This one is for all the Chips

The Rich Higgins Memo-

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8 Responses to This one is for all the Chips

    • KG says:

      From the link:
      “No conservatives should support Nazis. But it needs to be said just as loudly, that the media must stop supporting Communists.”
      Damn right.

      • Ronbo says:

        My theory – and let me say up front I have no proof other than history and ideology – is that BOTH sides to the preview to civil war in Charlottesville last Saturday – are two sides to the same Leftist coin – and that the entire affair was planned at a very high level – perhaps at Obama’s alternate White House in Washington, D.C.

        What I think happened was this: the “white nationalist racists” were funded – and perhaps on the leadership level – led by Leftists. Never forget that the KKK was a creation of the Democrat Party as its terrorist arm in the Old South. The American Nazi white racists are Leftists just like the KKK and so forth. The bottom line to the line up on the white racist side: All those groups are Leftists, definitely not Trump supporters and they don’t care for the rank and file Republicans.

        On the other side, as is well known, the ANTIFA, BLM, socialists, communists and other violent Leftists groups belong lock, stock and barrel to the Democrat Party.

        This is why I called the Charlottesville riots a clash between Old Guard white racists and New Guard anti-white racists. Never forget that until the 1950s, the Democrats were the party of white supremacy and did a flip-flop in the 1960s to their present day anti-white orientation. Old wine in new bottles, heh?

        Today the current evolution of the USA Democrat Party is that of a fascist or Nazi Party: They are totalitarian, racist, sexist and have one of the loudest propaganda machines on the face of the earth determined to crush any and all forms of opposition to them.

        I’m afraid it civil war time in this country because the Democrat Party agenda is totally unacceptable to majority of Americans….we will fight…we have the guns…we have the money…we have the men….we have the WILL.

        The Guns of August American style 100 years after the Great War and the Russian Revolution?

        Could be.

        • KG says:

          On the other side, Ronbo, the left have the organization, a hell of a lot of the police and just as much money.
          They won’t be a pushover.

          • Ronbo says:

            No one in their right mind would say civil war is a Sunday walk in the apk – especially no American who has studied the worst war of the 19th century, which was the U.S. Civil War.

            What I’m saying is we patriots have been pushed to the wall – and like our great-great-grandfathers we have no other option that the gun. Petitions, law suit and elections have all failed, the next logical step is insurrection.

            In regards to police and military in a CW II – I suspect the same thing will happen as CW I – Most will join up with their respective side…Ditto the federal bureaucracy and the states will sort one another out…Battle lines are formed already and you can expect a movement of Republican people to states like Texas to rally – and the Democrat side moving into states like New York or California on the other side.

            This is my take…but what do I know? Just a guess. We see thru a glass darkly. But I will say in my defense my predictions have been pretty accurate for years.

            In 2005 I predicted civil war in America. I could give no time line for the shooting to start.

            In 2007, I predicted Obama would be elected president and his reelection in 2012.

            In 2015, I predicted Trump would be elected in a landslide. He was in a electoral college landslide.

            • KG says:

              I don’t disagree, it’s just that I talk to some people who think the defeat of the left in a civil war would be almost a foregone conclusion. And that’s irritating. The outcome of any civil war is unknown and unpredictable.
              But that’s no reason to not fight.

  1. Ronbo says:

    Hmmm? More support for my theory the Charlottesville riots were the work of the Democrat Party and Leftists – This leader was an Obama/Occupy supporter and anti-white racist until he suddenly, “saw the light” and flipped to the other side.

    Folks, believe what you will but the Charlottesville Insurrection was planned, funded and led at the top by the Democrat Party which controlled BOTH sides and the police department.