The Road To Somalia : Why Failed Cities and Gangster Fiefdoms are the New Norm.

With the recent riots, and let’s call it what it is, leftist bought and paid for anarchy breaking out in our major cities. It may help some to examine the situation on the ground and make some comparisons. Between documented failed states and the current state of our major cities some similarities are starting to emerge that should give everyone living in the US some serious pause.

Watch the short video in the link, don’t read the description, then try and guess where this occurred.

As one poster in the comments section pointed out, the only real difference between Chicago and Somalia is that they are stealing big screen TV’s and not Rice. This isn’t an uncommon occurrence, this behavior is routine and is anything but random. What you and I might mistake for chaos, actually has planning behind it. Doubt me? Then tell me how, out of a train consist  of a hundred plus cars and possibly 200 shipping containers,  did they manage to find the one containing TV’s, and not say a shipment of dog food or heaven forbid- school books? No, this is a criminal enterprise with intel behind it. Someone working in the rail yard, knew which container contained what, and someone on the ground tagged it so the Locusts could swarm.

We read the papers and see the slow motion train wreck happening, but parsed with PC cult language, the reality of what we are seeing doesn’t quite connected. Let me help, our inner cities, which have been under Democrat control for multiple decades, combined with leftist policies on policing, law enforcement, education and employment have established criminal fiefdoms. There is a structure to these things, foot soldiers, enforcers, middle managers, enablers and of course the local warlords. Those are the malignant cells that make up the disease.

The cancer spreads in stages-

Stage 1- Enact legislation and increase regulation to strangle or drive out industry and by extension, the middle class. This serves the purpose of destroying the tax base, and reducing the chances of a lower income employee being able to find worthwhile employment and move up the ladder.

Stage 2 Relax law enforcement and replace traditional community policing (paired officers walking a beat) with lone officers spread out over a wider patrol area. The prior is proactive and has been proven to stop crimes before they are committed. The latter is reactionary and only responds in time to take victim statements and fill out after action reports. The result of lone officers, spread over a wider area, is the police precincts and patrol cars become garrisons, with the officers billeted inside. They have reduced contact with the public, and are often forced to take violent action to bring an out of control situation under control. With traditional policing, many crimes never happened simply because of the officers being visible and having intel available to them from the citizenry.

Stage 3 Set up a mafia like protection racket. Make the remaining businesses and people understand that tribute must be paid, either in votes, or in outright bribes to keep the thugs at bay.  Anytime we see a foundation being set up, or yet another “urban revitalization” scheme started, that is how the money is extorted and handed over to be distributed to the warlords. Police being told to stand down during riots isn’t just for media optics, it’s primary role is sending a message to the local community. The message is- go along with us, or we will feed you to the monsters. Gotta keep the Serfs inline after all.

Stage 4 Recruit your foot soldiers. Drugs and vice have always been the recruiting tools of choice. Alcohol, illegal gambling, prostitution and narcotics have always been the keys to controlling the troops on the ground. Everybody on the street level is in a hustle to make money and control turf. The Bosses divide territory by precincts and the precincts are ceded to the control of connected warlords. The daily crimes we see on the evening news, are in reality just the actions and counter actions of the various warlords and factions jockeying for control under the cover of seemingly random crime.

Stage 5 Take over control of key positions in local government and administration. Need to implement some unconstitutional regulation? Take over the local courts. Need some kickbacks? Start a charity or lobby for grants. Experience resistance? Embed corrupt cops in the local police force. Enforcement on the street level is much easier when LE is doing the enforcing.( See George Floyd-vs- Eric Chauvin) that interaction wasn’t racial, it was business.

Stage 6 Control the media, control the narrative. Every violent interaction between the troops in the garrison and the foot soldiers on the street is immediately spun to be racial or class driven. The bosses need to promote and stoke the attitude that it’s us against them, when in reality, the bosses are in control of both sides and the characters in the theater are just acting according to script.

