Open house

call me if something exciting happens.

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53 Responses to Open house

  1. The Gantt Guy says:

    I’ll get the ball rolling. I’m in the middle of a book called
    Why Worry About the Gradual Loss of our Liberties?

    It’s by Dr David L Wood and traces the creeping hand of socialism into our lives over the past century. He discusses the philosophy of Incrementalism espoused by the Fabian Society in the early 1900s, through Atlee’s defeat of Churchill in the post-war election (and the disastrous result for Britain) and on to modern times. Anyone reading the original goals of the Fabians and their strategy of incremental take-over of the institutions will be under absolutely no illusion whatever that their plan has been wholely and utterly successful and was, if anything, impeded by the half-century of socialism’s brutal, feral cousin, communism. He tries to get into the mind of a Collectivist to see if there’s any logic making him tick (there isn’t), and tries to come up with some sensible explanation for the theories of collectivism (there aren’t any).

    I’m not yet finished the book so I don’t know if it ends with any kind of plan to take back our institutions, or even with some hope for the future, but based on what I’ve read so far I do urge others to read it, as it might provide some insight into our enemy.

    • KG says:

      Thanks, Gantt I’ll try to get hold of a copy.
      Nothing to do here this evening, except sit outside drinking beer.

      • The Gantt Guy says:

        I bloody wish. I’m getting over yet another chest infection, am still on some nasty poison (antibiotics and steroids), which don’t mix well with beer. The current regime is prednisolone in the morning, antibiotics morning and night and a small dose of good-quality single malt to help me sleep.

        That, and it’s only bloody 15 degrees here in Tijuana, so it’s a bit cold for beer on the verandah.

        • KG says:

          Gawd–good luck with the infection, mate. Any idea of the source?
          15? hmmm…too damn cold. I think it’s around 25 here right now and it’s going to be 30+rain tomorrow. Fishing calls…
          So does the horrible job of cleaning the Pajero aircon filter.

          • The Gantt Guy says:

            It’s an ongoing thing. Temperature changes, high pollen, too much stress all sets off the asthma, which quickly develops into something nasty.

            That, and being on the wrong side of 40 and 20 kgs overweight! Caught it early this time, so it isn’t too bad.

            If it comes down to a choice, I’m sure fishing will win out over the aircon filter. Worst comes to worst, you can always turn off the aircon and wind down the windows!

            • KG says:

              Speaking of car aircons…if you’re getting repeat infections, would it be worth getting an anti-bacterial bomb for the aircon filter?

              • The Gantt Guy says:

                That’s a great idea. I’ll give it a go for the car and the house. Thanks for the tip.

      • The Gantt Guy says:

        Oh, and the book is a download from (click the link at the book title to go straight thru).

  2. KG says:

    Got it. :smile: Thanks for that. (and sent a copy to Oswald Bastable and Redbaiter)

  3. The Gantt Guy says:

    On another note, I was invited by the Gillard government today to participate in a survey about the challenge of climate change, and the government’s “response” to the “crisis”. It was like Christmas came early. :lol: :lol:

  4. KG says:

    Report: Britain needs more immigrants to help economic recovery – Independent

    Any excuse will do. How importing more fundamentalist Somali goat herders will help escapes me, but then…I’m not an economist.

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      They need to import more, because the ones they’ve already got have made such a wonderful contribution to the country. Same as the Lebs in NSW and Somalis in Victoriastan. Multi-culti- rainbow paradise.

      • If immigration delivered wealth, the UK should be positively booming.
        But rather than a boom, Blair and Brown just delivered bankruptcy.
        Where the immigrants were working, such as those from Eastern Europe, their impact was to push back many wages back down to minimum wage levels.

        Anyway, had to smile noting the Independent’s story about honour killins. The headlines says the police need more training. What about the honour killers? Don’t they need training too?

  5. KG says:

    “Guerilla Conservatism” is a great idea, but the truth is, we’re going to be swamped before it can take hold and have an effect.

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      Agreed, but at this point it’s pretty-much all we got. I mean, what’s the alternative?

      • KG says:

        None. And the right urgently needs to stop bickering and infighting and unite under one banner.

        • The Gantt Guy says:

          Not gonna happen any time soon. Too many behaving like 6 year olds on the school playground. I mean, look at the way Whittington’s thrown his toys out of the cot following ACT’s self-destruction. He hates Banks and even in his Facebook rants bangs on about one of the 3 sacred liberal cows. Fucking children.

          • KG says:

            Yep. You’re right, it won’t happen, unless a charismatic figure with balls and principles appears and manages to capture the imagination of various conservative factions. I’m not hopeful.

  6. KG says:

    Rods rigged, tackle checked, Gecko has hers rigged and the esky ready to go. It’s high tide around 0700 and it takes 40 minutes to get to the spot we like, so it will be an early start.
    More beer….. :smile:

  7. KG says:

    The barra season starts on Feb.1 (I think) so if we catch any they have to be put back. Which we do anyway, so that’s no great loss. I don’t know why people rave about them as a table fish–there are better fish than barramundi to eat.

