NZ the “least corrupt” country? Really?

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4 Responses to NZ the “least corrupt” country? Really?

  1. Redbaiter says:

    Man this lowest corruption rate bullshit pisses me off.

    The commies trot it out all of the time without understanding what it truly means.

    For a start, Transparency International is a commie front run by kool ade drinking liberals.

    Secondly, the index does not measure government corruption, it measure bribery and the likes between the private sector and government.

    The corruption that is killing NZ is legislative corruption. Lies about the environment. Lies about race. Lies about culture. Lies about “social justice”. All endorsed by politicians openly and legislated openly. Its therefore not measured on the corruption index as there are no charges and no convictions.

    To say NZ is number 1 on the lack corruption index does not mean that the NZ government is free of corruption, it means the NZ private sector is relatively honest.

    The NZ government is corrupt as any government, but because all of the crookedness is carried out under the guise of democratically blessed legislation, it goes unrecorded by Transparency International.

  2. dondiego says:

    Wishearts biography of Helen Clarke shows/ed corruption from govt and cops. I think it’s dropped in price now to $10.
    (I already own it, but bought a copy of Heaven+Earth for a wake-up gift. At least one young lady is keen to see some actual truth.
    Slow start. Too little Too late etc)

  3. WAKE UP says:

    Note that in all the interviews Cunliffe has done since the election, nobody has asked him about Yang Liu.

    • KG says:

      And they won’t. Even if these repeaters remembered it, which I seriously doubt. They have the brainpower of a fruitfly and the morals of a rutting goat.