for this thinking.

      Of course, the whole point of the presidential election may be moot since it appears we might very well be drawn into a war with Russia prior to November 8. Just saying…