Stage 7 Stage a “protest” or create a bogeyman, fear is a driver, doesn’t matter if the boogeyman is a flesh and blood criminal rioter or a virus, the Sheep need to be goaded into the chute and lined up to be sheared. If they create an endless array of things to be afraid of , then there is a fear to fit everyone. Some will fear death, some crime, some a virus, others still financial ruin. They want everyone to fear something, or at minimum, be distracted by some shiny thing, in order to take attention away from what is really happening.

Stage 8 Destroy the infrastructure. This stage actually has a needed component embedded in stage 1, destroying the tax base. You can’t have roads, utilities and public services without a tax base. No police, no fire, no public works, if none of those things are present and the area isn’t farmland, then you are living in the third world.

Stage 9 The terminal stage. This one is for all the chips, it may look like the end, like death itself, but it’s not the end, it’s the beginning of a new reality. In this stage the roads are all but impassible. Either blocked by criminal gangs of left to deteriorate and return to nature. Running water and sanitation are spotty at best and food when it can be found, either comes at a high price off the back of a truck or will get you killed trying to keep what’s yours. Law enforcement is for hire and the rule of law, is whatever the strongest boss or warlord says it is. Healthcare is rationed, those who are politically connected get treatment, those without go without. Protection is offered for a price, so long as you fall inline with the new order.

So you ask yourself why would they setup this system if the outcome is ruin? Because it is base human nature to rule over others, even if it means ruling over ruins. We see this mentality manifested in the current day. To the left the end justifies the means, they have decided that winning the argument is paramount, even if the only way they can win is by killing the person they are arguing with, a win to them is still a win. At this point nothing is out of bounds or off limits to the left. They are under the belief that America is on the razors edge and if they give it one more push, we will finally go over to anarchy, after which they can ride to the rescue and be seen as the hero, in their minds giving them total authority to fully implement their ideology.

So what is the cure? In the short term, arm up, I still believe there is a kinetic fight coming. In the long term, we must start changing things at the grass roots level. We need allies, we need to reinvest time and political will in the urban environment. Trump has started this process and his efforts are beginning to pay dividends. We need to embrace and back up Black and Latino conservative voices, we need to encourage them to run for public office in their locales. It’s the only option we have to root out the corruption that has festered for decades and get people in there that can start the turn around. It took 70 years to get to this point, fixing it will take longer than one political cycle, but it can be done by winning some key battles. It will never happen if we don’t at least try. At this point, as Trump says, what have we got to lose?



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6 Responses to The Road To Somalia : Why Failed Cities and Gangster Fiefdoms are the New Norm.

  1. Darin says:

    And for your daily dose of media turbo spin, check this one out-

    As I pointed out already above, these clowns didn’t just “stumble” onto a rail car loaded with weapons. They were led to them by someone on the inside, possibly very high up the food chain in the DOJ even. Remember project “Gun walker” which later became operation “Fast and Furious” where the DOJ under Holder/Obama sold guns to Mexican gangs and cartel members? How hard would it be with modern shipment tracking, especially on a tightly controlled item like firearms, for the shipment to be located and tracked along it’s route right down to the minute? All they would need to know is when and what container.

    Notice too, the “pastor” and his media handler blamed this “failure” on the railroad terminal as if bands of criminal thugs breaking in a stealing stuff off the trains is the company’s fault.

  2. robert orians says:

    Columbus Ohio has a large thriving Somali community . Thriving on your tax dollars that is . They have their own stores,restaurants , and car dealerships all paid for with tax dollars via the federal government . If whitey walks in one of those car dealers / stores he/she will be ignored and sometimes even insulted and laughed at . I have done it . Yes , I learned my lesson . They don’t want me there and I will not do it again .

    • Darin says:

      Same thing in Minnesota, the Obama regime created a mini-Somalia whole cloth by importing a hundred thousand of them. A few assimilated, the rest want none of it.

  3. Darin says:

    Speaking of Minnesota-