  8. KG says:

    Speaking of balls..the Brit police appear to have acquired some:

  9. KG says:

    Now I’ll just step outside for a cigarette to remind my emphysema that I’m the boss. :evil:

  10. Darin says:

    Obama thought cloud-“Daayaahm baby” :grin:

  11. mawm says:

    So Emma West, filmed while mouthing off against a bunch of obviously non-indigenous passengers on the Croyden tram, has been charged with a “racially aggravated public order offence” and has been remanded in custody without bail pending psychiatric reports.

    She has also has had her two young children taken off her by the intrusive and all-powerful social services!

    One is left absolutly speechless! The full force of the State has been used against a young English woman expressing an opinion about multiculti’s. Stalin would be proud.

    Video at

    • KG says:

      Yet those same “offended” people can scream abuse and promise to bring more terrorist attacks to Britain, while the police stand watching and do nothing!
      A year ago, I thought the term “cultural genocide” for what’s happening in Europe was a little over the top.
      Now I believe it’s deadly accurate.
      I blogged the other day about Breivik’s denial of a trial due to his “psychiatric illness” and how convenient that was. Now, again, we see the sanity of dissidents being questioned. Now, what regime used psychiatry as a weapon………?
      History repeats.

    • Andrei says:

      Depressing – this is not the England of Vera Lynn.

      I’d hate my daughters to be like that and they wont

  12. KG says:

    If you believe that people like this woman are “the real threat to English culture” then ask yourself–what the hell does it matter, when that culture is being systematically destroyed by the ruling elite?
    And why the hell should any English person be polite, “civilised” and docile in the face of cultural genocide, Andrei?
    I’d have argued this with you under your post in NZ Conservative, but the fact that collectivist scumbag there is agreeing with you ought to ring a few warning bells….

    • Andrei says:

      I don’t think she is a threat to English Culture, I think she is a symptom of English cultural decline – just crass that’s all.

      Locking her up is just another symptom of how GB is going down the toilet

      • KG says:

        The cultural decline is unarguable, but it’s also been aided and abetted by a political class and an ideology which has sold out the country and gutted the foundations of national pride and self-respect.
        We see it in a less developed form in Australia and NZ and it saddens and infuriates me to see people who are utterly indifferent or too ignorant to see the direction we’re headed. Britain ought to be a warning, but our masters regard it as a blueprint.

        • Andrei says:

          We pretty much agree except for the part where I think that expletive filled screeching at strangers in a crowded tramcar with a kid on you knee does not enhance the cause.

          • KG says:

            well, no, it doesn’t. But the reaction of the State to that is way over the top, too.

            • Andrei says:

              Indeed, that is just plain evil but the thought police have been active in the UK for a long time now.

              They are getting more brazen sigh

  13. KG says:

    The more I think about this, the more it pisses me off.
    You saw the post, I assume, on the horrific levels of “honour” crimes in Britain. You’ve seen the reports of muslims spitting on returning soldiers and holding protests in order to disrupt Remembrance Day services..
    Damn right it’s not Vera Lynn’s England any more–in that England, either the scumbags would have been arrested and deported or the locals would have beaten them to wthin an inch of their lives.
    No, it’s not that England. In this England, such people get free housing and welfare payments while they preach hatred of their hosts. In this England, democracy has become so corrupted that a vote is meaningless and the EU bureaucrats and craven Brit politicians continue to do exactly as they wish despite the expressed will of the people.
    And you may congratulate yourself that your daughters won’t grow up like the foul-mouthed woman in the video clip, but I wonder if you’ll feel so comfortable and smug if they’re forced to wear burqas in the brave new world that woman was railing against?
    Such people may offend your sensitivities, but it’s the despicable, rough, uncivilized people of her ilk who will regain freedom. Not the smooth, suited apparatchiks and sniveling multiculti fellow-travelling useful idiots of the death cult.
    Nor will it be the Church, if the current crop of apologists for barbarity who head the Christian churches are any indication.

  14. mawm says:

    I’m not English, but it pisses me off no end. :evil:

    One thing that is not apparent is why she went off like that. Sure she is foul-mouthed……but that seems to be the norm amongst todays youth who are neither educated nor restrained by social values. Something must have happened proir to the video being shot. If I was on my own I’d be intimidated if I was outnumbered by a bunch of multiculti’s and I’d just keep my head down.

    Well, she’s off to the re-education Gulag and her children will be indoctrinated raised by those whom the sociologists deem to be culturally sensitive enough.

  15. Cadwallader says:

    A few weeks ago there was a discussion which included reference to the late Ian Smith of Rhodesia. Can anyone recommend a good biography of him as I am hoping to add it to my holiday reading.

    • KG says:

      The MSM slipped it past, Caleb.

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      Relax, Caleb. Nothing to see here. It doesn’t fit the meme, and it is therefore ‘weather’. Had it been the hottest start in 50 years, it would be ‘further proof’. See? If the models agree with the reality, it’s proof. If the models disagree, it’s weather. The models are right. They’re right, I tell ya.