The Bombshell Just Blew Up in Their Faces

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15 Responses to The Bombshell Just Blew Up in Their Faces

  1. Turnabout is fair play.

  2. Michael in Nelson says:

    What I haven’t heard and what I consider to be the most amazing part of this is Trump (and anyone connected to the campaign) has been proven innocent. Not shown to be not guilty beyond a reasonable doubt but innocent of the charges despite being presumed guilty.

    • Grog says:

      And from some people in deecee you won’t hear that, Michael, because of how deep the resentment is, and the hate. This can’t be admitted because then people(worms)like Mueller would risk self incrimination and prison time. The amusing part of this is that these people(worms)set themself up for possible prison time by starting the investigation in the first place.

      Get some popcorn, this is going to be good.

      • mawm says:

        The GOP will do nothing. Devin Nunes wants to go after them but he won’t get the support.

        There needs to be a full accounting for those who knowingly put together a document filled with false and salacious accusations, for those who distributed it around to the media and Congress, for those who used the world’s foremost (?) investigative agency to delve into innocent peoples lives in the most intrusive manner, those who leaked classified information and those who formented lies and spread them through a media too keen to publish anything damaging about their President and his family that they discarded any professionalism they had left. But most of all they need to investigate those who were behind it – Obama, Clinton and Brennan.

        I have no doubt that from day one Mueller knew there was no Russian collusion but he had two tasks to do – destroy all incriminating evidence to save Obama’s legacy and Clinton and her minions from gaol, and to goad Trump into obstructing his “investigation” as a hook to hang any impeachment attempts on.

        It takes just one, threatened with a life in gaol, to spill the beans. Lynch, Powers or Rice?

  3. Darin says:

    The hill the NPC media died on-

  4. Darin says:

    Jussie Smollett walks –

    Wonder who he had enough dirt on to pull that one off?Michael Obama maybe?

  5. Michael in Nelson says:

    So the talking heads refuse to accept the conclusions of the Muller Report. I’m waiting (and I believe they are coming) for the investigations into how the ‘Russia collusion’ meme was initiated, the unmasking, the FISA court abuses, etc. Oh, and BTW, what ever happened to the $2 billion that went missing from Hillary Clinton’s State Department?

  6. KG says:

    Nobody will serve any significant jail time – and that’s even if it comes to court.