This election was no victory for liberty, or for NZ’s future.
Ain’t that the truth!
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I see 35% of NZ voters chose not to!
Indeed. There’s a message in that, surely?
The biggest scandal in this election is the lack of coverage by the media of the new Conservative Party–it may as well not have existed in the run-up to the election. And despite their spectacularly good result, the media is still ignoring them!
It’s easy to see who-and what-the leftist bastards are afraid of.
Even now, there is a silence about a party that has come out of nowhere and left Act and the racist parties in the dust!
Almost unbelievable, isn’t it? The effing media should be forced to register as a political party. Bastards.
My son dredged up a party blurb sheet from the Christian Heritage Party circa 1999. (Capill and co.) I note the resemblances contained therein to the 2011 Conservative Party handouts. Sanctimonious, self righteous, dictatorial etc…more or less the same as all other parties. I think I am tired of politics.
Let it go, Cad – your ongoing attempts to tar all Christians with the Capill brush is becoming nauseating.
Our neighbor just rang us and admitted she voted for Winston because “she liked him”. Thank fuck we are moving in 3 weeks.
Well, Sci Fi, I guess her reason makes about as much sense as why people voted for Key–ie none.
Where are you moving to? (or should that be, which state are you moving to?)
Considering the Conservatives had zero coverage in the MSM is am surprised they did this well. Hopefully they stick around.
They’re a dim ray of hope, at least.
The only upside is the delicious schadenfreude from watching and hearing the wailing and gnashing of teeth for the liarbour enthusiasts.
That’s FROM, not for!
I look forward to the same from the clowns who voted for the gNats….
And lets not forget the almost zero coverage of all the alternative options to MMP and the referendum in that context. The ONLY voice seemed to be from the “Keep MMP” camp. Where was the considered debate?! Where was the democratic process in action?!
Yeah, yeah, I know, we don’t live in a democracy anymore. And the sheeple are all too drunk on the koolade to care one way or the other.
Just posed a question over at Whaleoil’s, in that in the event of a Conservative Party win in a by-election, would they get proportionality in Parliament in line with the party vote?
I genuinely don’t know the answer, and given the age of a lot of parliamentarians in this election, the chances are pretty bloody high of a retirement or death.
Dunno the answer to that one, Mort. Please let us know if you find out.
Greens + NZF = ZERO electorate MP’s. All we’ll get from Winston for the next 3 years is showboating and bullshit. Will anyone ask him now to pay back the money? At least he will be irrelevant. Are bets being taken on how long it takes Andrew Williams to make a tit of himself. We are moving down to Invercargill, which we believe is the last bastion of good old Kiwi values around. Loopy Len can keep his super city.
Isn’t that where Burt Munro was from?
I believe so.
Is Shadbolt any saner?
VERY marginal.
oil… there’s oil in them thar hills, or ocean bad as the case may be…. there’s certainly coal, in Mataura, so drill baby drill, fracture the frack out of it, and reap that gas, warm the place up a bit
Mort – The word ‘gas’ has not raised its head in the Eastern Southland lignite fields. Do you really think there will be many jobs created with solid energies current proposals. One only has to look at the ‘huge’ machinery ripping deep into the landscape to realise there won’t be the promised jobs. Think about the jobs lost to the farming sector when the rich fertile soils are ripped up. Many of these people will be looking for work.
Bullshit. Greenie fuckwits and their pig-ignorant fellow-travellers oppose the very things necessary to pay for their welfare.
“Think about the jobs lost to the farming sector when the rich fertile soils are ripped up”
Oh yeah, several jobs may be lost. And how many created? A damn sight more, is my guess. (yeah, I’m guessing, just as you are. Except that mine is backed by experience, not my skoolteacher’s propaganda)
Dig it up, dam it, drill and burn it.
Finally, if you can’t be bothered getting a nick, fuck off.
KG – I am NOT a greenie and I object to you making wild unfounded assumptions. My family has farmed in this area for 150 years plus and are still farming in an economical way. Why should I stand by and see our livelie-hoods decimated for lignite to be mined that is of such poor value.
You miss the thrust of my post re jobs and I do think it is bull sh… that many jobs will be created.
