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- Michael in Nelson on Open House 2/22/25
- Michael in Nelson on Open House 2/22/25
- Darin on Open House 2/22/25
- Michael in Nelson on Open House 2/22/25
- Darin on Open House 2/22/25
- Darin on Open House 2/22/25
- Darin on Open House 2/22/25
- Michael in Nelson on Open House 2/22/25
- Michael in Nelson on Open House 2/22/25
- Phil Stephenson on Open House 2/22/25
- Darin on Open House 2/22/25
- Michael in Nelson on Open House 2/22/25
‘I believe that politicians, lawyers, busy-bodies and do-gooders are like salamis- greatly improved by hanging for a time.’ Oswald Bastable
- "The loss of freedom is like cancer; it will spread slowly but surely across all parts of society until our liberty has been utterly eaten away and we are left with nothing but a half-forgotten idea of what freedom was."
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!!!!OOOMMMGGG!!! I could eat them both right now! Nice big bun, lettuce, mater, onion mustard and ketchup will be excellent and help feed us occupiers under this pier on the Outer Banks. Send beer and fine wines also. Our work is hard and we must eat to continue. We have two new occupiers so that makes six. Oh send new tents so we can have more privacy and tell the local churches to feed us some good dessert maybe banana pudding and chocolate pie. !!!OOOOMMMGGG!!!
Would Occunut like some caviar with that?
OOOOH yes yes.!!!!!OOOMMMGGG!!! Could use some blankets too, thanks. And a refrigerator that makes crushed ice.
Right. No problem. Just as soon as we can secure gummint funding and round up a few more taxpayers children to sell, it’s yours.
Air drop or surface delivery?
Don’t be a smart-arse. They’re ENTITLED!
Air drop may be better and could you please include a few pounds of California homegrown with rolling papers?
Damn hippies.
Well, yes..but we have a problem here. Some capitalist pig has substituted lumpfish caviar for the Beluga. To send it risks being labelled heartless and uncaring.
I can see the headlines now:
“Rich mango picker shows contempt for progressive heroes”
Wouldn’t look good, would it?
You running-dogs-of-tropical-fruit-harvesting. Always looking for ways to suppress and oppress the heroes of progressivism.
Okay,it is the time of the year,so here is some Obama Christmas Cheer-
Mr or Mrs Darin, try this one “You can’t turn a whore into a lady”
That would be just plain vanilla Darin, Southern
I like this one better-
On another note, perhaps this is a trial run for another nation’s elections coming up in 2012?
Well, yes. They wrote the playbook and the current gang supporting the Kenyan are steeped in that stuff.
Interesting, isn’t it how little we’ve heard from the Republican brass about the dangers (and proven record) of Dem vote rigging? If they get away with it this time it may just make the difference between getting that slimy little bot back in the WH and getting his RINO substitute over the line instead.
Jeez..Gingrich or Romney…….is that the best they can do?
No, I don’t believe Gingrich or Romney are the best they can do, but both know where the bodies are buried and will be able to deal with the shitstorm of lies the media will unleash during the next 12 months.
And as for vote rigging, if you thought Gore and Obama 2008 were bad, I suspect you ain’t seen nothin’ yet. I’m predicting the full range of corruption to be deployed, from vote-stuffing to ballot-rigging to beatings and violence. And if that fails, there’s always a friendly Supreme Court or a convenient civil emergency as a catalyst for the declaration of martial law and suspension of elections altogether.
“..there’s always a friendly Supreme Court..”
And there–in six words–you have it. A judiciary which has turned a blind eye to endemic corruption in the political process, which has virtually ignored the massive siphoning of taxpayer’s money to political cronies, which has trashed the Constitution and turned courts into “progressive” political weapons.
Unelected rulers working hand-in-glove with the people who are supposed to be representatives of the voters, so that they have become effectively a tool of the State.
Oh, and incidentally I think this is where Cain went wrong.
If he did not have an affair as alleged, he has backed down far too easily (and was therefore probably not up for the fight in the first place).
If he did have an affair as alleged he should have said “yes, I had an affair. It was consensual but it was wrong. Unlike former President Clinton with his habit of raping women”
Apologising seems to have become a required ritual–for righties. Leftist scum simply don’t bother, or if they do, it’s instantly back to business as usual.
It’s disgusting. I’m reminded of Rodney Hide’s crocodile tears when the Left were being very, very mean to him about his holiday with his then-girlfriend. Crying and apologies for doing something all of the other troughing scumbags do every day! Roger Douglas’ response to their hypocrisy was far closer to what I expect (Something like I’m entitled. Get fucked).
I’m also reminded of Richard Worth’s tears and apologies after he was caught in the Labour Party’s honey-trap. Fucking weak.
And yet, nothing at all about a Kenyan moslem, the Illegitimate Emperor, frequenting homosexual bath houses and accepting payment from older men for rendering certain services.
No apology from Al Gorebels after he was caught attempting the most audacious swindle in history.
No apology from Slick Willy after being caught perjuring himself.
No apology from Sean Penn (and others) for supporting a murderous tyrant and working against his own nation.
Do I detect some anger there?
If so, we need more of it.
I just wish those who claim to lead the Right would MAN THE FUCK UP. Cain is but the latest in a long line of cardboard cowboys, who talk big but fall apart as soon as our enemies start pissing on them.