RIP France

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17 Responses to RIP France

  1. Ronbo says:

    Paris could really, really, REALLY use George Patton’s famous Blitz Army of 1944 to run the Leftist scum, the Muslim parasites, and the worthless Africans the hell out of Western Civilization’s most artistic and cultured city.

    “Is Paris Burning? Is Paris Burning?”

    Today Paris is burning to the ground in penny packets…. A task the mighty Nazi war machine couldn’t do in five years is being done on a daily basis by knuckle dragging Leftists and their ape-like allies.

  2. Darin says:

    Sad to see a great country with a long and proud history about to be turned to burning rubble by muslim invaders and their leftist enablers.

    The French that can are also leaving France in droves-

  3. Contempt says:

    She says it’s communists. More left than left.

    • Ronbo says:

      It looks like Merkel has accomplished what Kaiser Bill and Adolf Hitler couldn’t accomplish – the destruction of France – although I’m sure Merkel will say, “It was necessary to destroy France in order to save it.”

  4. Grog says:

    BZ has some good thoughts on the fall of France.

    Looks like the French aren’t immune from ballot fraud. Hmm, Macron is an insider, whodathunkit.

  5. Ronbo says:


  6. KG says:

    Macron.By a wide margin.
    The French now deserve their looming future.

  7. Gregoryno6 says:

    Trump and Brexit in the Anglosphere; Macron and Rutte on the Continent.
    I’d say there’s a pattern emerging but we’ve got Turnbull…

  8. Grog says:

    So, the French have chosen national suicide. Wonder if they’ll sell the Eiffel Tower for a good price? I’ll pay 1,000 euros if they take it apart and ship it to New Orleans.

    • Ronbo says:

      “Le Big Mac” was elected president of the 6th French Republic (or is it the 7th? One loses count….) and tomorrow will flight to Berlin to meet Merkel and get his orders from the Fourth Reich which accomplished without a war the domination of France.

      Does he kiss her ring, or does he give her the ever popular Roman Salute and click his heels?

      Yes, I know the European Union capital is in Brussels, but the Fourth Reich thought it would better there than Berlin for PR purposes…But we all know who really is in charge. MERKEL THE IRON HUN!

  9. Darin says:

    Black Pigeon-The End Game:Why the West is Lost-

    Depressing to say the least.