I have read what I had written and I don’t believe my comments warranted your expletives. Some open polite debate was all that was required.
I see that I had left my name off my post at 10.39 a.m.
My apologies, Sally. I thought you were the greenie troll who has already been deleted, back under another email addy.
And I see Mort has answered your comment, politely and with more knowledge than I posses on the subject.
That being the case Sally, there’s nothing compelling your family to allow exploration or extraction on your farmland, is there? And certainly not without compensation?
Sudden mental picture of ‘The Beverly Hillbillies’!
Listen to a story ’bout a man named ???
A poor mountain man, barely kept his family fed.
Out one day he was shootin’ at some food….
When up from the ground comes a bubblin’ crude.
Oil that is…Black Gold…Texas Tea.
hmmmm … Ellie-May Klampett!
bed…ocean bed
farming is so damn efficient these days 1 person can do what took 200 to do only 75 years ago. So jobs lost… 1 farms worth, all in all 3 maybe 5. A drill rig employs 30 people on site, then there has to be an associated 50 to get the stuff to market/ end user…
As for the worth of the jobs, a farm labourer may earn $20 per hour, so with some overtime, lets be generous and say he gets $50k. A more skilled person, maybe $80-100.
The drillers and the associated people will all be on at least that if NZ is to compete with Australia for the labour.
so Anon (or is that Robert?): get fucked with your jobs lost campaign.
As for losing the topsoil, fracking attacks the lignite itself, and the pad a drill sits on is 100m x 100m, with about the same area for storage again, so about 2 acres. Then you have the pipeline or road to get the stored gas out (probably already have driveways on the farm)…. (you could scrape the topsoil off and sell it to the townies for their home garden… but given its Mataura, the townies especially the ones on the dole, are not exactly likely to use it to grow their own vegies)net loss in topsoil umm about a big fat ZERO, about the same amount of worth that your argument has at the moment.
Who knows, maybe some person with enough hair to tear out may tackle the RMA and its minions and decide to build a gas fired power station, to reap the 300% markup in generation costs for gas to retail pricing currently in existence. This would go a way towards increasing competitiveness in the electricity sector and heaven forbid may even slow down the rampant inflation in the industry… one that is being milked by the govt to the detriment of the country (higher overheads, less growth…)
Mort is exactly right.Here (SE U.S.)gas production requires about 1-1/2 acres per well during drilling.Farming continues on even while drilling is going on.Once the well is shut in and in production the footprint of the well reduces to maybe 15x15m,with farming all the while.
When the wells are in and producing the farmer gets a 1/8th share of the production and damages(roads rebuilt,topsoil replaced site cleaned).The only thing left on site is the well head surrounded by some fencing and gravel.Once the well is played out all of that is removed,the well is slugged and buried.The site at that point is completely clear and you would never know it was there unless somebody told you it had been.
It’s a win for the farmer,a win for the economy and a win for the nation as a whole.
The Green whiners have this imaginary picture of a circa 1900 wooden derrick with oil gushing out the top and running all over the ground.That picture like they’re reality is false.
You ALL miss my point that fracking for gas has not been mentioned. Mining the lignite, the lowest grade coal, is what is talked about. You don’t have to be a green to be concerned.
Sally, if it’s not on productive farmland, and if the site is reinstated afterwards, surely that’s not a problem? Energy always comes at a cost and it’s a matter of balancing the costs against the benefits.
But KG it is on productive farmland.
The trouble is Solid Energy keeps everything pretty much to themselves, that is why the Greens are able to capitalise on mining issues.
Oh, I see. I went looking for information on it and there’s very little available. There seems to be something of a culture of secrecy surrounding this stuff.
Holy fuck, Imwish I’d never mentioned it.
weesa learnin stuff
Last week I culdn’t evun spell Inguneer,now I are one
twas me
Sign in-edit post-trash-repost.
Even I figured that out

You under estimate the CBF factor.
CBF factor? Computer Brain Fart?
Don’t worry,it only gets worse with age
Can’t Be Fucked Factor.
1 1/2 acres, the kids are already picking their air rifles (let see what this starts)
Hopefully it’ll start them on the path to a .500 Nitro Express and lots of fresh meat.